Hey, Butterflygirl.

I never really enjoyed this part of the course much, so others are possibly better positioned haha. But I'll jump in with what I know/my thoughts.

I need help with some questions urgently because my SAC is on Tuesday 
Can you please help me with what to discuss for nutrition related questions because I'm unsure what each mark is actually for. So if a question asked: (I dont need a response for the nutrition questions just the general things to discuss for each, what to quote, what key words to include etc.)
How can the Australian guide to healthy eating be used to assist someone in increasing calcium intake? (2 marks)
I'd probably go:
- Explain what the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating is, and how it visually represents what food groups you should be consuming proportionally
- Note that one of those food groups is "Milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or alternatives, mostly reduced fat" - and these food sources tend to be high in calcium
Describe one way that a non-government agency works to decrease risk of osteoporosis in people? (3 marks)
- Outline the non-government agency
- Outline the initiative undertaken by that non-government agency
- Explicitly explain how that works to decreased risk of osteoporosis (it might be through, for example, increase calcium consumption)
Describe two ways that the Australian dietary guidelines promote healthy eating.
- I'd probably just outline two of the guidelines
Compare the Healthy Eating Pyramid and the Australian Guide to healthy eating (need help for this one especially!)
Depends how many marks it's worth, but if you're struggling, a good place to start might simply be to describe each of those concepts. So, "the Healthy Eating Pyramid" is [description], whilst the Australian Guide to Healthy Eating is [description]." Sounds simple, but I honestly think that will go a long way to giving you ideas to include in this response.
Feel free to draft something up, and we can give you feedback on what you have.

Also, if we're supposed to discuss the guidelines, do we talk about the actual serving sizes provided etc. or the actual 5 guidelines?
Not 100% what this question is asking, but if you're asked in a general sense to discuss the Dietary Guidelines for Australian Adults, I'd be speaking about the actual guidelines.
Can you please give me some tips on things that I must do for questions relating to Nutrition Australia, aus guide to healthy eating, healthy eating pyramid and the guidelines?
What type of questions?

Also, for questions on the priority areas of the Ottawa Charter, like the following question, how specific do I need to be?
Explain a priority area of the Ottawa Charter and explain how it could be used to address obesity.
How many marks is it worth? I'd probably just give a brief description of what the priority area is, and then link that specifically to obesity (with a relevant example).
If a question talked about an increase in the number of people in the health system for a particular condition (eg. osteoporosis), how does this imapct on the values of the health system?
I know the content for the SAC but I just want to make sure I know what to include for different question types.
Hmm - not quite sure how to answer this last question. Could you rephrase?