Based on this scenario, would Jenny's revocation be deemed invalid since Hayley was not aware of the revocation? Also, Jenny then changed her mind afterwards. Would this mean that Hayley could prove that there was a contract legally binding them and claim for remedy?
She sent an email on 1st June to Hayley, her good friend who had always been interested in Jenny’s old car. In her email, Jenny stated ‘My old Volkswagen is for sale. The price is $4000. Please let me know by 10th June’.
Hayley only read the email on 3rd June but wanted some time to think about it. She wrote back on the same day and in her email, she said that she was very interested and asked Jenny not to sell it to anyone else.
In the meantime, Jenny has found that her car has been working perfectly. She now changes her mind about selling her car. She sends an email to Hayley on 5th June stating that she no longer wished to sell her car to her. Hayley did not read this email as it had gone straight to her spam folder.
On 7th June, Jenny’s car gives her problems once again. She is so frustrated that she sends an email to Hayley on that day and tells Hayley to ignore her previous email and that her offer is still open.
Hayley in the meantime had sent a letter on 6th June with a cheque for $4000 enclosed. This letter only reached Jenny on 12 June. Jenny, not having received a favourable response from Hayley till 10 June, sold the car to Herbie on 11 June.