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Author Topic: My Gap Year Journal  (Read 13724 times)

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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #30 on: May 12, 2019, 08:24:56 pm »
Hello everyone!

It's been quite a long time since I have posted on this.

Hey Caitlyn! What kind of art have you been doing? Maybe you could share some, I'd love to see! That's so true! Taking a gap year will have enriched your life so much and given you more valuable and interesting experiences than everyone else! Hope your 18th was fabulous! Any plans for this week? You can do it! Live life to its fullest and have lots of fun! I love hearing about what a gap year is like since I don't know anyone who's done it.


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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #31 on: July 22, 2019, 09:14:48 pm »
Hey Caitlyn!

It's been two months since I've written here. It's taken me a while again! Sorry about that!

So. I haven't been doing much lately... except working. BUT I have been earning and saving my money and boy does it feel good having the numbers in my bank account going up and up. It makes me feel good going home on Friday afternoons knowing that I have more money. Lots of people would say that money is a bad motivation to take gap years but it really isn't. I'm just saving it so that I'll be comfortable next year and won't have to ask my parents for money. Time to become independent!!

Anyway, my friends came home for their winter uni holidays which was good. We all got to spend valuable time together. It sounds like uni is going great for them so far and I'm hoping next year will be the same for me! I am also going to the UoN open day next month so I can actually see the accommodation I may be living in as well as exploring a bit more of the campus that I didn't have time to see last time. Lets just say I'M PUMPED. My heart is saying 'lets go already' while my brain is like 'no. Money. Work. Experience'.

Work has been fine, I have been coming home smelling like Eucalyptus oil because we peel the labels off books we have to return to the suppliers. But that's fine because it has helped me not get a cold this year! Tafe is also going quite well. 7 out of 12 units have been completed and half of another is underway. I think I'll be finishing the Cert 3 before Christmas which is good. I'm trying to think of something to do in January with my leave. Everything is expensive. I want to go with my friends but they are uni students and have hardly any money. Maybe we could just drive around the coast or something? I dunno.

ALSO. I got two of my sculptures featured in my local art gallery. With 150 other artists but that's still something (Most of them were wall hangings/paintings/drawings) so mine got a pretty central position in one of the rooms of the gallery. I was pretty excited. I told my Year 12 art teacher and she was so excited for me!

I think that's just about it for now. I believe I will come back in like 2 months with more things to tell. Hopefully it'll be sooner.

Wishing everyone luck and happiness  :D

2018 - HSC - My HSC Journal 2018
2019 - Gap Year - Cert 3 @ TAFE My Gap Year Journal
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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #32 on: August 26, 2019, 05:13:47 pm »

So exciting news. I'm going down to the UoN open day this weekend (Even though I went last year), I have so many different questions I have to ask this time. Last time it was like "I'm finishing school and this is a possibility for me". Now I'm like "FINALLY." I guess now that I've spent a year out of school (Almost) it's given me a change of perspective. Like there's so many other things to consider than just going and getting a degree. Aaand since I'm paying for all my accommodation costs by myself, I really have to pay attention.

 I legit have a countdown on my phone to see how long I've got to go. I don't think I've been so excited to do something. Yassss moving out. Yaaassss new chapter!  Yasssssssssss.

 Ok so this year it's not just gonna be me going to the open day, my parents are going as well (even though I'm a fully functioning adult). I think they're just nervous about having their youngest child move out of home (before the eldest sibling moves out). I think I'm going to leave them alone to explore for a while, while I see what it's like without them hovering.

Another new development is that I have almost finished my Cert 3 which I am so excited to finish because it has been the boringest (Not a word. Sorry) couple of months ever. The jobs fine but the tafe is just annoying. I know, I have been complaining since the dawn of time.

I also decided to take leave next month. Just for a week or so. Cause what else are you going to do with paid leave? USE IT obviously. I have booked a small holiday to go down south, to Melbourne for a week. By myself. I told myself "It's time to get out of your comfort zone!" and I booked it about a week and a half ago. I'm pretty excited.

Anyway. I have to go cook dinner. I'm cooking lasagne!
2018 - HSC - My HSC Journal 2018
2019 - Gap Year - Cert 3 @ TAFE My Gap Year Journal
2020 - 2022 B of Design (Architecture) @ UoN My University Journal


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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #33 on: September 26, 2019, 07:38:34 am »
Lasange- yum! Hope it was a good as it sounded ;D

How was your holiday to Melbourne? What did you end up doing?


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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #34 on: October 14, 2019, 02:30:06 pm »
Lasange- yum! Hope it was a good as it sounded ;D

How was your holiday to Melbourne? What did you end up doing?

Hi! Sorry for the late reply (as always *sigh*).

So I spent the first day trying to get my bearings and how to use the tram system (Still ended up using google maps) but I was really nervous at first. Since it was my first time in the city alone, I wanted to take it easy so I just went shopping for most of the day while walking in very large circles in the CBD.

Second day I went to the zoo which was quite nice, there were many prams but that's fine. Third day I spent hours walking around the NGV galleries and let me tell you it was amazing! It's so much better than the Sydney Gallery. Would recommend for anyone interested in art because even though I'm not a fan of classical, they had so many collections to see. By this day I was very confident with my abilities to travel alone.

Fourth day, I got up a bit later and went to the Queen Victoria Markets though I didn't really find much I wanted. I could compare it to Paddy's markets in Sydney. I probably went on the wrong day which was fine but it was still meh. I found a christmas shop that day too filled to the brim with decorations.

Fifth and final day I went out to St Kilda beach and stared out at the ocean for absolutely ages. I hadn't seen the ocean since at least December I believe and I was so happy to just stare at it. I took many pictures of it. I then took a long tram ride to Fitzroy where I went to the gallery that exhibiting my cousins jewellery which was really beautiful.

All in all my holiday was really good. I'm glad I decided to go and I think it has boosted my confidence a lot more.

Another thing (Sorry this post is massively long and probably wont post till next month or something), I applied for my accommodation at UoN and it legit two hours to complete my application. But it's in and I should hear about the results of my application in November. Also, I finally accepted the offer that I deferred last year and boy was it so good to finally accept it.

I think a gap year has helped me in so many ways. It has made me so much eager to leave home, go to uni and start something new. It has given me experience and it has given me a well needed break from studying. I'm so ready to just jump head first into uni. I'm counting down the days till I leave home. Four months to go, I expect these last few months to fly!

When the date hit the 28th of Sept it was exactly one year since I graduated high school. How weird is that? One year. It kinda makes me go WOW where did that time go?

116 days and counting!

Good luck to those completing the HSC within the next couple of weeks. It will end don't worry, and you'll be sad and relieved at the same time. You'll probably never see your class form as a whole ever again which is kinda sad but it's time to start something new! No matter how well or bad you do in exams, your marks will not define you! :D
2018 - HSC - My HSC Journal 2018
2019 - Gap Year - Cert 3 @ TAFE My Gap Year Journal
2020 - 2022 B of Design (Architecture) @ UoN My University Journal


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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #35 on: December 01, 2019, 06:48:41 pm »
Hey everyone!

SO quite a lot has happened in the last couple of months.

1. Only 1.5 months to go for my traineeship.
2. Finished my Tafe course (FINALLY)
3. Got my accommodation application accepted. I now have a place to live next year and had to pay an arm and a leg to accept the room.
4. Almost at uni enrolment time. I have my student account etc and filled out HECS-Help form blah blah blah. For Newcastle enrolments open on the 9th so not long now.
5. My friends are coming home VERY soon. I'm so excited to see them again!
6. I notice I am definitely more comfortable talking to random people in the store as well as on the phone. I may still have anxiety but I think it has gotten better in that aspect.

Also, the other day I was thinking about when I was first said I wanted to be an architect (or something similar). It was a while ago but I remember being in year 7 PDE and the teacher was asking everyone what they wanted to be. At that point I honestly had no idea. In primary school I'd say the standard teacher or vet but I had heard one of the other boys in the class mumbling architect so I just went ahead and said that to the whole class.

I didn't really know what it was at first but I think as the years passed I was drawn to the art, the maths and design of it all. I became fascinated with the classical/neoclassical style of the buildings in the Sydney CBD. How I wished people designed buildings as beautiful as that these days. Yes, some buildings look nice all modern and new but where is the character? Did we really get lost in the functionality and the rationality of the modernist era? You know what I say to easy-to-put-together concrete buildings BLERGH.

Our families trip to London amazed me. Everywhere there was character. I loved it there. I was sad to leave it. Our other trip 4 years later to Germany made me compare what we had here. I guess it's because we're not an old country (we don't have castles sitting on random hills).

In senior school I chose subjects that would help me get into architecture. Art, Ancient, Engineering, Math etc. We studied a bit of architecture in ancient and I LOVED it. It got me thinking if I could go into architectural history. I still honestly have no idea if architecture is what I'm supposed to be doing but I'm certainly going with it for now. I can't think of what I'd do if I didn't pick it, I needed something creative yet mathematical at the same time. Engineering too much maths for me.

All I know is that by taking this gap year it has not swayed my thoughts in which direction I want to go. I know plenty of people who have changed what they want to do in their gap year and that's ok. Do what you want to do. Don't be forced to do what your parents want you to do.

I'm going to stop talking now. I don't know why I wrote all that but here ya go anyway. I haven't written anything in months.
2018 - HSC - My HSC Journal 2018
2019 - Gap Year - Cert 3 @ TAFE My Gap Year Journal
2020 - 2022 B of Design (Architecture) @ UoN My University Journal

Bri MT

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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #36 on: December 01, 2019, 08:40:26 pm »
It's great to hear from you again!

I don't really know anything about architecture but 100% agree that the same old (or should I say contemporary) rectangular prism of glass, metal & concrete is boring.

As you learn more about the field I imagine that'll help you gain more confidence about what specifically you want to do.

I hope you have a great reunion with your friends :)


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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2020, 05:49:45 pm »
I literally keep thinking that its 2019 still.

I spent new years with my friends, one of which is moving to QLD. We all almost burst into tears even as we have spent the last year away from each other but now its going to be even harder to see each other. My best friend said she's going to come visit me in Newcastle in March (As I did to her last March) but at the moment I'm literally thinking 'how the heck do I make friends?' 'Will I like my flatmates?' 'I hope they don't steal my food'.

It nerve wracking just thinking that I have to pack and leave my home town. As much as I say that I want to leave this boring ass town I think I am going to miss it. Like no traffic. I'm going to miss that. My double bed  :'( . All my books. My mum. It's made me think that last year was about treasuring everything that I have and knowing that I won't be living at home permanently anymore. At least I don't think I'm going to be living in my home town after uni after all I need to find a job. Looks like it's going to fun being a proper adult.

What did I learn in 2019?
 - That I'm adult and actually have to pay for food now.
 - I'm strong and can set my mind to anything I dream of.
 - I can be confident, I just have to put myself out there.
 - I like to learn new things. I craved to learn. I'm not kidding.
 - That my parents are going to buy a kitten after I leave.
 - Life isn't made for us to sit and do nothing (I do that plenty of times) and I'm ready to start running towards my goals.
 - I'm allowed to make mistakes. We're all human.

What are my goals for 2020?
 - To put myself out there. We're only young once!
 - To be even more confident than I was in 2019.
 - To make some friends.
 - To enjoy uni and not get bogged up with assessments.
 - Be organised! To be honest, this will never happen.

I think that's it for now. The farthest I have thought about uni is the fact that I'm moving in next month and I haven't packed a single thing.

I don't remember if I told you or not but I have been learning French online since the middle of October. Every night I hope online and do 15 mins of French. I have no idea if it's actually working but we'll see!

They've started advertising for my job at the bookshop now so it's all starting to get real. I can't help but wonder who their next trainee is going to be. I know we are all very different people us past/present trainees but we all get along very well especially with our coworkers and bosses. Apparently there's usually around 30 applicants for the job but then they've gotta strike out the people who aren't gap year people leading them down to 12-15 people. It kinda made me go WOW how the heck did I get this job?

Then 5-6 people are interviewed. I think some people don't get chosen because they said they can't work Saturdays but I guess that is a turn off for an employer when hiring. My boss said picking between the last 3 or 4 is like picking a name out of a hat. All sound good but you never know.

I officially finish on the 31st but I'm using up some of my leave to just relax as I leave on the 8th of Feb. So three full weeks of work left. Gah it's gone so quickly! Some days may have felt like three years but many days felt like three hours. My coworkers have really guided and helped me grow this year and I think I'm really going to miss them.

Anyway I have written an essay so the next time I check in will probably be on my ATARNotes 2 year anniversary which I know is really cheesy but who cares.

I'm also trying to decide if I should make a University journal. I'm thinking of keeping going as I have already poured my soul onto these posts. Opinions anyone?

Au revoir for now!
2018 - HSC - My HSC Journal 2018
2019 - Gap Year - Cert 3 @ TAFE My Gap Year Journal
2020 - 2022 B of Design (Architecture) @ UoN My University Journal

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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2020, 05:57:52 pm »
Hey, I've been a lurker of your GAP year journal for a bit now and it's been so interesting reading about your journey, what you've down, your job and honestly it seems really nerve-wracking leaving home so I honestly wish you all the best and hope you transition in well to university life.

Also, I reckon it would be great if you made a university journal. 

All the best for 2020  :D
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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #39 on: January 06, 2020, 05:58:19 pm »
Hey Caitlyn!

What did I learn in 2019?
 - That I'm adult and actually have to pay for food now.
 - I'm strong and can set my mind to anything I dream of.
 - I can be confident, I just have to put myself out there.
 - I like to learn new things. I craved to learn. I'm not kidding.
 - That my parents are going to buy a kitten after I leave.
 - Life isn't made for us to sit and do nothing (I do that plenty of times) and I'm ready to start running towards my goals.
 - I'm allowed to make mistakes. We're all human.

Love these reflections! Seems like you had an awesome gap year!

I don't remember if I told you or not but I have been learning French online since the middle of October. Every night I hope online and do 15 mins of French. I have no idea if it's actually working but we'll see!

Which course/program are using to learn French?

I'm also trying to decide if I should make a University journal. I'm thinking of keeping going as I have already poured my soul onto these posts. Opinions anyone?

Do it! Keen to hear about your experience at UON! And plus if you don't keep a journal, you might regret that later.  :)
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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #40 on: January 06, 2020, 06:10:28 pm »
Hey, I've been a lurker of your GAP year journal for a bit now and it's been so interesting reading about your journey

Thank you! I can't show my appreciation enough for those who have supported me throughout the HSC and my gap year. I wish you luck with your own journey.  ;D

Which course/program are using to learn French?

I've been using Memrise which combines listening and writing. It's pretty good. I can now pick up a french textbook (Which we get in for high school students) and read basic conversation pretty well. Speaking is a little harder to practice but I'm getting there.

Do it! Keen to hear about your experience at UON! And plus if you don't keep a journal, you might regret that later.  :)

Will do then! I love writing these entries, sometimes I read my HSC journal posts and I'm like 'I did that?'
2018 - HSC - My HSC Journal 2018
2019 - Gap Year - Cert 3 @ TAFE My Gap Year Journal
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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #41 on: February 02, 2020, 02:16:51 pm »
Hello! I believe this may be my final Gap Year Journal post which is a little sad but since I'll be moving to university by the end of this week I thought it best to end off this Journal.

It has been a long year. Not as long as I'd thought it would be but some parts were still a slight drag. I got through it though. I got a job, earned money and saved. I had fun times with my friends and got a taste of university life with them.

I'm glad I took a gap year. I feel more mature and more confident than I was a year ago. I'm also a year older and am an adult now.

100% recommend gap years. Do not listen to the teachers that say that they're bad and don't mean anything. They mean so much. They're so valuable. I know it's big to say but I think there is a huge difference between those who went straight to uni and those who took a gap year. Looking back now, I don't think I was ready to leave my home town. Now I really am.

So I think I'll sign off here and say goodbye to my journey through 2019 and say hello to the new decade. The new beginning!
2018 - HSC - My HSC Journal 2018
2019 - Gap Year - Cert 3 @ TAFE My Gap Year Journal
2020 - 2022 B of Design (Architecture) @ UoN My University Journal

Bri MT

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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #42 on: February 02, 2020, 05:43:55 pm »
As someone who didn't do a gap year following your journal and seeing your perspectives + journey for that has been great!  It's definitely given me greater appreciation for why people do gap years.

Thank you for sharing this with us & see you in your uni journal! 


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Re: My Gap Year Journal
« Reply #43 on: February 07, 2020, 11:19:09 am »
Thank you for sharing this with us & see you in your uni journal!

Thank you!! I really appreciate that I can share my journey's with everyone. Here's a link to my University journal for anyone wanting to continue reading - My University Journal
2018 - HSC - My HSC Journal 2018
2019 - Gap Year - Cert 3 @ TAFE My Gap Year Journal
2020 - 2022 B of Design (Architecture) @ UoN My University Journal