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Just a question
« on: February 16, 2017, 07:15:27 pm »
Hi, everyday after school I get home at 5pm because that is how long it takes for me to get home. The problem is the bus ride is so long that I'm often so tired once I get home and I usually just want to sleep instead of doing any actual work. My school hours are also pretty long and I have 7 periods everyday. I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice on how to deal with this. Sorry it's not a subject question.


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Re: Just a question
« Reply #1 on: February 16, 2017, 07:21:42 pm »
Have you considered just closing your eyes during the bus ride?

Don't let yourself fall asleep. And to be fair, on a bus, it's quite hard to fall asleep as well. However, even little things such as closing your eyes are really effective to restore your energy. Basically, power naps.

If you get home at 5 PM, then of course you're going to feel somewhat drained. That's perfectly normal, because it feels like every day is basically a "long day". But you have to work around it, else as you know you don't get anything done. So if you want to combat the fatigue that gets you, you're going to have to do something to ensure you don't have to put up with it at home.

And honestly, what better than a bus ride for it? You don't even do much on the bus anyway.

So you may or may not voice concerns about sleeping on the bus. Whether or not you will, feel free to input further.


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Re: Just a question
« Reply #2 on: February 16, 2017, 07:26:17 pm »
Hi, everyday after school I get home at 5pm because that is how long it takes for me to get home. The problem is the bus ride is so long that I'm often so tired once I get home and I usually just want to sleep instead of doing any actual work. My school hours are also pretty long and I have 7 periods everyday. I'm just wondering if anyone has any advice on how to deal with this. Sorry it's not a subject question.

Hmm this is definitely a tricky situation :( Is there any way that you might be able to get in a bit of study on the bus ride? I'm thinking that potentially it might be a good idea (particularly if you're an auditory learner) to listen to the audio books of your texts, or maybe voice record your notes/practice essays. That way you can make use of that time through passive study.

If you are super tired when you get home, listen to your body and get some rest. During trials/hsc this might need to be adapted slightly tbh but on an average day its probably going to be more effective that you get maybe an hour or two rest, then try studying a little bit later in the evening when you're more refreshed (don't push it though, still make sure that you're getting a decent nights sleep - all nighters are the devil)

If you can sleep on the bus Rui's idea is also really good!

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Re: Just a question
« Reply #3 on: February 16, 2017, 07:37:27 pm »
One thing that you could consider doing if possible, is staying after school at the library / study area and do some of your homework/study then. After an hour or so you could catch the bus home, rest a bit (or study if possible) on the bus, then have dinner when you get home and take the evening off. I always preferred staying after school to work as I was tired when I got home. Good luck with HSC :)
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Re: Just a question
« Reply #4 on: February 16, 2017, 07:39:26 pm »
You could even, to extend Shadow's way of thinking, shift your schedule so that you go to sleep virtually immediately (or asap) after getting home, then do some study in the morning before school! My girlfriend did this - She used to do an hour of study in the morning before she got on the bus ;D it's all about shifting your schedule to suit your energy levels, try not to fight it too much! ;D


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Re: Just a question
« Reply #5 on: February 16, 2017, 07:39:33 pm »
This kind of advises in the opposite direction, but do you think that you could give yourself a break in the afternoon and study in the morning? So when you get home, maybe fit in a small homework task or something, but go easy on yourself, and wake up early in the morning for homework. I didn't do this all year, only towards the end where my exams were, and after about a week of trial, I realised I studied best in the morning. Maybe part of the reason you struggle to study in the afternoon is because you know you're too tired, so you're working against your mind. But if you don't beat yourself up over it and let yourself enjoy the time, maybe that cycle of negative "I can't find time" might feel a little more relaxed.

For me, when I had days when I was really tired but kept forcing myself to study, I'd not get much done and I'd be really hard on myself for it and the cycle would continue. But when I'd be like, "hey, you're tired, give it a rest" then half the negativity would subside and I'd be much more resilient and back at it the next day. Obviously your situation is different because you're feeling it everyday, but maybe morning study is best for you, and using recess and lunch for study as well (I did this) so that when you go home, you know you've got the afternoon to yourself.
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Re: Just a question
« Reply #6 on: February 16, 2017, 08:16:52 pm »
If you're feeling tired by 5pm:

- make sure you're eating enough calories that are mostly carbs, mostly protein, then a bit of fat.
- also get vitamins
- drink enough water. Buy a Pump bottle and try to drink it 3 times a day
- be serious about getting a good sleep 
- try to walk around the school for half of lunchtime and do a tiny bit of stretching during both of your lunch breaks.

basically- try to take care of yourself :)
✌️just do what makes you happy ✌️