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Author Topic: The Future + Implied Future Tense  (Read 2656 times)  Share 

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The Future + Implied Future Tense
« on: December 12, 2011, 08:35:58 pm »
The Future Tense – Le Futur
(The equivalent of “will” in English)

Simply take the INFINITIVE of the verb and add the appropriate ending
(for ‘–re’ verbs remove the ‘–e’ from the infinitive first)

Future Tense Endings

   Je   >   -ai         Nous      >   -ons

   Tu   >   -as         Vous      >   -ez

   Il               Ils      >   -ont
   Elle   >   -a
   On               Elles      >   -ont

Match up the following verbs

   Tu travailleras            He will go out
   Ils descendront            We will sleep
   Elles s’habilleront             You will sing
   Il sortira               They will go down
   On finira               She will sell
   Je danserai                I will dance
   Vous chanterez            They will get dressed
   Elle vendra               You will work
   Nous dormirons             One will finish

Work out what these more obscure verbs mean

Je plierai         =
Tu cacheras         =
Il racontera         =
Elle réussira         =
On traduira         =
Nous gagnerons      =
Vous repasserez      =
Ils chercheront      =
Elles comprendront   =

Write a few of your own obscure verbs here ↓

Irregulars :      These have irregular stems.  The endings remain the same

   *Avoir   -   aur-            *être      -   ser-

   *Faire      -   fer-            *aller      -   ir-

   *Vouloir   -   voudr-         *pouvoir   -   pourr-

   *Devoir   -   devr-            *venir      -   viendr-

   *Savoir   -   saur-            *voir      -   verr-

   Mourir   -   mourr-         courir      -   courr-

   Tenir      -   tiendr-         envoyer   -   enverr-

   Recevoir   -   recevr-         falloir      -   il faudra (il faut)

Translate these sentences

Ma sœur rangera notre chambre. Qu’est-ce qu’elle est gentille

Il finira ses devoirs après Home and Away

Nous rentrerons avant minuit.  C’est promis

Je pense que je réussirai mes examens facilement

Demain j’enverrai la carte d’anniversaire à mon correspondant

My brother will play guitar at the concert (jouer)

I will find a good job and I will earn lots of money (trouver / gagner)

They will receive the letter tomorrow morning (recevoir)

You (plural) shan’t go to the ball, Cinderella! (aller)

I will be* 15 years old this year (avoir)

The Implied Future

This is a major difference between the French and English languages.

Quand   =   when         dès que   =   as soon as
Lorsque   =   when         aussitôt que   =   as soon as

When the above terms are used, implying what one will do when something else happens in the future, the future tense is used in both the main sentence and the subordinate clause.

Look at these illustrative sentences and note the difference between the English and French constructions…

When my parents arrive I will meet them at the airport
      ↓         ↓
    present    future

   Lorsque mes parents arriveront je les rencontrerai à l’aéroport

       future                 future

I will leave as soon as the programme finishes
           ↓                  ↓
       future                          present

Je partirai dès que l’émission finira
   ↓            ↓
         future                     future

When you arrive we will have dinner (arriver / dîner)

I will explain when she leaves (expliquer / partir)

She will win a gold medal when pigs might fly (gagner / les poules [avoir] les dents)