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Author Topic: My way through CompSci - uni journal  (Read 4064 times)

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My way through CompSci - uni journal
« on: April 06, 2018, 10:58:52 pm »
Just thought that I'd start a uni journal to document my 5 year degree journey ???
I PROMISE to maybe update it unlike that high school journal (ew).

So anyways, it's halfway through first semester and it's pretty busy rn. I have a comp assignment due on Tuesday that I've only just started (go me I thought that I'd be v organised but apparently not :/ ). I ALSO have a few media arts assignments on the way, one of which is a group assignment (ew I hate group assignments oh well).

On the bright side, I'm feeling prepared for the maths class test that's happening next Thursday  - I started a MATH1131 discussion group like 2 weeks ago cause the lecturers are so shit it makes me cry.

That'd be all forr now - it's almost 11pm and I'm just watching the Comm. Games whilst writing this zzz hopefully this gets updated xd


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Re: My way through CompSci - uni journal
« Reply #1 on: April 06, 2018, 11:21:08 pm »
Omg you finally made a uni journal! Can't wait for your next update ;D

On the bright side, I'm feeling prepared for the maths class test that's happening next Thursday  - I started a MATH1131 discussion group like 2 weeks ago cause the lecturers are so shit it makes me cry.
Ahaha that's literally my attitude towards all the maths teachers at my school! They barely teach anything and everyone in my 3U class likes to isolate themselves so forming study groups are never an option ;-;

Good luck for your maths class test!
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

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Re: My way through CompSci - uni journal
« Reply #2 on: April 07, 2018, 12:05:15 am »
I love reading experiences of IT / Comp Sci.

Good choice and good luck :)
Experience in teaching at both secondary and tertiary levels.

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Re: My way through CompSci - uni journal
« Reply #3 on: April 07, 2018, 12:11:32 am »
Omg you finally made a uni journal! Can't wait for your next update ;D
Hahaha yasss finally ;D

Ahaha that's literally my attitude towards all the maths teachers at my school! They barely teach anything and everyone in my 3U class likes to isolate themselves so forming study groups are never an option ;-;

Good luck for your maths class test!
Surely it's not as bad as my lecturers. They teach at such different speeds it's kinda ughsdfskjl sometimes I question why I have to pay 1k to go to the lectures when all I do is sleep.
like my calc lecturer teaches like he's the flash and my algebra lecturer is the human form of the sloth from zootopia. :-[

I love reading experiences of IT / Comp Sci.

Good choice and good luck :)
Hahaha tyty i'll be sure to update y'all on the arduous journey xd


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Re: My way through CompSci - uni journal
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2018, 12:52:59 am »
On the bright side, I'm feeling prepared for the maths class test that's happening next Thursday  - I started a MATH1131 discussion group like 2 weeks ago cause the lecturers are so shit it makes me cry.
Mr Opengangs. Where is my invitation.


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Re: My way through CompSci - uni journal
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2018, 12:39:29 pm »
Mr Opengangs. Where is my invitation.
srysry adding u now :'(


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Re: My way through CompSci - uni journal
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2018, 01:04:25 pm »
Hahaha yasss finally ;D
Surely it's not as bad as my lecturers. They teach at such different speeds it's kinda ughsdfskjl sometimes I question why I have to pay 1k to go to the lectures when all I do is sleep.
like my calc lecturer teaches like he's the flash and my algebra lecturer is the human form of the sloth from zootopia. :-[
Haha my prelim math teacher was so slow! She couldn't even finish one example in one 50 minute period and it was like your basic polynomial and she was so bad at explaining I spent all of prelim year teaching myself and spamming my physics teacher (also 4U math teacher) math questions at 11pm!

Meanwhile, my new math teacher is better at explaining (a bit shaky on the 3U content because he's so used to teaching 2U) but sometimes he expects a lot out of us, like expecting us to finish one geometry chapter and do every single question in the chapter by the weekend. Sure it's only four exercises but the first three exercises had 20 questions and the last exercise was 52 circle geo questions! He wanted it completed by the end of the weekend! I swear that week stuffed up my body clock because I slept at 1am every night trying to finish the chapter.

Anyways, good luck with your lecturers! The thing I learnt from my experiences with my prelim teacher was to keep pushing through and spend more energy teaching myself rather than ranting 24/7 (although a good rant is always great to alleviate the stress a bit)- if you're really passionate about a subject, don't let crappy teachers stop you from enjoying that subject!
2018 HSC: English Advanced | Mathematics | Physics | Modern History | History Extension | Society and Culture | Studies of Religion I

ATAR: 93.60

2019: Aerospace Engineering (Hons)  @ UNSW


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Re: My way through CompSci - uni journal
« Reply #7 on: April 07, 2018, 10:28:09 pm »
Entry 1

Even though today wasn't a uni day, I still did enough uni work to warrant my first entry (I hope lol). ANyway, so my first Comp assignment is due on Tuesday, and I only just started. big mistake lmao but all good because I've had experience with coding in C. The assignment was to translate UTC time to local time in different regions of Australia and NZ. One of the requirements deals with daylight saving, so being able to account for daylight saving changes was annoying but not too bad.

400 lines in, and I'm half dead but I know I have to finish it :'( such regrets leaving it so late but I'm basically done omfg never leaving the assignment to the last minute again. High school has taught me absolutely nothing about procrastination LOL so there goes my hd.

In other news, I started flicking through past papers for math1131 and I've found them fairly easy at this moment so I feel ready for the class test on thursday. Let's just hope my brain works on the day LOL
« Last Edit: April 07, 2018, 10:58:31 pm by Opengangs »


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Re: My way through CompSci - uni journal
« Reply #8 on: April 13, 2018, 03:06:35 pm »
Entry 2
Week 6

Whoo! What a week it's been ;D a lot of work had to be done, but I'm so glad we're headed towards the weekend now! Here's the week recap for Week 6.

Day 1: Monday - MATH tutorial

So, Monday wasn't that bad because the Art & Design classes are off (whoo!). I just had a maths tutorial which basically covered things we needed to know for my test on Thursday. Meanwhile, I spent the time fixing up any errors on my assignment and I finally finished it (whoo!). It was a trek and I'm never leaving it until the last minute again(!!). I just hope that the style is good enough for 90+ because I'm fairly sure my program works under all cases. In other news, the online assignments for COMP1511 look pretty difficult this week, so I'm hoping I can spend a fair bit of time understanding the requirements LOL.

Day 2: Tuesday - Trekky day

Day 2 of 5 D: We're not even halfway through the week and I've had enough for the week LOL. This is the trekkiest day of the week as I have a MATH1131 lecture from 9 to 11 AM and then COMP1511 lecture, tute and lab from 2 to 6 PM. Spent most of the tutes and labs learning about how to write encrypted and decrypted programs, so I'm just praying that it makes my online assignments easier.

OTOH, I started revising for my maths class test but only some light studying because the content in itself isn't difficult at all. And while I was studying in the library, I looked over a lot of first years' laptops and they all have my solutions open. Made me feel happy inside AHHH.

Day 3 of 5: Wednesday - nothing much except studying

Didn't do much today, except studying for the class test tomorrow. Whoo! Went through a range of questions that they could ask, and all I can say is that I feel pretty prepared for the test. Projections? Easy. Shortest distance? Done. Parametric -> Cartesian? ez pz. I also did a bit of COMP1511 and the Maple online tests so productive ;D

I had a Media Arts class today as well because otherwise we'll be behind in content but all we did was go out to the campus and take some photos yayyy. We just started a Photography class so it's been good :D

Day 4 of 5: Thursday - test day ;o

AHH the test today went so well. EXCEPT I LEFT A WHOLE QUESTION BLANK. It wasn't because i couldn't do it - it was the easiest question in the test D: - but because I didn't see it. D: there goes my 20/20 rip 18/20. Still gunning for that HD though so gotta make sure I don't make the same mistake in the final semester exam and the test in week 11. The rest of the day, I was just chilling, working on Maple and the COMP1511 online tests. Holy shit why is the challenge so hard D: I'm not the only one who says so as well. 0% of 6 people (who've attempted) have managed to complete it.

Ah well, another day another dawn.

Day 5 of 5: Friday - chill day of doing nothing

OKay, so I was SUPPOSED to go to some art gallery for a replacement class for art and design but I was meeting a friend bc we had to return a book (we never read our books LOL) at the Paddington campus and she was so late >.> So we ended up ditching the excursion and spent half the day walking around town hall and the cbd. LOL it was the most pointless day; I could've just stayed home because it was not worth the 1 hour trip to paddo.

One of my friends at the excursion asked where we were and we pretended to not know about this excursion ( / . \ ) thank god we didn't go because apparently they were just walking around doing absolutely nothing.

ok, I'm gonna go take a snack and rest up for week 7. Talk to y'all soon - I'm tired ;.;


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Re: My way through CompSci - uni journal
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2018, 11:08:09 pm »
Entry 3
Hey, would you look at that? I finally updated something! I feel accomplished :')

So, I guess it has been a while since my last update. I've had a bit of time to reflect on my performance in the first Semester, and looking to get back into the swing of things when Sem 2 rolls around.

For MATH1131, I think I did alright. The finals was definitely harder than the previous years, so that shook everyone haha. I'm still looking for a HD (or close to HD, at least). I think the paper was overall a bit longer than the previous years because I had to use the full 2 hours to finish the entire paper. The class tests, Maple Lab, and online tutes should have carried me enough for a HD (28/30), (16/16), (800/800). So we'll see around July 10 :D

COMP1511 was tragic; they definitely made us work for our marks. The assignments were interesting; it was essentially a taste for what machine learning will be as we had to program bots to play against each other. The final exam was difficult af, and I'll be lucky if I scrape a Distinction at this point. :( But nevertheless, I'm glad it's over!


So now, you're wondering? Opengangs, what have you done these past weeks now that you're on a break?
Well...JTrudeau got me to watch GTLive (and little does she know, I've only watched one livestream >:) ), but they're pretty entertaining. The one I watched was "Trivia Murder Party". Other than that, I've been catching up on those zzz's. Oh how I missed them :')) Oh and I started tutoring again, and I have an student for English tomorrow, so that'll be fun.

I'll hopefully find some time to keep you all informed of what Sem 2 is gonna be like (if I remember). Pester me about it pls. ty AN

- Opengangs


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Re: My way through CompSci - uni journal
« Reply #10 on: July 02, 2018, 05:13:44 pm »
Entry 4
Provisional marks
Hey guys,
So the provisional marks are out for most of my subjects, and I'm kinda disappointed with them aha. I still have next semester to improve my WAM (as I need a 75 to transfer).

As is, my marks are:
MATH1131 - 76 (DN)
COMP1511 - 69 (CR)

For maths, it hit me hard considering I had a good chance at scoring a HD in it. But what can ya do at this point? Aha, COMP was kinda as I expected considering I had already missed 20 marks for the two questions I didn't do in the finals.

That's all for now! I'll seeya'll when I get my official marks back next week :D