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Author Topic: One year on, to start five more- ConFinCMC  (Read 3316 times)

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One year on, to start five more- ConFinCMC
« on: December 30, 2021, 08:59:57 pm »
On this day, one year ago, I received my Year 12 Results. And, to my surprise, I couldn't get into the course I want, let alone any Bachelor degree at all.

I spent the entire morning down in the dumps and really bummed out about what happened. I worked hard to get at least a 70 ATAR and 25 English Score, but it just wasn't enough. I looked around to see that one of my friends got 98.15, which was one of the highest scores in my year level. Every single one of my friends achieved the scores that they wanted, and I was left in the dust, trying to figure out what to do next.

I decided to go for a drive, just to blow off some steam and try and figure out what kind of future I'd be able to have, when I drove past the school. I noticed that the office was open, and I saw the careers teacher was standing outside. I parked outside the school and spoke to her for a bit. She offered to give some advice, and discussed pathway options with me.

My years ahead of me were changing. I'm heading off to a university I'd never considered going to, doing pathway courses I never knew existed. No matter what happens next year, or for the years ahead of me, I still have the same goal in mind:
To be a highschool teacher, and make sure that my students have the best possible outcome and journey on their lives to adulthood.

After next year, I'll be qualified to begin any Bachelor course I can at Federation University, and I won't waste any time trying to get ahead, and keep myself from repeating the same mistakes.
« Last Edit: December 31, 2021, 11:15:51 am by ConFinCMC »
2020- 53.35

English Lang. <20
History: Revolutions. <20
French: 27
Biology: 28
Drama: 24

"Well, it doesn't define who I am, but it does a bloody good job at crushing my spirit and self-esteem"

2021- Gap Year, working in Bright at the snowfields (guys, this is so much fun)

2022- Fed University, Fast Access Program Diploma

If anyone wants advice on what NOT to do, feel free to send me a message.


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Re: One year on, to start five more- ConFinCMC
« Reply #1 on: December 30, 2021, 09:58:56 pm »
Your motivations for wanting to be a teacher are genuine and I respect that. Sometimes having that commitment and motivation is a better attribute than a score alone.

Sometimes all it takes is a change of environment to be honest - moving away from that school environment to an adult one where you're doing things that interest you and motivate you. I also think your gap year has given you some valuable life experience which can only be a positive thing.

I'm a perfect example of that. My own school achievement wasn't that great but the change to uni did wonders for me (not implying that a click of fingers made it all better -it was painful and took a lot of effort). It can for you too.

I am a Maths teacher (among other things these days..) and my colleagues jaws drop when I tell them about my scores and experiences as a school student myself (because it certainly isnt representative of my effectiveness as a teacher today). I think the part in your sig "If anyone wants advice on what NOT to do" is what makes a teacher extremely effective -somebody who has gone through it and truly understands the pitfalls, tricks and other things that can get thrown at you in x subject area (and really, schooling in general).

Door is always open if you have any questions about teaching. :)
« Last Edit: December 30, 2021, 10:06:00 pm by Aaron »
Experience in teaching at both secondary and tertiary levels.

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Re: One year on, to start five more- ConFinCMC
« Reply #2 on: February 09, 2022, 12:23:03 pm »
As I'm writing this, it's 10 days, 21 hours and 38 minutes until I can check into student res at uni.

I'm super excited to be starting this new chapter in my life, but pretty nervous as well.
I'll be moving to a completely new town, and I don't know a single person who's off to my university either, but that's okay. It's a chance for me to be able to branch out, meet more people and socialise better with my classmates.
If my friends went to the same uni that I did, I probably would just hang out with them, instead of finding new people.

Some else I'm nervous about is making it on my own. I know I'll be sharing accommodation with other students, but I'm afraid of falling into bad habits as well.
I don't want to be "that guy who doesn't clean up" or "that guy who only eats pasta and bread". I can be organised and bothered to clean and cook, but I also want to be able to focus on my studies.

But the thing I'm most worried about is the actual coursework itself. I wasn't exactly the best at school, and I'm a little worried that I might not make it at university. I'm dead set on becoming a teacher, and I don't think there's any way around university in order to become one.

Despite all this, I'm excited for O-week as well. A really good chance to get to know my teachers and classmates, as well as other students too, and it's a great opportunity to check out the town as well. I'm gonna be living there for some time, so I'll need to get used to my surroundings

Not long now  8) 8) 8)
2020- 53.35

English Lang. <20
History: Revolutions. <20
French: 27
Biology: 28
Drama: 24

"Well, it doesn't define who I am, but it does a bloody good job at crushing my spirit and self-esteem"

2021- Gap Year, working in Bright at the snowfields (guys, this is so much fun)

2022- Fed University, Fast Access Program Diploma

If anyone wants advice on what NOT to do, feel free to send me a message.


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Re: One year on, to start five more- ConFinCMC
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2022, 12:46:20 am »
Hey y'all!!!!
It's been almost two months since I posted, and only a week until my First Term ever at university is over. I'm super excited with everything that's happened, I've met amazing new people, learnt so many cool things at Federation University's FAST Program, and even learnt new things about myself.
During my first week of classes, however, I had a positive COVID case in my dorm building, so I had to isolate for 7 days. Despite this, I think I've made a really good transition into university. My teachers are nice and helpful, and my classmates help out too. I must say, the first four weeks were nice and fun, but I can tell that everyone's cracking down onto doing their work now.

I never expected university essays to require so much RESEARCHING!!! Peer-reviewed studies, APA 7th Edition, textbook citations. I understand why it's all done, and I'm not arguing against it, but it just seems like it was all dumped on us from Day 1. "Write 600 words on this, use citations, but use it a specific way, because we ask to". Thankfully, the library is able to help me structure citations, but I'd say a few students just went for it...

Compared to highschool, I'd say I've made a lot of changes for the better. I feel more engaged and motivated than I ever did, and I like that the university environment feels more mature, yet also warm and inviting. Despite my... less than adequate scores, I'm still surprised at the fact I even made it to university at all. Just know this, readers; once you get your ATAR and study scores, do absolutely everything in your power to make sure you end up on the pathway you want to be on. If you have to source out to universities outside your town, or do enabling/pathway courses, PLEASE DO SO! It might take a bit longer, but at least you'll eventually get to the career you spent 6 years in highschool trying to get.

Well... I guess that's all I have to say for now. Maybe I'll write again when holidays are over.
Bye everyone. Stay sassy
2020- 53.35

English Lang. <20
History: Revolutions. <20
French: 27
Biology: 28
Drama: 24

"Well, it doesn't define who I am, but it does a bloody good job at crushing my spirit and self-esteem"

2021- Gap Year, working in Bright at the snowfields (guys, this is so much fun)

2022- Fed University, Fast Access Program Diploma

If anyone wants advice on what NOT to do, feel free to send me a message.


  • Trailblazer
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Re: One year on, to start five more- ConFinCMC
« Reply #4 on: July 12, 2022, 11:42:19 pm »
Yo friends,
Another three months have passed, and I've now finished with uni for the year. My course was now a semester long, so I moved back to Bright for the winter season in the snow.
Only yesterday i received my results for the year, and I have to say, there has been a pretty good improvement since Year 12
I received a Pass, a Credit and two Distinctions, which is far beyond what i expected, happily.
This whole experience at uni has given me a newfound confidence at school. Even though this is required to start a Bachelor degree, I'd say it had a good benefit on me outside of a classroom. I feel more confident in my work now, and I'm not afraid to get things wrong, especially after great measures of proving my answers.

Next year, I will hopefully start a Bachelor of Education (I'm tossing up between primary and secondary) at LaTrobe University in Bendigo... until then, it's the alpine mountains for me
2020- 53.35

English Lang. <20
History: Revolutions. <20
French: 27
Biology: 28
Drama: 24

"Well, it doesn't define who I am, but it does a bloody good job at crushing my spirit and self-esteem"

2021- Gap Year, working in Bright at the snowfields (guys, this is so much fun)

2022- Fed University, Fast Access Program Diploma

If anyone wants advice on what NOT to do, feel free to send me a message.