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English/Lit - The Dilemma.
« on: October 06, 2015, 06:29:55 pm »
In a nutshell: I am doing both standard English and Literature, and I have the same teacher for both. Although I am doing great in both I tend to do better in Lit; my teacher even comments that my English essays tend to read more like Lit essays most of the time and apparently I need to change that. Seriously: how can I get by without scrutinising every detail?  ::) What makes an excellent English essay rather than an excellent Lit one? Of course I want to maximise my marks as much as I can, haha.

2015= Literature // Revolutions // Psychology // Studio Arts // English


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Re: English/Lit - The Dilemma.
« Reply #1 on: October 06, 2015, 06:47:58 pm »
In a nutshell: I am doing both standard English and Literature, and I have the same teacher for both. Although I am doing great in both I tend to do better in Lit; my teacher even comments that my English essays tend to read more like Lit essays most of the time and apparently I need to change that. Seriously: how can I get by without scrutinising every detail?  ::) What makes an excellent English essay rather than an excellent Lit one? Of course I want to maximise my marks as much as I can, haha.


I do both as well and im clueless


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Re: English/Lit - The Dilemma.
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2015, 04:55:53 pm »
I assume you're talking about text response. The way I've found it, Literature is more of a discussion whereas English is more of a response, which is a bit of a generalisation but nonetheless somewhat true.
Personally, I've found Literature easier than English. English is a little less reliant on strong writing in favour of ideas, but your ideas need to be strong in Literature as well.
Literature needs lots of concise quotes, detail, and strong, deep understanding of the texts. Especially in regards to passage analysis you need to know the texts inside out for any chance at a good score. Also given the type discussion there is a significant emphasis on things like views and values of the author. Things like the language of the text and its key features (eg. style, motifs) and how it's written allow you to link passages with each other and with the rest of the text. 
In English however I sometimes get told I put in too many quotes, because it's mostly about how well you respond to a topic, and not completely how well you know a text (though rounded, significant consideration is a given)
English can also be annoying in the sense that you need to be quite selective about how you write in response to a topic so that it's direct. Don't splurge out all the knowledge you have about a text or spend ages qualifying what the writer's doing, because you need to actively respond and be relevant to the task. In English you are more responding to a topic, in Lit you're more discussing a text.
A good English response will express ideas, consideration of the topic and a solid interpretation of the text. Literature requires ideas, but other significant factors in your response are the interrelationship of passages with the rest of the text, discussion of language and it's key features.
There are different skills employed but they're all learnable.
Hope this helps :)