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Author Topic: ATAR Notes-A Review  (Read 2016 times)

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ATAR Notes-A Review
« on: January 14, 2019, 10:36:29 am »
This goes out to all who have just stumbled across the forums into this 'new users lounge' and aren't sure about whether to get involved in the forum community.
I can't seriously recommend it enough.
Okay, let me back up. I first discovered the forums at the October lecture series of 2017 (the first for the 2018 cohort) and i had very mixed feelings about year 12 and how i would cope academically, especially in advanced English after my not so good results in year 11. So i attended Emily's advanced lecture. Overall the lecture was definitely a huuuuuuuge help (also really really recommend the lecture series' too-soooo good) but she also touched on the forum side of atar notes. A few days later i decided to check it out myself. Fast forward two months and i had won the December forum 'member of the month' award and made about 150 posts already. It took a few days and i had brought into the vision that this community was preaching.
Fast forward to the results release and after looking like I'd barely pass English and maths and scrape a few low band 4s and I'd managed to score one band 4 and FOUR band 5s!
I had gotten so involved around the forums over the year and the community in general. I asked too many questions and had them all answered and it honestly helped me soooo much. Like i passed tests that i would've otherwise failed thanks to people on these forums.
There aren't many better places for you to help improve your marks. I had countless English and history essay drafts, hard math questions, obscenely obscure society questions and content heavy business studies responses marked and answered and i cannot express how good it was to have a resource like this to fall back on. It saved me countless times. It can do similar things for you!

Year 12 can be a very difficult time mentally for a lot of people. This forum manages to help with that pressure. Not only is it good academically, but it is a good place to escape those difficult parts of year 12. There are many sections devoted to non-academic related discussion in order to rest your mind and there are literally hundreds of super helpful and super supportive forum members (me included) ready to help you get through year 12.

It's like a tutoring service, but instead of paying lots of money for one person, you're paying $0 for hundreds of different people ready to help you to improve and bring their own unique opinions in order to enhance an explanation.

This forum honestly made the year so much better. I have made a bunch of new friends because of it (you all know you are  ;D ) and helped me to achieve my best during the hsc and get into the course i really wanted.
I give it an 11/10 It's that good, i cannot recommend it enough. I have nothing but good things to say about this forum and all its members (shoutout to you all. You're all awesome!)

Hope to see you round the forums soon and good luck with your year 12 journeys

Yours sincerely, Adam
"Live life like a pineapple. Stand tall, wear a crown and be sweet on the inside"

"May you grow up to be righteous; may you grow up to be true. May you always know the truth and see the lights surrounding you. May you always be courageous, stand upright and be strong"

"Be fearless in the pursuit of what sets your soul on fire"

Advice for starting year 12
An open letter to my School Friends
Would 10 year old you be proud of who you are?

2020: Bachelor of Arts @ANU