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Author Topic: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ  (Read 79800 times)

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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #180 on: April 21, 2020, 06:55:21 pm »
\With the new situation and learning from home, I am so happy with the extra free time! On a school night, I usually get home about 5:30/6ish so it's great to have so much time to do things ;D. Virtual school has been so much fun and I'm finding it easier to get work done on time (and sleep early too). Other than that, I do miss the social interaction of the classroom and being able to walk outside freely for no reason.
I do agree with the free time bit, however, I'm not sure if it is just me but I find it so hard to motivate myself to do homework/study after class! I also do miss the social aspect a ton🥺

Hey PDT! I have a SAC for you in less than 3 weeks hahaha.
My folio has been going alright and I'm just waiting for an authentication check from my teacher. I got my first SAC back the other day and got 98%. A bit upset considering it was a one mark difference but other than that it's all good! (I'm gonna try get that 100% for the next SAC 8))
*Stay tuned to see Ashmi cramming her design options*
You can do this!! I've had a look through your folio and it seems incredible! And 98% on a SAC is UNREAL! You go get that 50 girl 💕💕

But seriously, Methods is going SO GOOD! Everything has been great and I've just being doing a lot of practise exam questions here and there. I love the extended response questions and I get so excited when I can use my CAS. (That sounds super weird but yeah I have a CAS obsession if you haven't noticed by the journal name).
There has been something I've been wanting to say about this subject for a long time, but OH MY LORD IT'S SO MUCH EASIER THAN FURTHER.

Further looked so hard compared to this subject and I have absolutely no clue why. I think it's because Methods is much more straightforward? It's a bit weird, but I'm glad it's like this! I have a good feeling this is going to be one of those subjects that does well for once.

I am SO glad that methods is working out well for you! For me, methods feels astronomically harder than further. This could be due to my teachers but idk why I find methods a lot harder and more strenuous this year. Also, any extended response tips would be very useful haha. We had a diagnostic circular functions test (from NEAP so it was v hard) and I feel like I failed the extended response...

Also, is it super common for people to do tutoring these days? I was having this interesting debate with a friend and it turns out that in my friend group everyone gets tutored for at least one subject except me😅. I find that at different schools, tutoring is either really common or not common at all.
At my school, it's really common to get tutoring for EAL/English, Spesh and Languages so what is it like at your school? (Similar subjects or completely different ones?). Do people tend to get tutoring for subjects they are weak at or some other reason? This whole debate happened yesterday when my friend explained how nearly everyone but one person in her Spesh class gets tutoring for Spesh *insert shocked Ashmi face* (I knew it was common, but I didn't think it was THAT common. Big eye opener).
At my school, it is SUPER common for people to have tutoring. In my methods class last year, about 16 out of 22 had tutoring. Most people get tutoring to get ahead. Most of my methods class learnt 1/2 in year 10, 3/4 in year 11 etc. I don't really know why people do this and I think tutors should only really be needed if you are struggling with a subject. But honestly, do NOT worry about other people getting tutoring. At the end of the day, hard work really does pay off. You have been working so SO hard and I KNOW you can reach your goals 🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕
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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #181 on: April 21, 2020, 09:22:32 pm »
With the new situation and learning from home, I am so happy with the extra free time! On a school night, I usually get home about 5:30/6ish so it's great to have so much time to do things ;D. Virtual school has been so much fun and I'm finding it easier to get work done on time (and sleep early too). Other than that, I do miss the social interaction of the classroom and being able to walk outside freely for no reason.
Yes!! I feel this, but there are definitely days where it can be counter-productive (oh I'll do it later cause i have the time), but agree that the extra free time is amazing cause, in reality, teachers seem to not set enough work to last the entire period (to account for mucking around and them talking lots?) so its nice to finish work 'early' and get some revision in or chill before your next class

There has been something I've been wanting to say about this subject for a long time, but OH MY LORD IT'S SO MUCH EASIER THAN FURTHER.
What. what are we all missing? are you god? how is this possible?

SAC next week on Argument Analysis and guess who doesn't feel prepared at all? That's right, I've barely done anything except mini-essay pieces here and there. (Excluding class stuff). My whole plan for the rest of the week is to write full on essays and get them marked for feedback. I'm going to aim for 100% (cause why not?) and now I'm going to get started on some lovely essays.
You're doing better than me I've only written the 2 essays I had to do in class haha, I love how prepared and dedicated you are like can i have some of your dedication in persistence please thanks haha

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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #182 on: April 22, 2020, 03:06:18 pm »
Hey Ashmi! I absolutely love your journal!! :))

Re: tutoring - I know people IRL who got tutored in all SIX of their subjects, at really expensive rates too (I'm talking $60-90 an hour) throughout year 11 and 12, and ended up with 60-70 ATARs; I know people who didn't get any tutoring and scored 99+.

I got tutored in 2 of my subjects - chem (because I didn't do 1/2 and having a tutor made it easier to catch up), and methods (because everyone I knew was getting tutored so I got peer pressured lol). I found them helpful, but at the same time, if you have the motivation and self-discipline to set goals for yourself and go out of your way to find extra resources, I wouldn't say it is necessary.

The other benefit of tutoring I can think of is having someone there who has went through it before to answer questions even outside of class and just to provide guidance in revision etc. But I think that's only something you'd get from private tutoring.

Congrats on your sick chem score! All the best for your methods test this Thursday! Can't wait for your future updates! ^-^
Hey colline! ;D
Oh my lord I feel so honoured that you are even reading this journal, let alone enjoying it🥺💕

I really like the idea of how you pointed out how its the concept of having someone there who has been through the same experience! I can totally see how that would help someone, both emotionally and academically in a sense. Thank you so much for saying your idea of the advantages/disadvantages of tutoring and I've never heard of someone getting tutored on all of their subjects and getting 70 ATARs (I don't even know anyone who doesn't get tutored and has gotten above 99+ before either🤣).

Thank you so much colline and there definitely will be more updates soon so stick around! :D

Like others have said tutoring is definitely not 100% necessary for someone to do well. There are definitely examples of those who didn't get tutored and still do relatively well and those with tutors not doing so well. However, as a whole on a population level, I would think it does help a student do better. It is definitely one of the contributing factors (amongst many others) on why those who are of a high SES are more likely going to have higher ATARs.

Hi Sine! ;D
Thank you for taking the time to write this up! Yeah, I can see how being more on the higher end of the SES has its advantages here and there. It was something that I noticed which was a significant difference when I moved schools in Year 11, specifically from the west to eastern suburbs. (Was quite flabbergasted at the differences)

You're absolutely welcome :)

Some people find mindfulness/meditation exercises useful, and generally mental and physical wellbeing are closely tied together. It sounds like you've been implementing some good things already with exercise, socialisation etc. so that's good :) What's been most useful for me was seeking counselling which helped me process some of the underlying stuff and break out of some of the patterns driving my stress. Earlier this year I reached out to Monash Online Counselling and they linked me a few resources like moodgym and reachout tools. You could also try things like headspace etc. to talk to a counsellor.

Hope this helps!

Edit: I didn't get any tutoring and achieved my 98+ goal so just adding to the chorus saying it's def possible to do well without it even though tutoring can be really helpful :)
Hey Bri! :D
Thank you so much for the links! Will definitely give these a shot later to try out. I think something that works out well for me is documenting my problems and I'll give using the links a go too :D

I do agree with the free time bit, however, I'm not sure if it is just me but I find it so hard to motivate myself to do homework/study after class! I also do miss the social aspect a ton🥺
You can do this!! I've had a look through your folio and it seems incredible! And 98% on a SAC is UNREAL! You go get that 50 girl 💕💕

I am SO glad that methods is working out well for you! For me, methods feels astronomically harder than further. This could be due to my teachers but idk why I find methods a lot harder and more strenuous this year. Also, any extended response tips would be very useful haha. We had a diagnostic circular functions test (from NEAP so it was v hard) and I feel like I failed the extended response...
At my school, it is SUPER common for people to have tutoring. In my methods class last year, about 16 out of 22 had tutoring. Most people get tutoring to get ahead. Most of my methods class learnt 1/2 in year 10, 3/4 in year 11 etc. I don't really know why people do this and I think tutors should only really be needed if you are struggling with a subject. But honestly, do NOT worry about other people getting tutoring. At the end of the day, hard work really does pay off. You have been working so SO hard and I KNOW you can reach your goals 🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕🥺💕
Hi eloisegrace!
*sending motivational vibes* you can do it!!! Handy tip, make sure you reward yourself when you stick on schedule with food obviously

It's super weird because I found Further to be easier last year, however, this year I can 100% confirm that Methods is much easier for me to understand. I think absolutely amazingly on the extended response! (Don't worry ;)). Awww thank you for your kind words and the same goes to you too! (I'm 1000000% positive you are doing to do so well!)

Yes!! I feel this, but there are definitely days where it can be counter-productive (oh I'll do it later cause i have the time), but agree that the extra free time is amazing cause, in reality, teachers seem to not set enough work to last the entire period (to account for mucking around and them talking lots?) so its nice to finish work 'early' and get some revision in or chill before your next class
What. what are we all missing? are you god? how is this possible?
You're doing better than me I've only written the 2 essays I had to do in class haha, I love how prepared and dedicated you are like can i have some of your dedication in persistence please thanks haha
Hi J_Rho :)
It can be a little bit counter-productive here and there I do agree ;D. I literally have no clue why Methods is easier but I would be very happy if it would stay this way 8). Please take some of my persistence because I have way too much of it🤣


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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #183 on: April 22, 2020, 05:25:29 pm »
Hey ashmi,

Always great to see a journal update from you, nice to see you are going well in all your subjects!  :)
I just thought I would comment on the thing about tutoring (heads up, I have never received any tutoring). I certainly think there are benefits to tutoring, (as many people have already explained better than I ever could), but I would like to make sure of a couple of things.
a) Tutoring is not a prerequisite for success in VCE; I know several people who had zero tutoring throughout their entire schooling life who received high 99s. Success ultimately lies on the individual and their work ethic, and purely based on the way you speak about school and your subjects on this journal, you clearly have a very high work ethic and pride yourself on your school work.
b) At the end of the day, it should be your choice as to whether having a private tutor would be beneficial to you in VCE. If you decide that it would be, I would hope that that decision is yours, and not influenced by other people. Please don't feel like you have to do something just because other people are doing it!  :)

Anyway, hope you enjoy the rest of your week, and best of luck for your upcoming SACs!


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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #184 on: April 26, 2020, 08:35:28 pm »
Hi TigerMum!

(I'm so sorry I've just seen your reply :'( )

Hey ashmi,

Always great to see a journal update from you, nice to see you are going well in all your subjects!  :)
I just thought I would comment on the thing about tutoring (heads up, I have never received any tutoring). I certainly think there are benefits to tutoring, (as many people have already explained better than I ever could), but I would like to make sure of a couple of things.
a) Tutoring is not a prerequisite for success in VCE; I know several people who had zero tutoring throughout their entire schooling life who received high 99s. Success ultimately lies on the individual and their work ethic, and purely based on the way you speak about school and your subjects on this journal, you clearly have a very high work ethic and pride yourself on your school work.
b) At the end of the day, it should be your choice as to whether having a private tutor would be beneficial to you in VCE. If you decide that it would be, I would hope that that decision is yours, and not influenced by other people. Please don't feel like you have to do something just because other people are doing it!  :)

Anyway, hope you enjoy the rest of your week, and best of luck for your upcoming SACs!
Thank you so much for your input!
I don't know if what I'm about to say makes sense, but at my school, there is a weird sense of "tutoring peer pressure"? This is really obvious in the language and spesh classes (probably could include EAL/English and Physics into this too), especially where this weird culture exists? Apparently it's really common at my school and me being totally naive just noticed it🤣. (Even if I wanted to do tutoring I'm definitely not in the position to afford one). It's very weird going from a school where barely anyone gets tutored to a school where left, right and centre the conversations are like "I have tutoring on the weekend with my (subject) tutor". I probably just haven't adapted to the cultural norm of my school :-\, eitherway everything should be all good :D.

Good luck for any assessments you may having coming up TigerMum and I hope you have an amazing week! (Also I would love to see you update your journal sometime)


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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #185 on: April 26, 2020, 10:44:16 pm »
✰Update: 26/04✰

We are back baby with another journal update! Welcome to the land of "I don't know what's going on but that's fine cause I have a sewing needle and that's more powerful than the pen vs the sword🤣"*
*Disclaimer, do NOT threaten people with your sewing needles and store away correctly please. (Unless they think the laws of Physics is not true than I give you every permission to poke this person)

So what have I been doing recently? Binge eating and cramming for SACs. Yep, it's SAC season at my school and within the next 3 weeks I have about 5 SACs... Hahahahaha.
Anyway, let's move onto the juicy subject specific stuff!

Hi. It's you again.
I treasure you so much yet hate you with a burning passion.

Ok all that aside, let's get onto some stuff that's been going on with this subject. So I got my Special Rel + Circular Motion SAC back and here is a quick roll call of how it went:

Drawing a space/time diagram? Here! Invariant of Special Relativity? Here~ Very complicated synchrotron with multiple vectors to solve the minimum speed so someone wouldn't go flying? Here! Speed of light?... Speed of light are you here?...

Yep, Ashmi over here in her SAC forgot to say the speed of light was . The most obvious thing I didn't say in one of my worded answers (will never say 'c' again).


*The weirdest rant you will ever here coming through*
So my teacher has the audacity to chuck in stuff not in the study design in the SAC (and this is a bold statement but the Spesh Physics questions are easier than my teacher's SACs). He makes the SACs so challenging so no one can get 100%, and to be honest, I really like his approach because I know that every time I walk into his assessments, I'm going to get wrecked, and when I mean get wrecked, I mean PULVERISED. I like it though, because I'm always on edge, and no matter how much work you do beforehand, you literally stand no chance. (Well if you did checkpoints, past study design exams and read conceptual Physics I could probably guarantee you will get at least 55%).
I think my Physics teacher has found my journal on here too, and if you really have, it's GAME ON. I'm am absolutely determined to get one SAC that is 100% and I know you are going to do everything in your power to prevent that from happening, but YOLO I'm going to play your game and WIN.
Other than that, I survived (at last) and have someone managed to get an average high enough to be able to lock in 29/30 for outcome 3. Thank the lord of Physics looking after me and please bless me with more luck so I don't get slaughtered on the Physics battlefield for the upcoming Fields SAC.

Yo Yo Yo it's PDT!
So I'm studying right now for an upcoming SAC and other than that, I have a massive art block which is preventing me from starting any design options. Hoping it goes way soon though because I can see exactly what the future holds if I don't do something soon.

Cram time let's go!! Got a Methods SAC in two weeks and I'm going to be flat out working. I got a range of my score from a test I did the other day and somehow got between 90 - 100%. Considering how terrible at basic arithmetic I am and doing things without a CAS, this was a mini surprise!
Just going to hope that my actual SAC is also in that range too...

I have a SAC this Thursday and I am NOT prepared. I am going to continue to write essays like wildfire, get feedback, repeat and pray for the best. Wish me luck.

This is the weird subject. We have a SAC next week, but its going to be a bit weird. They plan to make the whole SAC MCQ, however, one you pick an answer and move on you CANNOT change it again. This scares me, a lot. The idea of not being able to change your answer or see the other questions when you want to skip a question and come back later terrifies me.

Mood song extract of today's journal update goes to:
再会 by  はるまきごはん

So this is how we live a life, right?
Living is not just breathing, right?

They two don't know common things
nor regret solitarily
They are indescribably beautiful
Together they can keep
the loneliness of the setting sun in mind
on their long trip to the blue planet

The final bell rings
They two will be left behind
The adults are sure they are insane
They two are surely alive
Like the scattered petals,
the dancers in the sweet wind in spring,
such ending suits them both
Farewell to this boisterous world
They keep holding hands for
the reunion which never comes again

That's it for today's episode! Stick around for more in the future! 8)


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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #186 on: April 26, 2020, 11:04:28 pm »
Heyyy ashmi! Go to sleep!

You with physics sounds exactly like me with English - I have such a love-hate relationship with it :(. But, we shall persevere and beat our teachers/VCAA/whoever! (And can I just say, that Pingu reference was great). Also, I did something similar in my bio SAC. I can do the hard stuff but I always forget the easy stuff... which sucks. We can share our pain!

Art block sucks, but I'm sure you'll get out of it soon! Good luck with your PDT SAC - I'm sure you'll ace it! Congrats on methods btw - you should be super proud! Good luck with your English SAC - boy do you have a whole lot of SACs coming up!

That chem thing scares me too - not being able to go back???!!!! :0 But I'm sure you'll do well. Everyone's in the same boat, so give it your best shot and good results will find its way to you!

Have a great week, and good luck with everything :)
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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #187 on: April 27, 2020, 06:47:17 am »
Hey Ash,

Thanks for the update :) Congrats with the physics and YES, go for that 100%, we believe in you!  Art block would suck but I know you'll get there soon and it will be aMaZInG, can't wait to see more of the folio.
Good luck with your many sacs. Sounds like a busy week but I know you'll ace it  8)

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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #188 on: April 27, 2020, 08:46:13 am »
Hello Ashmi! Yay, another update!  ;D

CONGRATULATIONS on that Physics SAC Mark! That's a fantastic score!

Looks like you have a lot of SACs but I know you're going to do amazing on them!

Have a nice day and looking forward to the next update! 😊
« Last Edit: April 28, 2020, 08:08:30 am by Evolio »


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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #189 on: April 27, 2020, 10:21:27 pm »
Heyyy ashmi! Go to sleep!

You with physics sounds exactly like me with English - I have such a love-hate relationship with it :(. But, we shall persevere and beat our teachers/VCAA/whoever! (And can I just say, that Pingu reference was great). Also, I did something similar in my bio SAC. I can do the hard stuff but I always forget the easy stuff... which sucks. We can share our pain!

Art block sucks, but I'm sure you'll get out of it soon! Good luck with your PDT SAC - I'm sure you'll ace it! Congrats on methods btw - you should be super proud! Good luck with your English SAC - boy do you have a whole lot of SACs coming up!

That chem thing scares me too - not being able to go back???!!!! :0 But I'm sure you'll do well. Everyone's in the same boat, so give it your best shot and good results will find its way to you!

Have a great week, and good luck with everything :)
Hey whys! ;D OMG It's a reply from whys
Why were you up so late hmmmm?? :P

I think we are living parallel lives or something 🤣. Pingu is officially going to be my new mascot for this journal so you are going to see a lot more of the small guy to express my emotions (meme style of course 8)).
Silly little mistakes are the biggest PAIN to any study. Thank you so much for blessing me with your good luck and hopefully, everything turns out alright :). Have a fabulous week!

Hey Ash,

Thanks for the update :) Congrats with the physics and YES, go for that 100%, we believe in you!  Art block would suck but I know you'll get there soon and it will be aMaZInG, can't wait to see more of the folio.
Good luck with your many sacs. Sounds like a busy week but I know you'll ace it  8)
Hey Choco! ;D Thanks for stopping by to read this mess journal ;D

Physics is making my inner competitive side boil so badly and right now, my motor is just ready to pulverise anything😂. Thank you so much for your kind words and I hope you have an amazing week yourself too!

Hello Ashmi! Yay, another update! 😁

CONGRATULATIONS on that Physics SAC Mark! That's a fantastic score!

Looks like you have a lot of SACs but I know you're going to do amazing on them!

Have a nice day and looking forward to the next update! 😊
Hey Evolio!😄

Thank you so much and good luck to any assessments you have coming up too! You have got this 8)
Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoy the rest of your week~


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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #190 on: April 30, 2020, 06:14:03 pm »
✰Mini-Update: 30/04✰

Quick Mini Update!

I can kiss that 40 study score good bye now. It's official.

I did so badly in that Argument Analysis SAC. Poor expression, terrible analysis and much worse than any of the practise essays I wrote in the past. I'm definitely not get 90%, let alone 80%.
How I feel right now? Absolutely terrible and it puts much more pressure on my other subjects. It really does feel a little bit like the end of the world considering its worth 40 marks of the study design and that just makes me feel even worse. I don't know what to do now so I guess I'll let this subject slide for now. It's even worse that is literally just sitting on my desk and already on the first page I can point out so many errors with it.
What does this mean? Well now two very specific subjects (*cough PDT and Physics*) are currently my lifeline 'be all or end all' subjects. It's just putting into perspective that I'm going to have to do insanely well in my other subjects in hope to compensate for poor English. (But as you guys all know Ashmi has terrible luck so no matter how much I do it's going to turn out bad anyway). I really hope my English end of year exam can make up for that SAC...

This is literally me trying to do PDT and Physics but thinking about English.

Because we can't have all negative thoughts in one journal update Methods is coming back to save my butt. So recently I did a diagnostic test for Methods the other day and in a previous update I said it was between 90 - 100% and expecting low 90s. Well, I got my official corrected paper back today and my lord, I really didn't expect that score that was staring back at me. It was a LOT higher than expected (lost only a mark) but I don't feel like celebrating due to English... T-T

That's it for now! I'm going to finish doing some good old Physics problems ^-^.



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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #191 on: April 30, 2020, 06:27:08 pm »
I can kiss that 40 study score good bye now. It's official.
No, you will NOT kiss that 40 ss a goodbye. You will persevere, you CAN do this. It's never too late to improve. The people who truly fail are the ones who give up after their failures, not realising how close they were to success. Please, don't give up! I'm rooting for you :D

I did so badly in that Argument Analysis SAC. Poor expression, terrible analysis and much worse than any of the practise essays I wrote in the past. I'm definitely not get 90%, let alone 80%.
As long as you learn from your SAC and don't do it again, you will be fine on the exam. I know exactly how you feel - you KNOW you could have done better because you have done better, but you just can't reproduce it in the actual thing. But, do not lose hope! Do well on your other SACs and you most definitely can mitigate a 'bludge' SAC score. Also, I'm sure you didn't do as bad as you think, and even if you did, it's all a learning experience. Don't think too much of it. Everything I said was very hypocritical, but saying it made me realise how much time I wasted mourning a very poor English SAC score. Don't do the same! Find your mistakes, fix them, and move on. If it's not doing well on a SAC - why is this? Why could I not write an essay of the same quality as before - stress, mind blanks...? If you can identify it, you're halfway through fixing it. I believe in you ashmi, and I believe we can both do well in English if we put our mind to it. We CAN, so we WILL. I'll hold you up to that 40+ ;)

This is literally me trying to do PDT and Physics but thinking about English.
Love the Pingu reference, once again. I think I tangentially recall the specific episode when Pingu was angrily making that card...

Also, congratulations on that envious methods mark! It is definitely something you should celebrate at one point or another :)
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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #192 on: April 30, 2020, 06:42:43 pm »
That was the exact feeling I felt when I did my argument analysis. I ended up with a 28/40, which brought me to tears after all the effort I put into the practice SACs I did. Like me, you'll have other opportunities to shine in English, and an exam. You will get there, it may take some hard work and some extra pressure, but you can get there!

Plus it is just one SAC, so hopefully if we both don't screw up the others too much we will be okay :)

Don't let your english score bring down that awesome methods achievement (Can i please borrow your skills?). That's a fantastic mark, and you should 100% be proud of it.
Enjoy the upcoming weekend, and try not to be so hard on yourself.
2020: VCE 93.2
2022: BSci/Arts (Chemistry/Pharmacology and French)@Monash


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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #193 on: April 30, 2020, 06:43:32 pm »
No. English will not bring you down. You CAN DO IT!!
In all seriousness, pleaseeeeeee dont let one score get you down - its so normal to have an 'off' day, and I think we all that with English! You will persevere and I'm totally sure you will achieve your goals in this subject - keep at it!!

And super congrats on that Methods score!! Yay!!
Gotta love physics and creative subjects after english ha ha - also that pingu reference is everything lol.



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Re: The CASual Journey to the End | Ashmi's VCE journal アシュ
« Reply #194 on: April 30, 2020, 07:22:16 pm »
As the saying goes: If you don't fail, you don't learn. I know it's easier said than done, but we can't dwell on some indefinite 2020 English SAC. How's the Chem going?
« Last Edit: April 30, 2020, 07:25:01 pm by brothanathan »