For this question why is it less than 5.14
If the stationary phase is more polar then wouldn't it interact more and the retention time increases
polarity of the mobile phase decreases then the polar compound has a lower affinity for the mobile phase so longer retention time
A H2O/acetonitrile mobile phase already indicates a reverse phase chromatographic technique since the mobile phase is polar, implying that the stationary phase and analytes ie ketamine will be relatively non polar. No idea why they said "if the chromatography was reverse phase" as if it wasn't RP-HPLC already.
100% acetonitrile is also polar, but less so than 50% H2O and 50% acetonitrile. Hence ketamine which is implied to be more non polar will elute faster cuz it spends more time in the 100% acetonitrile mobile phase compared to 50% H2O and 50% acetonitrile following the like dissolves like rule. BTW ketamine ain't aliphatic cuz it has a benzene ring, so I don't know what kind of crack the question is on