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Studying at UNSW || Ultimate Guide
« on: February 08, 2018, 01:33:11 pm »
To complement the corresponding UTS guide, I will be presenting the first year guide for UNSW. For the most part, it will essentially contain everything Marco has discussed, just for a different university (and a considerably larger first section compared to the rest).

There may be some sections that you still wish to know about that haven't been covered. I won't cover every single detail, but if you have some suggestions please post a comment.

(Creds to EEEEEEP (Marco) and insanipi for part of the compiling.)

Attached are the PDFs; scroll down for the individual sections. Hope it will be of benefit :)

- Studying at UNSW: Part 1 - Basics
- Studying at UNSW: Part 2 - General/Support
- Studying at UNSW: Part 3 - UNSW Systems & Other
- Studying at UNSW: Full Guide



Travel Concessions
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- Full time students and Australian citizens can be eligible for the Concession Opal Card.
- You need your UNSW ID card on hand ALL the time.

How to get an Opal concession card?
1.Provide consent for myUNSW >> Student Profile >> My Student Services >> Concession Opal Card >> provide consent at the bottom. You may access myUNSW at https://my.unsw.edu.au/
2.Apply for a concession Opal card on the Opal website. The card will be sent within a week.

Note that after completing step 1, your website should (eventually) look like this

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UNSW O-week is the period before university starts (mainly intended for first years), where no classes are held but students get to dabble in university life a bit and also get to learn some skills. O-week is brought to you by Arc, the main student-body organisation.

Date: Mid-Late February. (In 2018, 19-23 Jan)
Venue: The entire UNSW campus

At O-week some activities are:
- Campus tours
- Clubs day
- Introductions to academic writing
- Introductions to referencing
- Introductions to services at UNSW
Attending O-week on at least one day is highly recommended. You should use the opportunity to relax and join various clubs and societies. You may optionally choose to attend any of the lectures offered on those days as well.

Census Dates
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- Census date = final day that a student can withdraw from a subject without financial liability and academic penalty.
- ALMOST ALL courses fall under the “T1” category, and all have the census date. In 2018 S1 this is on 31 Mar.
Regarding academic penalties, you will it will come under your transcript as “withdrawn fail”, resulting in the same mark as a normal fail.
Regarding financial penalty, you will have more HECS and it will be on your tax record

Grading System - WAM
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At UNSW, the WAM (system is used).
WAM (Weighted average mark) is literally an average of marks. It is ‘weighted’ in the sense that different courses are weighted differently.

Almost all courses are weighted 6 UoC (units of credit). Some courses are weighted 3. You may refer to the UNSW handbook to check how many UoC your course is worth.

WAM = Sum of (course mark x UoC) / Sum of UoC

(So long as all of your courses are worth 6 UoC, you don’t need to do all of this. Your WAM will be the actual average between all of your marks.)

Associated with each range of marks is a grade. The grade system is as follows.

Should you fail a course, you may need to take it again.

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To use the UNSW WIFI, connect to uniwide or Eduroam.

For uniwide:
o Username: zID (don’t forget the z!)
o Password: zPass

For Eduroam:
o   Username: [email protected]
o   Password: your zPass

If it asks for a certificate or verification, say YES.

Uniwide generally works really well. Eduroam is nice in that you don’t have to be at UNSW to access it.

Student Printing and Scanning
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1. Sending documents to the printer server: There are 2 methods

Sending at a UNSW PC

Remember – Don’t use coloured printing unless you need to, as it does cost more! (Link to the exact costs below.)

Sending the job remotely
You may not know your PIN number. This will be necessary here and for step 2 as well. You may change it at one of the UNSW libraries or here using your zID/zPass: https://recharge.it.unsw.edu.au/mymonitor/

You may also use this link to add money to your balance. You may also add money on campus.

To use this service:
- Access http://wirelessprinting.unsw.edu.au/WebPrint/Account/LogOn?ReturnUrl=%2fWebPrint with your PIN
- Log in.

You will upload files that are to be printed. (You can do this on your OWN computer).
You can change the attributes as you wish. (For information regarding the costs, see https://www.it.unsw.edu.au/students/mps/)

2. Releasing the print job
- Scan (or just tap) your card on the left with the scanner
- Enter your PIN
- Click “Release jobs”
- Print whatever you’re ready to print. Delete anything if you don’t wish to print it anymore.

Printer locations can be found in the link above. Common-used locations include:
- Main library – all levels except level 1. (Note that ground floor is level 2.)
- Law library – ground floor and level 1.
- UNSW Paddington library – ground floor and level 1.
You do not need to print at these venues if you have access to some faculty-specific rooms. This includes the Red Centre underground lab printers and more in the link above.

Study Locations
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Lecture halls, rooms and tutorial rooms can be used for study PROVIDED that there are no events or classes

You are somewhat encouraged, but DEFINITELY not obliged to study in areas/rooms your faculty provides. There is no problem with studying wherever you wish to, PROVIDED it is free.

Outside study areas are provided. These are quite nice on relatively cool/warm but not windy days. The following list moves gradually from lower to upper of the Kensington campus.

The following list moves gradually from lower to upper of the Kensington campus.
Tyree Energy Technologies Building

Law Library

UNSW Business School

Science Theatre, Red Centre Central Wing

Robert Webster, Ainsworth and Electrical Engineering buildings

Goldstein Building, Colombo Building

Main Library

UNSW Study Lounge, Matthews Building

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Student email
UNSW’s current email system is associated with Microsoft Office. You may log in here: https://login.microsoftonline.com
Your login credentials are:
-   [email protected]
-   zPass
 - Use this email when contacting any staff, academics or support services. When sending an email, you should attach your full name and zID for the staff member’s reference

Receiving emails directly in your personal email
Your emails should always be sent through your UNSW email, which is originally [email protected]. However, you may choose to redirect where you receive emails through the UNSW identity manager, accessed https://idm.unsw.edu.au/idm/user/login.jsp. You will still use your zID, but you need your UniPass to log into this. Unlike the zPass, the UniPass does not expire every six months.
When using online systems...
Be polite. Use proper grammar. Have an Ending note.

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- Via public transport, in general students arrive at Central station, and then transfer by bus. Students take the Eddy Ave exit and walk to Stand D, catching the 891 UNSW Express bus. The bus queues gradually get shorter as each semester progresses.
- The bus has multiple stops around UNSW, the first being at Gate 2 (lower campus). You can stay on a bit longer to be dropped off at a later stop (upper campus).
- The bus involves pre-paid expenses. Most students choose to use their Opal cards.

- Alternate services that stop close to UNSW include:
   o 391, 395, 372, 374 (stopping at Central station)
   o 373, 376, 377 (stopping at Museum station)
   o M10, M50, 370, 400

In the future, a light rail system will be implemented. This will potentially replace the 891 services, or (hopefully but unlikely) run in sync with them.

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- The prescribed textbooks are stated in your course outlines.
- You should always buy textbooks after you attend your first lecture. Many courses have textbooks prescribed but will never use them, and the lecturer(s) will inform you if the textbook is unnecessary (and if anything else IS necessary).

Where to purchase textbooks?
- UNSW bookstore:  Most expensive but brand new. (If UNSW still offers free T-shirts, you should at least go there to claim that.) Located near the UNSW Business School, directly below the Quadrangle. (This is to the left of the main walkway.)
- UNSW Secondhand Textbooks: https://www.bookshop.unsw.edu.au/secondhand/
- Textbook rental stores:  StudentVIP, Zookal etc.  Condition can vary, prices can be at 30% to 50% of the retail price.
- A variety of Facebook pages. Examples:
   o Commerce: https://www.facebook.com/groups/164685173649149/
   o Law: https://www.facebook.com/groups/154972171333330/

Note that to gain access to many Facebook pages such as these, you may need to join the main UNSW Facebook group first. The group can be accessed at https://www.facebook.com/groups/groupsatunsw/ and you will require email verification to enter

Choosing/Swapping/Dropping Courses
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- Students can enrol in courses via myUNSW.
- At some point in the semester, your Enrolment Appointment will be made available to you. It is highly advised that you
check your enrolment appointment so that you can enrol at the earliest point possible. Many good class times will disappear very quickly as other students will have already taken them.
   o Note that the timing of the enrolment appointment generally depends on your faculty, and the year group you are in.

- There are conditions:
   o The cut-offs for enrolling in a new subject have been made very strict lately. Many courses do not allow you to
enrol as early as week 2 of that semester. This will differ for every course though, so if you are unsure, contact
the lecturer in charge or course administrator.
   o You can withdraw at any time during the semester BUT if it’s after the census date, they will have an academic
and financial penalty.
   o If you suspect you require special consideration (e.g. there’s a circumstance or situation that was unexpected
and affects your ability to study significantly), apply for this in myUNSW as well (but scroll down to where it says “Special Consideration”.

The Enrolment Process
0. Once your enrolment appointment is released, you should enter Update Your Enrolment and confirm all of your details.
This will save some time when actually enrolling.
1. At the time of your enrolment appointment, log back into myUNSW, and choose My Student Profile >> Update Your
2. Select “Update Enrolment” for the upcoming semester.
3. Select “Add Courses
4. Search for all the courses you require.
   a. A handy tip: If you already know the courses you’ll be enrolling in next semester, you can copy their course codes elsewhere (e.g. MATH1131, PHYS1121, COMP1151, ENGG1000) and then paste them into “Multiple Course(s)”.
5. Add all the relevant courses and then select “Continue”.

Courses to be enrolled in should now appear like this

6. Select “Proceed to Enrol
7. Select “Add Classes
8. You are now required to select times for your lectures and tutorials to be allocated for. In first year and second year
courses there will generally be some flexibility, but by the time you’re in third year there will be very limited choices for these time slots. When you are done, press “Continue”
Here are some factors to consider for timetabling
   a. Fewer days – Can be nice for everyone but especially people who need hours of travel to/from UNSW.
   b. Fewer hours – Saves less time spent learning on campus; encourages studying/attending events on campus. May require you to attend for more days.
   c. Lunch break in the middle
   d. Early start – For the early birds
   e. Late finish – For those that prefer to wake up and/or travel later
   f. Spread out day – Encourages more breaks
   g. Friends – Provided they’re enrolling in the same course because it contributes to their degree as well, there’s nothing wrong with taking them with people you already know.
   It is generally not advisable to put all of your classes in the one day unless you really need to (e.g. 3 hours to get to university). This can be very draining; especially on days you have to sit tests.
9. After choosing class times, make sure to select “Enrol”.
10. You are now done. At any point, you may click “Drop” or “Swap” to alter your enrolment for the semester (either to
change courses, or time slots). You should view your timetable to make sure nothing has gone wrong.

Directions and the Campus

Faculties and Schools
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Getting around Campus?
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Very few tips and tricks for these exist at UNSW. Some you may wish to consider:
 Especially during O-week and week 1, the bus lines to the 891 are insanely crowded DESPITE the extra services provided. It may be easier to arrange for alternate transport.
 A few buildings at UNSW are connected (e.g. Quadrangle with Business School). It’s possible for students to go between such buildings.
 You do not need to stay on the main walkway. Many students go to upper campus via the Quadrangle stairs, for example
 Lifts are generally reserved for staff members but you’re not denied from using them. (Especially if you’re carrying a lot of cargo around various floors of one building.)

Parking at UNSW
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- In general, students who park on campus have a permit. The after-hour parking permits are valid from 3:30pm to 7:30am on weekdays. The following map shows where these parking areas are.

- Casual parking is available on the top floor of the Gate 14 and 11 parking lots. However, expect these to be full.
- Free parking spots can be found along quiet streets around the campus but will become full quite quickly. Unless you arrive early, expect a 10-20 minute walk to reach the campus.
- Parkhound is an app where people that live in popular areas (including around UNSW) advertise their personal parking lots (at decent prices). If you wish to park relatively close to university (some are only 2 minute walks away) at a somewhat reduced price, you can consider this app.

However, if you are parking outside of permit hours (7:30am – 7:30pm, Mon-Fri), you may park on campus for free. This also includes public holidays, as well as every Saturday and Sunday.

Academic side of the University

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Referencing is the use of other sources, with the acknowledgement of the author.
Referencing at UNSW is very important. If you do not reference, the ideas will be assumed to be owned by you, which is not true. You can then be caught for plagiarism (which has a heavy penalty).
The required style of referencing will be specified by your course convenor (lecturer in charge). You may find some commonly used methods here: https://student.unsw.edu.au/referencing
Ensure that you have a list of references (bibliography) as well.

Subjects and Timetabling
Addressed earlier

Course Outlines
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The course outline contains all the important information that you need for the course.
This includes:
- Course convenors
- Program – schedule for the semester (content taught/ readings if applicable)
- Assessment – Your assessment schedule for the semester
- Minimum requirements - Minimum marks needed for assessments and exams to pass
   o Some courses feature the use of a double pass system. This involves attaining an overall mark of 50 in both the final exam itself, and the course overall.
- Required materials – textbooks, software etc. necessary for the course
- References used – sources used by the tutors and lecturer for content.

The lecturer will most likely discuss the course outline with you in the first lecture, and then assume that you will always refer back to it as necessary. You should never be alarmed by any “suddenly appearing” assessment tasks – everything is already pre-planned.

Reading UNSW room numbers
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The format for room numbers are:
- Building name or abbreviation/Level-Room number
- ASB G21 – Business school, Ground floor, Room 21
- Quadrangle 1043 – Quadrangle, Level 1, Room 43

You will almost always see the building name get listed over the abbreviation.

Types of classes at UNSW
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- Lectures – Big classrooms that can fit anywhere between 30 to almost 500 people.  Not too many opportunities to ask questions are available (unless it’s in the middle or during the end); mostly just sit and watch.

- Tutorials – Small classes ranging from 15 – 40 people. Can involve (but doesn’t always involve) addressing tutorial problems, answering questions, assessment tasks (including presentations). Participation is necessary for some courses.  May be coupled with a lab for specific faculties. 

- Seminars – These are long classes, which are a combination of tutorials and lectures. Fairly uncommon.

- Laboratory – This is where you go to a lab and do practical work, using equipment and tools. Applicable to many science, health and engineering disciplines (e.g. science lab, computing lab). Occasionally required for other faculties (e.g. Excel for the course ACTL2111).

The main system used for online content. Discussed further below.

Review of assessment marks
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- If you are disappointed with any assessment marks or want to request a review of a paper, speak to your tutor or lecturer for the class that you are enrolled in, once you get your marks.
   o Tell them why you think that you deserved better marks or a regrading.
   o If they have not entered the marks in yet, you may be able to get 1 or 2 extra marks (or a remarking of a section).
       Do this as soon as possible… not a few weeks after… then they may question your actions.
- Be polite, courteous and patient. Many tutors are also students, in which case you should also be friendly.
- Do not be like “OMG, Sir, this is unfair, I was so close. I need one more mark.”       

- As an email, something like this could be appropriate: “Hi there ____, thanks for making the effort to put comments/markings. I read over them pretty thoroughly, and I did use 2 ___ as requested. Why did I receive 2 marks, when it would have been 3 marks under the marking guidelines?”

- If that does not get resolved, email the course convenor. If the problem is still there, you will need to appeal to the head of the department, or the faculty.
- Your last protocol is this form: https://student.unsw.edu.au/student-complaint-form. Do not use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Some lecturers have their own preferred ways of appealing for marks. These are nice in that less paperwork needs to be done and less people need to be involved. If this option is available, ALWAYS go for this first.

Addressed earlier

Subject Majors
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Majors are the big areas of interest/study that you do for a course.  For many degrees, you can choose your major as early as you like. You can change this major as many times as you wish until it is “too late”. There is no universal deadline; however for specific degrees you may not be able to change your major 3-5 years into the degree.

For almost every degree, to change your major:
1. Access myUNSW >> My Student Profile.
2. Under “My Student Services”, select “Stream Declaration”
3. Select “Add Streams” or “Change Streams”
4. Allow for about one working day for it to process
There are certain degrees that will not let you use “Stream Declaration” to choose/swap a major.
- Notably for engineering students – you must change your entire degree through an “Internal Program Transfer”
- For any other degree, instructions will be provided.

The (not-so-)mysterious WAM glitch
Due to how the UNSW system works, as soon as your marks for a certain course is entered (after they’ve marked all the exams), your WAM is updated behind the Stream Declaration. If the button exists, by selecting “View”, you can see your WAM at the time it is updated.
You will not know which course(s) has/have gone in. This is generally done by collaborating with your peers.

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Exams are considered as part of your assessment marks, just like high school... and it’s also conducted in a big hall or in classrooms.

At UNSW, exams are held either on campus, or at the Randwick Racecourse. A provisional exam timetable will be released around weeks 7-10, and the final exam timetable (which is the same as the provisional 99% of the time) will be released later in the same week. The final exam timetable details the venue of each exam.

If your exam is at the Randwick Racecourse, you will enter via the Australian Turf Club. To give you a relative positioning of this venue in comparison to the Kensington campus:

The 891 bus will stop at the racecourse during the exam period. Parking is available only if you arrive sufficiently early.

At UNSW, you must follow these rules:
- Display your student ID at all times and only bring prescribed materials
- You cannot leave your seat during the first 30 minutes and last 10 minutes of the exam
- You cannot sit the exam if you arrive over 30 minutes late
- No talking or making noises during exams. (This includes eating – if you have a disability, you need to file an application)
- No cheating/obtain assistance
- Mobile phones, smart watches and valuables must be placed in a clear plastic bag, under your seat. (Laptops must be
turned off and also under your seat, if they can’t fit inside your plastic bag.)
- Reading time is ONLY reading time. Use of a pen will be subject to academic penalty.

What happens if I'm sick or can't attend on the day?
- Apply immediately via myUNSW >> My Student Profile >> Special Consideration.
- Submit any supporting documentation to Student Central: https://student.unsw.edu.au/central

You will be informed of any alternate arrangements in due time.

General + Support

Support at UNSW
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Academic support
Peer-Assisted Support Scheme
- Some faculties offer PASS classes (or similar schemes) as an extra session for students. It is like a more laid-back tutorial class, where one can ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the subject.
Some of the benefits are:
- Better grades
- More confidence
- Access to additional material
- Forming friendships and improving communication skills
Registrations are not necessary; just walk in and gain the benefits.

Mathematics Drop-in centre
- This is an extra service available to acquire help for first year mathematics and statistics subjects.
- It is free to use and is located at Red Centre Central Wing 3064.
- Runs from week 1 to the exam period.

- Depending on the faculty, this can be run by lectures OR tutors.
- Essentially walk into their office during their consultation hours (NO APPOINTMENT NECESSARY) and receive 1-on-1 (or 1-on-few) academic assistance from the lecturer/tutor themselves.
- Beneficial in that you can ask questions involving very specific areas you struggle on, without worrying about pestering staff to help you outside of contact hours.

Educational Support Service
Information may be found here: https://student.unsw.edu.au/advisors. The services offered include:
- Academic and educational performance (both boosting if you’re struggling and supporting you to aim higher)
- Information on accommodation and tenancy
- Enrolment variation
- Financial management, student loans
- Personal and health issues
- Professional development
- Study support

Academic Skills Support
The Learning centre offers students help with academic writing, on an individual basis. You may book a consultation with them online. Information may be found here: https://student.unsw.edu.au/skills

Medical, Financial, Mental and Disability Support
Health Service
- Provides medical services for students. They do women’s health issues, vaccinations and treat many illnesses.
- Cost: Bulk billing is available for students who have Medicare.
- Appointments made online, in person or over the phone (02 9385 5425)
- Location – Currently below the Quadrangle, near the bookshop. (Campus map reference – B8.)
Psychology Clinic
- A psychology clinic made specially for UNSW students.
- Location: 8th floor of Matthews Building. (Campus map reference – F23.)
- Cost: $20 per 50-minute session for full-time students and holders of government-issued concession cards
          $40 per 50-minutes session in general
- Referral unnecessary; book an appointment online or via phone (02 9385 3042)

Counselling Service
- Provides a confidential counselling service to help out with a variety of concerns.
- For: Current students.
- Cost: Free.
- Location: Level 2, East Wing of Quadrangle Building. (Campus map reference – E17.)

Disability Service
This service provides support for students that live with one or more mental and/or physical conditions + disabilities. They help you by:
- Understanding your current situation (via an appointment)
- Providing individual and general access assistance based on your situation.

Individual support services
- Note taking services
- Classwork support
- Alternate formatting of textbooks
- Exam adjustments
- Summer term support

Technical support
IT support centre
• This is where there are people on hand that can help you with any IT troubles. 
• The landing site for students has many quick links regarding very common queries: https://www.it.unsw.edu.au/students/index.html
• You may submit an online service request after logging in with your zID/zPass. There are many FAQs already answered for you.

There are two on campus:
- Library Annexe – Ground floor. (This is behind UNSW library; it is actually near the post office.)
- Quadrangle 1005. (This one is not open on weekends.)

Financial support
The Financial Assistance Service provides UNSW students (whom have financial concerns) advice on:
- Student loans: https://student.unsw.edu.au/loans
- Payment plans: https://student.unsw.edu.au/fees-payment-plan
- Scholarships
- Commonwealth assistance; Centrelink payments (assistance offered by Arc for the latter)

Legal advice
- Kingsford Legal Centre
   o Provides free legal advice and assistance to UNSW students, as well as anyone living or working in the UNSW area.
   o Advice is free and must be made by appointment. Ring (02) 9385 9566 between 9AM-1PM or 2PM-5PM.
   o Postal address: Kingsford Legal Centre F8-003 UNSW 2052
   o Website: http://www.klc.unsw.edu.au

- Arc
   o Arc has many expert lawyers at its Legal and Advocacy Department.
   o Advice is free for Arc members all year. Appointments made in person at Arc reception.
   o Legal representation in court obtainable. Further information: https://www.arc.unsw.edu.au/help

- Student Entrepreneur Legal Centre
   o Intended for students that have a business idea but require legal assistance getting it started.
   o Free for all UNSW students.
   o Referral can be made by emailing [email protected] or calling (02) 9385 5008.
   o Services can be found here: http://www.innovations.unsw.edu.au/node/73
- UNSW Student Central can verify UNSW documents for the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade. Book an appointment with Student Central OR send in your testamur and/or academic transcripts, accompanied with a request letter. Further information: https://student.unsw.edu.au/dfat

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A full list can be obtained here: http://www.estate.unsw.edu.au/node/183/#foodandbeverage

A brochure and map can be obtained here: https://www.languages.unsw.edu.au/international-students/student-

Outside of uni, popular options include a mall near upper campus, and McDonalds and Chatime on Anzac Pde.

UNSW Student Central
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Student Central is where students can get help with:
- General subject information
- Enrolment enquiries
- Academic transcript
- Academic caution issues
- Credit recognitions
- Change of residency
- Graduation related items
- Travel concessions
- General things

The people serving you usually have been a student before or are a current student.

The Student Central office is at Lower Ground Floor, Chancellery Building (next to the library lawn).

If you are unsure about where to go to ask a question, Student Central will be able to direct you to that place.

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Arc is your student organisation. They aim to bring most of the fun in UNSW (see below).

If you are unsure about where to go to ask a question, Arc will also be able to direct you to that place.

The Arc reception is at Level 2 Basser College, Entrance through Gate 5. (You should see it once you walk into the Quadrangle.)


UNSW Systems

UNSW Careers and Employment
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UNSW Careers and Employment is a service set up by UNSW, where you can find jobs, ask questions about jobs, find professional networking events and join development opportunities.
Some quick links available are
- Find a job – Lets you look for part-time/casual jobs, internships and graduate programs
- Experience your industry – Offers employment events hosted by the industry professionals
- Student Login – You can gain your own personalised section of Careers and Employment in myUNSW once you log in through here.

The first UNSW pages
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The main landing page; also, where you completed your enrolment process. myUNSW contains all the links to everything you will need as a student.
  > Student services
In My Student Profile, you will be able to access most of the services you need yourself. These include (but are not limited to):
- Changing your personal details
- Enrolment details
- Semester timetable details
- Results and academic standing
- Exam timetable
- Statement of fees and Commonwealth support statements
- Changing what you’re studying (majors, degrees etc.)

UNSW Class Timetable (updated yearly)
Allows you to quickly check when what courses are being offered, and their venues

UNSW Handbook (updated yearly)
Allows you to look briefly into each course, major (stream) and degree and see what it entails. Generally used by students to determine what courses they will do in each semester.

UNSW Utilisation
A more advanced of the UNSW class timetable. Less easy to use, but updates more regularly, giving you a better idea of how many spots there are left to enrol.

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- Moodle is where most of the course content and resources are published. Many tutors and lecturers will also have a forum, where people can ask for questions on assignments and lecture content.
- Subjects appear in Moodle near the start of the semester.
- Treat forum posts as if it were employer and be polite. If the forum is actively used, check if your question has already been asked before posting it again. (You don’t want a repeat post.)

This is the landing page when you log into Moodle. There is a “Customise this page” button in the top right corner if you wish to alter things around.

Content relevant to a specific course can be obtained by accessing the relevant link.

UNSW Wireless Printing
Addressed earlier

UNSW Libraries
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UNSW has two libraries. The main library is in upper campus, whilst the law library is in lower.

- On the UNSW library website, you may make a booking for a study room/presentation practice. Simply select “Room bookings” at https://www.library.unsw.edu.au. You are limited to 4 hours per week. (A week is defined to start on
Sunday and end on Saturday.)
- You may also find academic articles in the main library. Books in the law library will generally only be of interest to law students.
- To make a booking, once you have logged in simply select any blue (available) room to claim as yours. Note that different rooms will have different seating capacity; you should consider the tab at the top.

Unclaimed room policy: If a booking is not claimed within 15 minutes, the room automatically becomes free for anyone to use.

Lost on Campus
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StudentVIP offer a handy website and app that helps you navigate around the campus.

- Website: https://studentvip.com.au/unsw/kensington/maps
- Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.studentservices.lostoncampus&hl=en
- iOS: https://itunes.apple.com/au/app/lost-on-campus-by-studentvip/id488598630?mt=8

The website allows you to search for buildings quite easily.

The app keeps track of where you currently are and uses your phone’s compass to guide you on where exactly to go.


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Student Leadership programs
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There are a few opportunities for students at UNSW to develop leadership, communication and professional skills. These are:

UNSW Leadership Program – students take part in workshops, volunteer within the community and engage with UNSW partners.

Arc – Arc is about student life and there are many opportunities that you can get involved with. Some of these are the:
o Arc Board
o Art and Design Student Council
o Club Executive roles
o Internships
o Leadership labs
o Subject Boards, e.g. (Law boards and committees, Medicine Boards & Committees)

Aspire click on mentoring – Students will mentor people from disadvantaged communities and assist them through
their university journey.

Enactus UNSW ENACTUS participants compete with other universities to pitch projects in order to solve real life problems. They also take part/develop projects that help the local community.

More opportunities can be found on the UNSW Advantage page.

Fun stuff @ UNSW
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Security and card access
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- The FACULTY that you are in determines which areas you can access with your card (after hours+ some labs).
- As an example, if you are in the engineering and business faculties (double degree), you can use the card to access rooms owned by the UNSW Business School, and buildings owned by your engineering school.
- As an example, if you are enrolled in a single business degree, you can only use the card to access rooms owned by the UNSW Business School.
- The libraries are generally always available, even after hours.

Note that access to certain buildings is impossible after hours (e.g. Red Centre). This just doesn’t apply to ALL of them (e.g. a Commerce student can still tap for access into the Business School).

Click here for more information
Arc is the student organisation. They run free services for students and provide a voice for students.

Signing up with Arc is entirely free and your membership lasts the whole year. It is also free to renew it for subsequent years. By becoming an Arc member, you automatically gain the right to join ANY Arc-affiliated clubs and society. Some more things you can do with Arc include:
-   Sporting events
-   Volunteering opportunities
-   Help
-   Parties (e.g. Roundhouse party)
-   Other events
« Last Edit: February 08, 2018, 09:31:31 pm by RuiAce »


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Re: Studying at UNSW || Ultimate Guide
« Reply #1 on: February 08, 2018, 01:40:06 pm »
Loving it. Great work Rui - this is a wicked trend!

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: Studying at UNSW || Ultimate Guide
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2018, 08:15:00 pm »
this is so helpful, thankyou so much for putting your time into this!!