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Author Topic: Questions about torque and equilbibrium.  (Read 2320 times)  Share 

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Questions about torque and equilbibrium.
« on: August 25, 2021, 08:53:11 am »
Ok hey everyone, this is gonna be a bit of a rant but I am just very annoyed and feeling pretty down.
So in physics 1/2 we have just gotten to Torque right? And everything before that I have been finding super easy and just been able to breeze through questions, in spec we have just finished vectors, kinematics and statics... which is all force/physics stuff. Like I can get 100% on that test (pretty lucky lol) but I can't understand this concept to save my life? It has me feeling very, very down during lockdown honestly. Yet torque, bloody torque, is driving me insane. I cannot for the life of me understand how to use it in equilbirium systems where there is like a bridge and 2 pillars and u need to find all different forces. It is absolutely killing me... it has been days and I have tried all the questions, notes, khan academy, everything and I still struggle with even basic questions. Does anyone have any tips on how to wrap your head around this, or advice on how to get over a particular block like this that just has you feeling real dumb? Cheers!
"Don't give up, and don't put too much effort into things that don't matter"-Albert Einstein, probably.