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Author Topic: Tips for year 11  (Read 2317 times)

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Tips for year 11
« on: November 07, 2017, 09:32:18 pm »

This is not my first post but nonetheless i am new to this forum!
Im starting year 11 tomorrow because our school starts it early and i have no idea how hard it will be.
Can you guys give me some tips that will help me through?


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Re: Tips for year 11
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2017, 09:50:55 pm »

This is not my first post but nonetheless i am new to this forum!
Im starting year 11 tomorrow because our school starts it early and i have no idea how hard it will be.
Can you guys give me some tips that will help me through?

Honestly, it depends how hard you want to work. Sure you can do the absolute minimum amount of work required to please your teacher, but it won't please your own standards or conscience. If you are the type that beat themselves up when they fall below their own standards, then sure you are going to have to work to feel comfortable with your results and the amount of effort you put into it. It definitely has a heavier workload than yr 10 (obviously), but teachers know that, and hopefully should respect and support that, in the way that they are more likely to engage in one-on-one discussions, go over practice responses with you etc.

Use it as an experiment year. Figure out if you work better at night, or in the morning. Figure out what style of notes works best for you, or if you want to do notes at all. Figure out what your weaknesses are, what subjects you need to devote attention to. Figure out how to use these forums to your absolute benefit. Because trust me, you will use all the skills you develop in yr 11, going into yr 12. If you start yr 12 knowing how you approach Stage 6 learning, you are going to be comfortable tackling it and knowing you system works well for you.

Learn from your mistakes. Don't be afraid to fail. Keep up to date. Have fun!


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Re: Tips for year 11
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2017, 08:40:10 am »

This is not my first post but nonetheless i am new to this forum!
Im starting year 11 tomorrow because our school starts it early and i have no idea how hard it will be.
Can you guys give me some tips that will help me through?

Whilst a lot of people pull the "year 11 doesn't count" card my tip is to put in the hard work regardless, and as prickles said, use it as an experiement year so you know how to work during the senior years. By using year 11 this way I was able to make changes in year 12, and whilst my year 12 methods aren't perfect they were certainly better than they were in year 11 (eg. Writing notes as I go, reading my English texts, using additional resources, doing practice questions - actually maybe even you can use these tips now so you can refine your year 12 study even further)
So yeah, try your hardest and learn those study techniques now cause it will make year 12 even easier
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Re: Tips for year 11
« Reply #3 on: November 08, 2017, 09:05:51 am »
If your doing a Year 12 subject this year, then focus on that more then your Year 11 ones. The Year 12 subject matters more then your Year 11.

If you aren't then like Potatohater & Prickles have mentioned treat Year 11 as an experiment. That being said don't go overboard and try multiple new things at once and stick with them for a few days or two. I would make say a few minor changes and a major change for ~2-3 weeks and see the results/outcome of it.

I would also do well in each Year 11 subject as the crossover in content to Year 12 is generally the same things mostly with just more detail.
Go and take advantage of doing things on the holiday breaks this year as in Year 12, you may not get the luxury to "completely" relax on those 2 weeks of Term breaks.

Lastly, I would research what pathways you want after high-school. Do you want to do university? TAFE? Get a job? Take a Gap Year? If you pick university, make sure to look up prerequisites for courses as this can impact what subjects to take in Year 12. Go to Open Days and ask questions about courses. Trust me this well be of a great benefit to you later on in life. Some people will disagree with me and say that this isn't necessary. But I think it saves you a lot of time and stress trying to figure out what you want after highschool and this process gives you at worse a framework.

Good luck for Year 11 and hope you will stay active on ATARNotes for the rest of your VCE.

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Re: Tips for year 11
« Reply #4 on: November 08, 2017, 02:26:25 pm »

This is not my first post but nonetheless i am new to this forum!
Im starting year 11 tomorrow because our school starts it early and i have no idea how hard it will be.
Can you guys give me some tips that will help me through?

Hey, fellow forum newbie!
I may not be an expert, but I know a thing or two about the year level I just graduated.
Here's the truth: Year 11 really isn't too difficult if you keep your head down and your tail up.
My advice would be to use year 11 as a sort of practice run before Year 12. It may be easier than Year 12, but in it there are a lot of vital skills that you will need for times to come. Don't be one of those people who sit back and wait for your senior year to roll around, you need to take down notes and make sure that you're serious about discipline and work. 'Practice makes perfect', after all. And if you practice well enough in Year 11, Senior Year will be a heck of a lot easier. (Trust me, my sister got a 95 ATAR, and she's the one who told me that).
Moreover, make sure that you choose your subjects carefully. You don't want to be stuck in a class you hate, or miss a prerequisite. If you're aiming for something in the future (some sort of Uni course) try and find the best subjects to match your interests, and what you're good at. You'll do great!
Good luck! :)
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