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Author Topic: Would I be screwing myself if I don't take chemistry?  (Read 3535 times)

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  • Victorian
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Would I be screwing myself if I don't take chemistry?
« on: May 13, 2015, 04:47:52 pm »
Since my subject selection is coming up for our Year 11 subjects, I'm undecided on if I should take chemistry or a commerce-related subject.

Currently I'm taking CSL and physics 1/2 in year 10 and I'm certain on taking methods, spesh and English. This leaves me with one more subject, hence the reason I'm making this post.

I plan on study engineering and possibly do engineering+commerce double at Monash, because of this I want to pick a commerce subject to see if I would truly enjoy working in a commerce related job and also for job security if I cannot find an engineering job. I also plan on working specifically in civil/structural engineering.

I talked to a systems engineering teacher and he said that I'd need chemistry for civil engineering for how materials react in water or dirt? Is this true, how much chemistry is involved?

Additional information:
I'm currently taking Year 10 commerce and Year 10 chemistry, I'm investing slightly a bit more effort in to commerce since I find it interesting, but really I'm bludging both subjects. I studied a decent amount on my 2 commerce test on law, I got 71% and 73% but they were quite hard and had to adjust and learn how to take commerce test. For Year 10 chemistry, I got 86% and then 68%(which was on E.C and ionic bonding, which I enjoyed - ironically).

I'll probably start trying harder in both subjects now anyway, cheers.


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Re: Would I be screwing myself if I don't take chemistry?
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2015, 05:54:20 pm »
I plan on doing the same course next year, and I've also talked to people who did the Engineering-commerce double.

They've said (and this is entirely anecdotal, so make of it what you will...) that the Engineering part was hard (especially the math) and the commerce was piss-easy relative to it. Since there's no commerce-related pre-req's for the courses, I'd imagine they start teaching you the basics at uni. Of course, doing a subject like accounting might help, but if the course isn't relatively that hard then what's the need for it?

Since you're already doing Asian 4 you might as well do Asian 5. I'd go for Chem, because your subject choices suggest you're strong in the math/science area and you want to maximise your ATAR.


  • Victorian
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Re: Would I be screwing myself if I don't take chemistry?
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2015, 06:09:00 pm »
I''ll just give a bit more info to what was already said. I've got a mate that studies civil eng at Monash, and from what  he told me, the couple of chemistry subjects he did, was just year 12 chem, maybe a slightly more detailed bit nothing overwhelming. So even if you don't pick up chem, you''ll still have to learn it in university, but it should be "easy" to pick up considering you already have basic knowledge and also the fact that uni let's you work at your own pace.

But then again, you could pick up chem in VCE, it will be like injuring (but not killing cos that's terrible) 2 birds with one stone. You''ll get nessary background knowledge and the potential to maximize ur ATAR. Of course at cost of maximizing ur stress.
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Re: Would I be screwing myself if I don't take chemistry?
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2015, 07:03:28 pm »
Thanks for the replies,

Yeah, I also just realised after checking the course I do need to take a chemistry subject. That probably made my mind up altogether.

Regardless, how does the workload compare between chemistry and commerce subjects? I do think either one will end up as one of my bottom two subjects, but again I don't want to flat out do bad.