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Author Topic: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi  (Read 38969 times)

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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #105 on: September 26, 2016, 09:52:07 pm »
Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm disgusted by what has occurred today.

But before I launch into what my opinions are of this syndicate that has formed against me, a syndicate based upon bigotry of the highest order, I think it's important to understand a little bit about me.

I had humble beginnings. I was raised in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne, regions of the country known to be rife with racism, crime, and violence. I survived primary school despite being one of five non-Caucasians in my year level of eighty children. I was subject to many racist taunts throughout my time there, comments such as "curry muncher", "shitter Sachin Tendulkar", and "thank you come again" were unfortunately commonplace. Although I evaded every being physically assaulted, I left primary school with a grim view of my fellow humans, but an optimism that perhaps there were good people left in this world. I entered secondary school with this optimism at the forefront of my mind, and since then, haven't looked back. I found the good people in this world, I discovered what it meant to be accepted into a society where you are indeed the racial minority. I had people around me who looked past the colour of my skin and treated me as an equal. When I joined AN, for five years I've encountered similar people. People who were tolerant of one-another, who didn't throw around accusations of racism, who stood up for those who were in the right.

However, that was then, and this is now. 

Today I see the beginning of the end for Australia and AN.

It seems that the dark days that plaugued me in the Western suburbs have arrived once again. The stormy clouds of racism have returned. However instead of bullies having the courage to taunt me to my face, we have cowards. Cowards who hide in the metaphorical shadows and shout abuse from behind their keyboards. I always suspected AN rose above such Pauline Hanson-istic views, but it seems even AN is not without its damning culture. Today, not only have I been falsely accused of being a racist, but I have also been ganged-up on by multiple members of this community (or dare I say: 'cult'), and had my emotional reactions be deemed a petty "joke" by senior staff on this forum.

This is unacceptable.

This is an outrage.

This is illegal.

The Victorian Crimes Amendment (Bullying) Bill 2011 defines bullying as the including the following:
- Abusive language or behaviour that offends, frightens, belittles or humiliates
- Undue public criticism
- Spreading gossip or malicious rumours

I'm sad to say that each of these things has happened to me today. Let us chronologically walk through these events as they've shocking unfolded tonight.

Firstly, I was labeled as a racist. Did my post contain anything of racist nature? Let's revisit it.

Haha yup Indian heritage, although I'll staunchly claim to be true blue Aussie :P I've been to India three times, and honestly, I don't enjoy it. The main reason is because I always get sick LOL. Every time I go I've got some semi-serious infection that's knocked me around for a week or more, I'll stick to countries with clean water and food that my weak untested Aussie immune system can handle haha

As for culture shock, there's no bigger culture shock that just noticing the smell after you walk out of the plane at New Delhi airport. Pretty much sums up the cultural shock haha

Super relevant hahaha:

Is there anything in this post that I have written that is at all racist? The obvious answer is undoubtedly a "no". I have stated that I have an immune system that is not accustomed to the Indian subcontinent. Racist? No. I said that the New Delhi airport has a distinct odour. Racist? No. I posted a video from a well-known comedian of Indian heritage who describes his own experiences at an airport in India. Racist? No.

So why am I essentially being labeled as a racist?

I down-voted your post for your negative comments on a specific race* (which I did not find amusing).

Here's the answer.

Assuming you are Indian from your previous post

It's because I'm Indian. It's because I'm not "one of them". It's because this syndicate are the real racists. How do we know it's because of this one might ask? A quick glance at my posts prior to this factoid being released reveals acceptance form the community, compared to the stark opposite reaction following. It's blindly obvious if you choose to look.

Alveda King once said "racism oppresses its victims, but also binds the oppressors". And guess what happened? One down-vote became two, which became three, which became seven. Racism does indeed bind the oppressors.

I tried to speak up against this oppressive band. I put my hand up to offer a comment. I tried to simply stand up for myself. What happened?

pi was fairly clearly joking (who includes MLK quotes when they're being serious? o.O)

My feelings, my pain, my anguish. All deemed a "joke". Brushed away like my ancestors used to brush the porches of the British invaders.

Alas, things got worse.

I think it's highly inappropriate that a member (one of the oldest members I might add) who has over 10k posts and 2.198k respect is pinning the blame on someone else.

Followed up with...

We should be allowed to share our views here and our concerns without being targeted by established members who seek to belittle others.

Not only was my well-regarded status on the forum used as justification for my mistreatment, apparently we "should be allowed to share our views" as long as they're not my views?

This community has failed me and should be ashamed of itself.

I shall get the ball rolling with the hashtag #PostBanForPi'

You shall have your wish. And more.

I conclude this AMA with a farewell. Maybe one day in the future I'll return to AN. Maybe by then this syndicate, this band of oppressors, this tyrannical racist brigade of cowardly keyboard warriors... Maybe they will have gone.

Until then, I implore you all. Look deep within your souls. Ask yourself a few questions. Should any member of this community be subject to such hostile racial hatred? Should any member be ganged-up upon just for their racial background? Should anyone feel unsafe on ATAR Notes as I have today? If you answer is "no" to those questions, then I ask you to stand up for minorities, not just me but also the multitude of others who are subject to this bigotry and harassment every single day, be a voice for those who can't speak for themselves. I say this because I spoke. I spoke against what I thought was wrong. And it wasn't enough.

Goodbye and good-luck.

edit: just FYI, this whole "racism" thing was a bit of a joke. Just wanted to leave AN with a bit of drama. No hard feelings,no regrets. Best of luck to everyone in their future aspirations. That's cheers.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 06:16:42 pm by pi »


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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #106 on: September 26, 2016, 09:57:40 pm »
Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm disgusted by what has occurred today.

But before I launch into what my opinions are of this syndicate that has formed against me, a syndicate based upon bigotry of the highest order, I think it's important to understand a little bit about me.

I had humble beginnings. I was raised in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne, regions of the country known to be rife with racism, crime, and violence. I survived primary school despite being one of five non-Caucasians in my year level of eighty children. I was subject to many racist taunts throughout my time there, comments such as "curry muncher", "shitter Sachin Tendulkar", and "thank you come again" were unfortunately commonplace. Although I evaded every being physically assaulted, I left primary school with a grim view of my fellow humans, but an optimism that perhaps there were good people left in this world. I entered secondary school with this optimism at the forefront of my mind, and since then, haven't looked back. I found the good people in this world, I discovered what it meant to be accepted into a society where you are indeed the racial minority. I had people around me who looked past the colour of my skin and treated me as an equal. When I joined AN, for five years I've encountered similar people. People who were tolerant of one-another, who didn't throw around accusations of racism, who stood up for those who were in the right.

However, that was then, and this is now. 

Today I see the beginning of the end for Australia and AN.

It seems that the dark days that plaugued me in the Western suburbs have arrived once again. The stormy clouds of racism have returned. However instead of bullies having the courage to taunt me to my face, we have cowards. Cowards who hide in the metaphorical shadows and shout abuse from behind their keyboards. I always suspected AN rose above such Pauline Hanson-istic views, but it seems even AN is not without its damning culture. Today, not only have I been falsely accused of being a racist, but I have also been ganged-up on by multiple members of this community (or dare I say: 'cult'), and had my emotional reactions be deemed a petty "joke" by senior staff on this forum.

This is unacceptable.

This is an outrage.

This is illegal.

The Victorian Crimes Amendment (Bullying) Bill 2011 defines bullying as the including the following:
I'm sad to say that each of these things has happened to me today. Let us chronologically walk through these events as they've shocking unfolded tonight.

Firstly, I was labeled as a racist. Did my post contain anything of racist nature? Let's revisit it.

Is there anything in this post that I have written that is at all racist? The obvious answer is undoubtedly a "no". I have stated that I have an immune system that is not accustomed to the Indian subcontinent. Racist? No. I said that the New Delhi airport has a distinct odour. Racist? No. I posted a video from a well-known comedian of Indian heritage who describes his own experiences at an airport in India. Racist? No.

So why am I essentially being labeled as a racist?

Here's the answer.

It's because I'm Indian. It's because I'm not "one of them". It's because this syndicate are the real racists. How do we know it's because of this one might ask? A quick glance at my posts prior to this factoid being released reveals acceptance form the community, compared to the stark opposite reaction following. It's blindly obvious if you choose to look.

Alveda King once said "racism oppresses its victims, but also binds the oppressors". And guess what happened? One down-vote became two, which became three, which became seven. Racism does indeed bind the oppressors.

I tried to speak up against this oppressive band. I put my hand up to offer a comment. I tried to simply stand up for myself. What happened?

My feelings, my pain, my anguish. All deemed a "joke". Brushed away like my ancestors used to brush the porches of the British invaders.

Alas, things got worse.

Followed up with...

Not only was my well-regarded status on the forum used as justification for my mistreatment, apparently we "should be allowed to share our views" as long as they're not my views?

This community has failed me and should be ashamed of itself.

You shall have your wish. And more.

I conclude this AMA with a farewell. Maybe one day in the future I'll return to AN. Maybe by then this syndicate, this band of oppressors, this tyrannical racist brigade of cowardly keyboard warriors... Maybe they will have gone.

Until then, I implore you all. Look deep within your souls. Ask yourself a few questions. Should any member of this community be subject to such hostile racial hatred? Should any member be ganged-up upon just for their racial background? Should anyone feel unsafe on ATAR Notes as I have today? If you answer is "no" to those questions, then I ask you to stand up for minorities, not just me but also the multitude of others who are subject to this bigotry and harassment every single day, be a voice for those who can't speak for themselves. I say this because I spoke. I spoke against what I thought was wrong. And it wasn't enough.

Goodbye and good-luck.



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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #107 on: September 26, 2016, 11:09:18 pm »
Ladies and gentlemen,

I'm disgusted by what has occurred today.

But before I launch into what my opinions are of this syndicate that has formed against me, a syndicate based upon bigotry of the highest order, I think it's important to understand a little bit about me.

I had humble beginnings. I was raised in the Western Suburbs of Melbourne, regions of the country known to be rife with racism, crime, and violence. I survived primary school despite being one of five non-Caucasians in my year level of eighty children. I was subject to many racist taunts throughout my time there, comments such as "curry muncher", "shitter Sachin Tendulkar", and "thank you come again" were unfortunately commonplace. Although I evaded every being physically assaulted, I left primary school with a grim view of my fellow humans, but an optimism that perhaps there were good people left in this world. I entered secondary school with this optimism at the forefront of my mind, and since then, haven't looked back. I found the good people in this world, I discovered what it meant to be accepted into a society where you are indeed the racial minority. I had people around me who looked past the colour of my skin and treated me as an equal. When I joined AN, for five years I've encountered similar people. People who were tolerant of one-another, who didn't throw around accusations of racism, who stood up for those who were in the right.

However, that was then, and this is now. 

Today I see the beginning of the end for Australia and AN.

It seems that the dark days that plaugued me in the Western suburbs have arrived once again. The stormy clouds of racism have returned. However instead of bullies having the courage to taunt me to my face, we have cowards. Cowards who hide in the metaphorical shadows and shout abuse from behind their keyboards. I always suspected AN rose above such Pauline Hanson-istic views, but it seems even AN is not without its damning culture. Today, not only have I been falsely accused of being a racist, but I have also been ganged-up on by multiple members of this community (or dare I say: 'cult'), and had my emotional reactions be deemed a petty "joke" by senior staff on this forum.

This is unacceptable.

This is an outrage.

This is illegal.

The Victorian Crimes Amendment (Bullying) Bill 2011 defines bullying as the including the following:
I'm sad to say that each of these things has happened to me today. Let us chronologically walk through these events as they've shocking unfolded tonight.

Firstly, I was labeled as a racist. Did my post contain anything of racist nature? Let's revisit it.

Is there anything in this post that I have written that is at all racist? The obvious answer is undoubtedly a "no". I have stated that I have an immune system that is not accustomed to the Indian subcontinent. Racist? No. I said that the New Delhi airport has a distinct odour. Racist? No. I posted a video from a well-known comedian of Indian heritage who describes his own experiences at an airport in India. Racist? No.

So why am I essentially being labeled as a racist?

Here's the answer.

It's because I'm Indian. It's because I'm not "one of them". It's because this syndicate are the real racists. How do we know it's because of this one might ask? A quick glance at my posts prior to this factoid being released reveals acceptance form the community, compared to the stark opposite reaction following. It's blindly obvious if you choose to look.

Alveda King once said "racism oppresses its victims, but also binds the oppressors". And guess what happened? One down-vote became two, which became three, which became seven. Racism does indeed bind the oppressors.

I tried to speak up against this oppressive band. I put my hand up to offer a comment. I tried to simply stand up for myself. What happened?

My feelings, my pain, my anguish. All deemed a "joke". Brushed away like my ancestors used to brush the porches of the British invaders.

Alas, things got worse.

Followed up with...

Not only was my well-regarded status on the forum used as justification for my mistreatment, apparently we "should be allowed to share our views" as long as they're not my views?

This community has failed me and should be ashamed of itself.

You shall have your wish. And more.

I conclude this AMA with a farewell. Maybe one day in the future I'll return to AN. Maybe by then this syndicate, this band of oppressors, this tyrannical racist brigade of cowardly keyboard warriors... Maybe they will have gone.

Until then, I implore you all. Look deep within your souls. Ask yourself a few questions. Should any member of this community be subject to such hostile racial hatred? Should any member be ganged-up upon just for their racial background? Should anyone feel unsafe on ATAR Notes as I have today? If you answer is "no" to those questions, then I ask you to stand up for minorities, not just me but also the multitude of others who are subject to this bigotry and harassment every single day, be a voice for those who can't speak for themselves. I say this because I spoke. I spoke against what I thought was wrong. And it wasn't enough.

Goodbye and good-luck.

Have you ever thought of a career as a politician + doctor? Seems like it would work :P


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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #108 on: September 26, 2016, 11:20:19 pm »
Pls Write your Nobel Price Acceptance Speech :D
“I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.” ~Mewtwo

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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #109 on: September 27, 2016, 12:25:52 am »
How may I reach the number of posts and forum respect that you currently have before I turn 80?
Or make a post detailing ways you can get up-votes ;)

I shall get the ball rolling with the hashtag #PostBanForPi'
As a Pakistani, I have to agree with everything Pi said in his humorous post. I went back to Pakistan six months ago and was welcomed with a two week long diarrhea and watery stool that resembled Haleem curry I just had.

Are you disgusted by my post? Good. Please upvote me

As for the controversy that arose from Pi's post, guys eat some Haleem naan and chillax.
Bachelor of Science at The University of Melbourne (2017-2019)
Elizabeth Blackburn School of Sciences (2015-2016)


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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #110 on: September 27, 2016, 08:41:42 am »
Ah the primary school days, when petty, jealous kids would cry and make stuff up to get you in trouble #justiceforpi


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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #111 on: September 27, 2016, 10:33:14 am »
Ah the primary school days, when petty, jealous kids would cry and make stuff up to get you in trouble #justiceforpi

(if you look closely, it was a joke)

“I see now that the circumstances of one's birth are irrelevant. It is what you do with the gift of life that determines who you are.” ~Mewtwo

Monash Doctor (2021 -2022)
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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #112 on: September 27, 2016, 11:19:41 am »
I was talking about the downvoters and the people calling for Pi to be banned, not you Hughmungus dont worry :P


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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #113 on: September 27, 2016, 11:29:14 am »
I was talking about the downvoters and the people calling for Pi to be banned, not you Hughmungus dont worry :P
Fuck you english your eyebrows aren't even good
Why walk when you can stand on the shoulders of giants?


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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #114 on: September 27, 2016, 11:52:37 am »
Trump or Hillary?


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Re: [Ask Me Anything] #5: pi
« Reply #115 on: September 29, 2016, 09:25:35 pm »
hi pi,

Who do you think will win the bachelorette this year?
just wanted to ask something funny to reduce my stress for the HSC.