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Author Topic: Is it too late to be able to apply for a Bachelor of Science?  (Read 1365 times)  Share 

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Is it too late to be able to apply for a Bachelor of Science?
« on: December 06, 2013, 04:17:58 pm »
This is my first post and all i want to know right now is if it's currently possible to study a bachelor of science with my current subject choices.
I know this is probably the most stupid question you've probably read today but still :P
I'm in year 12 next year and my current subjects are; Literature, English, History, Health & HD, Media and i did Business Management in year 11. So far i'm going fairly well in these subjects, where I've been top of the year level in English and History and have been generally successful at my other classes.

The problem i see here is that most of my subjects are arts, humanity type subjects and i've even dropped mathematics and haven't done a science class for about 2 years. I was pretty sure i wanted to do something in law, history or something along those lines but i want to just make out a few clear pathways and make a decision from there.

Btw, my school has already started year 12 early (for the past 3 weeks) and i finished today and will continue where we left off so i don't think i'll be making any subject changes (since i'm happy with what i've got) but i am still interested in a Bachelor of Science in some area, which i'm not exactly sure of yet.

The bachelor of Science at Deakin doesn't have any maths or science requirements and i find that strange, is it comparable will other bachelor of science degrees? Is it worth doing?
This may be an incredibly stupid question but i just want to make sure, thanks.


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Re: Is it too late to be able to apply for a Bachelor of Science?
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 07:00:30 pm »
There really are no stupid questions, we didn't wake up knowing this stuff one day, we had to ask it just like you did.

The requirements to get into a bachelor of science vary from university to university so you need to look into the individual prerequisites.

I don't think its too late to change your VCE subjects if you wanted to be honest. This is probably just the basic preliminary stuff.

It seems like you have diverse interests, which is great but with year 12 dawning, you need to make the (sometimes painful) process of working out what you want to do. You don't need to stick to it for life or even for ever but you really need to start narrowing down your options and being realistic about it all.

You haven't done any science subjects which i find a little concerning. The way things uni work is often rather different from that in VCE. Right now, the most science you've experienced is year 10 science which is fairly different from VCE, let alone uni. I say this not to discourage you but people often go in it based on false perceptions of what uni is like or what it is like to study subjects in uni. Compare year 10 SOSE or English to what you do now, did those give you an accurate perception of what you would be doing now? In most peoples cases, i don't think so.

If you do want to consider science, it might be worth at least narrowing down the area a bit so you hae some general direction.

As for the Deakin thing, its not really that strange. Monash science doesn't require math either, i guess in the recognition that many fields dont need huge amount of pure maths, especially in biomedical type fields, basic math and statistics are all you need. Any degree is worth doing compared to no degree. You can use the deakin degree to get the prerequisites you need and transfer to another uni for science if you so choose as well.

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Re: Is it too late to be able to apply for a Bachelor of Science?
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 08:30:23 pm »
I have couple of friends at Deakin...one of my friends just did further...I guess you go through y12 stuff + some new stuff...You might struggle with physics if you have no background but "everything seems impossible until it's done."
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Re: Is it too late to be able to apply for a Bachelor of Science?
« Reply #3 on: December 07, 2013, 12:55:11 pm »
Thanks to both of you for your input! I'll read more up on it now but so far your words have given me a little more confidence. I'll also have a better look at the course structure of the one at Deakin :)

Thanks again, both of you!


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Re: Is it too late to be able to apply for a Bachelor of Science?
« Reply #4 on: December 07, 2013, 01:12:15 pm »
What changed your mind, ivo?  You seem to enjoy and are doing really well in the Arts/Humanities area.  Do you feel pressured to do something different by parents or peers?  You should do what you are passionate about *now*, if you aren't passionate about Science, then acknowledge that it might be a 'later in life' thing.  I spent 10 years in the Arts industry after school and then I decided I needed a new challenge and developed a new passion, so I started a Bachelor of Science.
I'm not trying to be discouraging - in fact, the opposite.  You seem to be intelligent and have diverse interests which is awesome and makes you a super interesting individual.  Options will always be open to you, especially once you have done a year or so of uni.  What if you did Arts/Laws at UniMelb or wherever and took a Science breadth stream?  You'd be able to see how you liked it.  I don't know - just some suggestions!
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