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I need some leadership/people advice
« on: February 02, 2018, 08:09:18 pm »
Hey! So like, idk where else this post would go in the forums!!! But i just thought it would be alright to check out what kind of advice y'all had for me on this, uh, friendship crisis?

CONTEXT: I'm gay and last year I created a little campaign with my friend to get a gay-straight alliance (a fun lunchtime club) in our school. We "failed"- but we got the principal and staff thinking, which established a new school policy that's like "every student is safe here"

Recently my friend and I have been reviving this small campaign for a GSA, with the addition of a new friend and a classmate (who's not super involved but is super interested). I was designated leader of this year's campaign

I saw the school counsellor today and after that, and a talk with my mum and a week of thinking, I decided on a whim to scrap the campaign due to reality (we go to a catholic school and they would never allow us to have a GSA), and to switch the group's campaigns: no more GSA, but we'd work on getting ppl from Twenty10 and Beyondblue to talk about LGBT stuff and mental health (different presentations etc I'm just giving ideas)

Two of my GSA members disagree and are mad at me because of these changes. One has said that I'm just "giving up"- but I don't think we are, I just think we should focus on more productive campaigns that are more likely to get the school's approval.

What do you guys think??? What should I do with these 2 disagreeing friends? How to agree????

EDIT: the "GSA" is our unofficial side friend group of like 3.5 people, and the school gave hard, definite "no"'s because of "segregation" and the catholic stuff, the principal is apparently brave for making the policy
« Last Edit: February 03, 2018, 12:00:21 am by melodamn »
Mel | 18 | history hoe | 1st in cafs year 11 | cafs dropout

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Re: I need some leadership/people advice
« Reply #1 on: February 02, 2018, 09:27:14 pm »

How about keeping your club (but maybe with a different name if your school doesn’t like the current one) However instead of whatever you are currently doing, use the club to organise the speakers to come in etc.

It sounds like your school isn’t completely against it, maybe they’re just worried about backlash from conservative parents.

For an example, my school (public school, part of the ‘safe schools’ coalition, so the opposite of yours) has a display board on a wall that has positive messages on it, I don’t remember what exactly but lots of rainbow colours, and there’s lyrics from mackelmore’s song ‘same love’ up at the moment. (We also had a rainbow flag hanging in the resource centre during the postal survey).

There’s a group of students at my school called ‘student health ambassadors’ they have an office (which used to be the school counsellors office). The SHA did physical and mental first aid training, and they organise speakers to come in, and teach the younger kids health education (drugs, smoking, sex ed, etc).

My school is obviously more progressive than yours, but perhaps something along these lines will help.

Also perhaps you could do things like making pamphlets (my school has pamphlets from a whole lot of mental health organisations about depression/anxiety/exam stress/being gay/etc. or wristbands/badges to show support.

Also perhaps you could do fundraisers for charities (eg. A gay support charity like minus18, or something more general like beyondblue/lifeline). Bake sales or free dress days work well - also you could combine this with the above.

tl;dr keep the group, change the mission slightly.
« Last Edit: February 02, 2018, 09:30:10 pm by PhoenixxFire »
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Re: I need some leadership/people advice
« Reply #2 on: February 02, 2018, 09:33:45 pm »
-----things to think about: disclaimer: I don't know you, your friends, or the situation fully. This is just my best guess. ---------
Why were you initially designated as leader?
Did your actions and the actions of your friends reflect this assigned role?
What made you decide/realise that your school wouldn't allow this? Do your friends know what that was?
Have you taken any action aside from mentally or talking to your friends in regards to these changes? Were they involved or aware?
Could the two campaigns work concurrently?

Ok, so I think perhaps changing your communication/ word choices could help you a bit. You've described the decision as a "whim" which could unintentionally result in the audience thinking "oh, it's not even important to them, they don't care anymore, why have they backflipped" despite the fact that this IS something important to you that you have reflected at length on. Just because your decision was sudden doesn't mean that it was a whim.        I have fixated on this point a bit, and you may not have even used this language in talking to your friends BUT when you are dealing with potential conflict it's important to be aware of potential connotations and miscommunication.

It's possible that your friends feel that their values have been attacked and that you have "switched sides". It's important for you to know the root of the conflict, where is the exact point where you views diverge. Work from the last place where you agree and see explore why the separation from there has occurred. Do they believe that even if it was unproductive that you should stick with the campaign anyway? Do they believe that it may not be productive? Are they opposed to having speakers come in and activities be run or just unsatisfied with that as a replacement? Or are they unhappy with the way in which things happened rather than what happened?    Seek to understand where they are coming from (as individuals) and put yourself in a position where you have some respect for their view - then, you will have a better idea of how to persuade them.


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Re: I need some leadership/people advice
« Reply #3 on: February 02, 2018, 09:39:22 pm »
Hey! So like, idk where else this post would go in the forums!!! But i just thought it would be alright to check out what kind of advice y'all had for me on this, uh, friendship crisis?

CONTEXT: I'm gay and last year I created a little campaign with my friend to get a gay-straight alliance (a fun lunchtime club) in our school. We "failed"- but we got the principal and staff thinking, which established a new school policy that's like "every student is safe here"

Recently my friend and I have been reviving this small campaign for a GSA, with the addition of a new friend and a classmate (who's not super involved but is super interested). I was designated leader of this year's campaign

I saw the school counsellor today and after that, and a talk with my mum and a week of thinking, I decided on a whim to scrap the campaign due to reality (we go to a catholic school and they would never allow us to have a GSA), and to switch the group's campaigns: no more GSA, but we'd work on getting ppl from Twenty10 and Beyondblue to talk about LGBT stuff and mental health (different presentations etc I'm just giving ideas)

Two of my GSA members disagree and are mad at me because of these changes. One has said that I'm just "giving up"- but I don't think we are, I just think we should focus on more productive campaigns that are more likely to get the school's approval.

What do you guys think??? What should I do with these 2 disagreeing friends? How to agree????
I do agree with phoenixxfire and miniturtle have said, its totally right. You can alter it slightly without completly giving it up, this way you can still achieve your goals.
But at the same time, i take a more passionate approach to these sorts of things (thats just who i am). If i truly believe in something, then no one is going to stop me from achieving it. At all. No individuals or groups are going to prevent me.
I would try everything in my power to make it work, no matter how hard it may seem. It doesn't matter, the backlash i would get, from the school, from conservative parents; none of it would stand in the way of achieving what i believe in
That may seem more hardline, and im sorry if that does not help, but thats just how i am
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Re: I need some leadership/people advice
« Reply #4 on: February 02, 2018, 11:58:24 pm »

How about keeping your club (but maybe with a different name if your school doesn’t like the current one) However instead of whatever you are currently doing, use the club to organise the speakers to come in etc.

It sounds like your school isn’t completely against it, maybe they’re just worried about backlash from conservative parents.

For an example, my school (public school, part of the ‘safe schools’ coalition, so the opposite of yours) has a display board on a wall that has positive messages on it, I don’t remember what exactly but lots of rainbow colours, and there’s lyrics from mackelmore’s song ‘same love’ up at the moment. (We also had a rainbow flag hanging in the resource centre during the postal survey).

There’s a group of students at my school called ‘student health ambassadors’ they have an office (which used to be the school counsellors office). The SHA did physical and mental first aid training, and they organise speakers to come in, and teach the younger kids health education (drugs, smoking, sex ed, etc).

My school is obviously more progressive than yours, but perhaps something along these lines will help.

Also perhaps you could do things like making pamphlets (my school has pamphlets from a whole lot of mental health organisations about depression/anxiety/exam stress/being gay/etc. or wristbands/badges to show support.

Also perhaps you could do fundraisers for charities (eg. A gay support charity like minus18, or something more general like beyondblue/lifeline). Bake sales or free dress days work well - also you could combine this with the above.

tl;dr keep the group, change the mission slightly.

Hey! Thanks for responding!
I think your school's advocacy for mental health stuff/the fundraising/organising speakers is totally on-brand with what I envision the group to drive! I suggested to the others that we become an overall advocacy group in the school.
Also! Our "GSA" is an unofficial friend group made up of 3.5 people (.5 is the girl that's keen but doesn't do much) and sometimes we meet (mostly communication by group chat). The school said we could hang out in the library but that we couldn't have our own official group, that's too much
I love what your school's doing, though! Sounds so good, like a dream. I hope your school keeps up its good initiatives  ;D

-----things to think about: disclaimer: I don't know you, your friends, or the situation fully. This is just my best guess. ---------
Why were you initially designated as leader?
Did your actions and the actions of your friends reflect this assigned role?
What made you decide/realise that your school wouldn't allow this? Do your friends know what that was?
Have you taken any action aside from mentally or talking to your friends in regards to these changes? Were they involved or aware?
Could the two campaigns work concurrently?

Ok, so I think perhaps changing your communication/ word choices could help you a bit. You've described the decision as a "whim" which could unintentionally result in the audience thinking "oh, it's not even important to them, they don't care anymore, why have they backflipped" despite the fact that this IS something important to you that you have reflected at length on. Just because your decision was sudden doesn't mean that it was a whim.        I have fixated on this point a bit, and you may not have even used this language in talking to your friends BUT when you are dealing with potential conflict it's important to be aware of potential connotations and miscommunication.

It's possible that your friends feel that their values have been attacked and that you have "switched sides". It's important for you to know the root of the conflict, where is the exact point where you views diverge. Work from the last place where you agree and see explore why the separation from there has occurred. Do they believe that even if it was unproductive that you should stick with the campaign anyway? Do they believe that it may not be productive? Are they opposed to having speakers come in and activities be run or just unsatisfied with that as a replacement? Or are they unhappy with the way in which things happened rather than what happened?    Seek to understand where they are coming from (as individuals) and put yourself in a position where you have some respect for their view - then, you will have a better idea of how to persuade them.

1. I was basically doing all the boring stuff (organisation, writing, research) and they were like "lol ok Mel's the leader" (bc a group always needs leadership)
2. I think it did, but also not- i did all the brain power but i wasn't consulting in my democratic government (modern history Germany 1919-1939 ppl: article 48 am i right. not good)
3. We already fought the school last year and they gave us a hard, definite no: "segregation", catholic stuff, etc. My friends know this- also i pissed off my school office faculty (nah just basically the teacher in charge of student wellbeing) when i was bullied during the postal vote and i wanted some #change
4. they were not involved (thus, i am a terrible leader)
5. I guess they could! I've been doing some thinking, and I want to try something (resolving the first campaign; closure)

Thanks for responding!
I guess "whim" wasn't my best choice of words, you're right.
I'm going to talk to the friend that was angry the most to understand where they're coming from, and to ask them if they think it's productive.
I was also wrong at the time of making that original post. Only one friend is really angry, the other's just mildly conflicted.
The thing is, it's my last year at my school (last 3 productive terms really) whilst that friend (the angry one) is in year 11 and therefore has more time. I'm going to communicate to them my feelings with time and why I think it's crucial we don't waste it.

I do agree with phoenixxfire and miniturtle have said, its totally right. You can alter it slightly without completly giving it up, this way you can still achieve your goals.
But at the same time, i take a more passionate approach to these sorts of things (thats just who i am). If i truly believe in something, then no one is going to stop me from achieving it. At all. No individuals or groups are going to prevent me.
I would try everything in my power to make it work, no matter how hard it may seem. It doesn't matter, the backlash i would get, from the school, from conservative parents; none of it would stand in the way of achieving what i believe in
That may seem more hardline, and im sorry if that does not help, but thats just how i am

Hey Mada!!! Great to see you responding to my post here (society and culture forum board mutual)

That's very true. I wish I were more of a Gryffindor with this issue. But I also think that being real and wise with my resources is also important. I wish I had more time, and I wish I had executed the first campaign better.
In some ways, the goals, visibility and education, have been progressing slowly since last year. There's my "GSA" squad who are all pretty "out" in the school (visibility), and education comes in our facebook posts lmao

But yeah, I see your point. I do have that determination within me. I wish I had enough energy.


Mel | 18 | history hoe | 1st in cafs year 11 | cafs dropout

english advanced / visual arts / society and culture / modern history / extension history / sor1 / TVET human services