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VCE Chinese SL & SLA / general conversation
« Last post by cttt on July 16, 2022, 09:59:38 pm »
Hi guys!
I was wondering if there are any gc resources or example gc questions written by people you've alr completed the subject?

I'm currently writing my gc and am hoping for something to reference :) eg. how to include 俗语 and 成语
VIC Year 10 Discussion / Kwong Lee dow young scholars program
« Last post by cttt on July 16, 2022, 09:56:45 pm »
Hi there!
i was wondering what the application process for the KLD program;
i know applications open in august, but i was wondering if ur school needs to first choose to endorse u, then send u receive a link to fill out the application,
or if the application can be accessed online, and then after you've filled out the application, you request an endorsement from the school?

VCE Physics / Re: Physics Course Guide - Tips, Explanations & Advice (50 RAW)
« Last post by SS1314 on July 16, 2022, 08:40:02 pm »
Thank you so much, my physics final exam is on next Wednesday and I am only weak in physics. That is why I always search for tips online. I am also worried about my assignments but I found my answer over https://edubirdie.org/can-you-get-caught-using-edubirdie/ here that I won't get caught by using Edubirdie and after taking help from their professional essay writers, I can easily concentrate on preparing for my physics final exam.

No worries mate, glad to help
VCE Specialist Mathematics / Re: Accelerated Maths, Methods & Specialist.
« Last post by james.358 on July 16, 2022, 07:49:59 pm »
Hey there!

Great to hear about your enthusiasm in Maths. To answer your question, 1/2 can be best thought as building the necessary foundations to 3/4. It doesn't actually count towards your ATAR. For VCE Maths, the 3/4 covers very similar content, but does increase the breadth and difficulty of what you're learning.

About specialist maths, it is definitely a subject that you should take. In fact, based on your aptitude and enthusiasm, I'd even suggest looking into doing University Extension math in Y12. Which is conceptually more challenging for much less workload. Anyways, it is probably best to take Specialist Maths 1/2 in year 11. Otherwise you'll end up doing two 3/4 subjects in Year 11, which is very stressful. It is also beneficial to learn Specialist Maths after learning Methods as there is some significant overlap.

Hope my answer helps!
VCE Specialist Mathematics / Accelerated Maths, Methods & Specialist.
« Last post by jahamas2 on July 16, 2022, 05:59:27 pm »
This is my first post and I'm kinda new to this stuff, I'm currently in Year 9 and considering taking accelerated math (methods) for Year 10, I average around ~94-100% on my tests for maths consistently and started learning methods content roughly 2 months ago such as Calculus, Hyperbolic functions and Advanced probability. I've learnt Factoring Trinomials and Polynomials, Parabolas & Non-linear, Trigonometry, Trig functions, Complex numbers, Vectors, Limits, Statistics and Matrices prior to learning calculus. I don't have a tutor and find self-studying the most effective way for me to understand topics. I'm a fairly quick learner and I have a strong interest in learning new topics in mathematics, always enjoyed attempting challenging content above my level and I'm rarely busy outside of school. If I score well on methods to be eligible for specialist maths, Should I take it? can I take it later or do I have to take it in Year 10? Also, what's the difference between Units 1/2 & Units 3/4? Thanks. :)
VCE Legal Studies / unit 4 case study help
« Last post by pel0010 on July 16, 2022, 05:59:23 pm »

I'm struggling with discussing the significance of cases in sections 7/24 and 109.

Most of these questions are worth 8 marks but I'm struggling with keeping my answers clear and concise, with everything I need, with good structure, without brain dumping, in the time I have.

The cases I'm most confident with are:
-Tasmania dam case
- ACT v commonwealth

Does anyone have any tips?

The QCE Journey Journal / Re: My QCE journey doing the suicide 6
« Last post by Phytoplankton on July 16, 2022, 01:55:53 pm »
Thank you phytoplankton for the response, I am looking forward to the content that I am awaiting to learn.
As you said you did the same subject combination, how was it? Was the workload too much at some point and what was your daily study schedule like? As for the subjectivity of these questions, i just want your perspective on it :)

Happy to help! Like you, I would be that person who was called the "maths and science student". So, I did very much enjoy the subject combination I had throughout Grade 11 and 12. However, I would be lying if I didn't say that it was very very very stressful in the month/last few weeks before the external exams. With the UCAT on top of that, it made it more difficult to schedule the necessary study in. Ideally, my daily schedule should have looked like a consistent studying and reviewing of each subject equally but of course, I wasn't that ideal, perfect student. Same with the UCAT prep and school, I studied the a few days/weeks before the exams so it became very stressful and I had to do like 2-3 exams every day and then review them for hours on end. It certainly wasn't a great time. What I would suggest to anyone in Grade 11 is that take every assessment very seriously as it is a "first chance" at ATAR and what I would recommend after that is to consistently keep up with the work.

In terms of the ATAR I received, I got a 99.85, my best subject was, naturally, Physics (100%) and my worst subject was English (also naturally). Medicine is certainly a pathway to pursue and a difficult one but luckily, in Australia, there are countless pathways to go through so don't get too bogged down on UCAT to the extent that you compromise ATAR. That being said, doing UCAT the best you can is VITAL as it makes your life much much easier. Despite my lack of UCAT prep, the enjoyment of doing it got the better of me at the end which probably is the reason for my performance on the test.

Anyways, I hope this helped and feel free to ask any more questions.
- PP
VCE Biology / Re: Photosynthesis question + experimental design
« Last post by angelabean on July 16, 2022, 12:50:38 pm »
Thank you for your advice, I really appreciate it!
VCE Biology / Re: VCE Biology
« Last post by irachand on July 16, 2022, 11:27:06 am »
Thank you VERY much! I will definitely start writing my notes digitally, and thank you for everything else, I will for sure take all of it on board.
Selling / Re: Does anyone want an extensive English guide on how I achieved a 48?
« Last post by hyerise on July 15, 2022, 10:29:52 pm »
yes please!
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