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Author Topic: ssillyssnakes final year of high school  (Read 1040 times)

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ssillyssnakes final year of high school
« on: February 17, 2020, 01:28:55 pm »
After reading and being emotionally invested in so many others accountability threads, I've finally decided to make my own. I figure that it'll be an interesting way to keep track and process my life and may be interesting for me to read in the future, after I've forgotten much of my year 12 experience :)

Some basic info:
Last year (2019) I completed 3/4 bio and received a study score of 38. This was pretty disappointing for me, as bio was (and is) a subject I really enjoyed and I worked pretty hard :/ I was still the Dux of bio at my school though so I can't complain too much haha
This year (2020) I will be doing chem, methods, literature, and classical studies. I'm doing classical studies through diseance ed and so far I'm enjoying it! It's not like any other subject I've done so its both scary but exciting! I'm not too confident in literature and methods, but I'm working pretty hard so that's all I can really do :/

On Friday I have my literature Adaptations and Transformations SAC for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, which I'm honestly nervous about. The subjectivity of literature appeals to me, but without SOME  kind of 'formula' for writing my essays I go off on unintelligable tangents, much to my disappointment :(

I'll try to update this after my lit SAC!

See ya :)
2019: Bio [38 rip]

2020: Literature, Methods, Chemistry, and Classical Studies


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Re: ssillyssnakes final year of high school
« Reply #1 on: February 22, 2020, 04:16:05 pm »
Ahhh so my first SAC of year 12 is done! Honestly I'm not too stressed because we were allowed to plan beforehand and so I pretty much had a solid draft before the SAC. My hand STILL hurts though - I reckon my essay would be around 1500 words... Literature is the class that I'm the most unsure with how I stand, like it's so subjective and vague unlike STEM classes where you can pretty easily see how you rank with others. I can't say I'm aiming to get a 50 or something in lit though so I'm really just trying my best and going from there.

Chem and methods are pretty good atm. We just started galvanic cells in chem which I think is a bit behind a couple of other schools but oh well  :-\ Methods is pretty chill. I actually do methods online because only 3 other students from my school are doing methods this year - and because of that we don't have a teacher in the actual room during the class so.... lessons can get pretty hectic lol

Classical studies is also pretty chill rn. We're working on the sociocultural contex for the Iliad atm and it's really interesting considering how little we really know about when the Iliad was written, who by, etc. So many different cultures and customs were all jumbled together in the story by the time it was actually written so you see cultural references from ALL OVER THE PLACE.

I think next week should be all right - no huge SACs or anything. Our lit teacher has us write a section A and B after studying each text, so I'll be doing that for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof this week, before moving into Foreign Soil. I definitely think writing section A and B essays throughout the year is a good idea - but LORD am I dreading it lmao. I think Section B will actually kill me...

That's all I have to say :) I'll update whenever I have anything mildly relevent to add lol
2019: Bio [38 rip]

2020: Literature, Methods, Chemistry, and Classical Studies

Bri MT

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Re: ssillyssnakes final year of high school
« Reply #2 on: February 22, 2020, 04:24:36 pm »
Sounds pretty good so far which is nice!

I'm assuming you've already done fuels & energy stuff for chem? Doesn't sound like you'd be much behind tbh especially if you've already done the introductory redox stuff (assigning oxidation numbers etc.).

Good luck with literature - I'm sure if you keep practicing you'll build up your hand strength and essays will become less intimidating :)


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Re: ssillyssnakes final year of high school
« Reply #3 on: February 22, 2020, 06:24:01 pm »
Hey ssillyssnakes!  ;D Nice to meet you!
Last year (2019) I completed 3/4 bio and received a study score of 38. This was pretty disappointing for me, as bio was (and is) a subject I really enjoyed and I worked pretty hard :/ I was still the Dux of bio at my school though so I can't complain too much haha
Congratulations on the Bio Dux! That's amazing!  ;D

Ahhh so my first SAC of year 12 is done! Honestly I'm not too stressed because we were allowed to plan beforehand and so I pretty much had a solid draft before the SAC. My hand STILL hurts though - I reckon my essay would be around 1500 words... Literature is the class that I'm the most unsure with how I stand, like it's so subjective and vague unlike STEM classes where you can pretty easily see how you rank with others. I can't say I'm aiming to get a 50 or something in lit though so I'm really just trying my best and going from there.
Good job on getting your first SAC done! Wow, 1500 words and handwritten! You've got to give me tips on writing fast!
Same! There are many strong writers in my class and I don't really know where I fit on the spectrum, I guess all we can do is just do the best we can.

We just started galvanic cells in chem which I think is a bit behind a couple of other schools but oh well  :-\ Methods is pretty chill.
Haha, if that's behind then our school is extremely behind! We've just finished the Fuel stuff and are about to start redox reactions next week (ok, now I'm getting a bit worried as I'm writing this).

What's your favourite subject at the moment?

Looking forward to future updates!  ;D ;D


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Re: ssillyssnakes final year of high school
« Reply #4 on: February 22, 2020, 06:36:26 pm »
Ahhh so my first SAC of year 12 is done! Honestly I'm not too stressed because we were allowed to plan beforehand and so I pretty much had a solid draft before the SAC. My hand STILL hurts though - I reckon my essay would be around 1500 words... Literature is the class that I'm the most unsure with how I stand, like it's so subjective and vague unlike STEM classes where you can pretty easily see how you rank with others. I can't say I'm aiming to get a 50 or something in lit though so I'm really just trying my best and going from there.

Chem and methods are pretty good atm. We just started galvanic cells in chem which I think is a bit behind a couple of other schools but oh well  :-\ Methods is pretty chill. I actually do methods online because only 3 other students from my school are doing methods this year - and because of that we don't have a teacher in the actual room during the class so.... lessons can get pretty hectic lol

Classical studies is also pretty chill rn. We're working on the sociocultural contex for the Iliad atm and it's really interesting considering how little we really know about when the Iliad was written, who by, etc. So many different cultures and customs were all jumbled together in the story by the time it was actually written so you see cultural references from ALL OVER THE PLACE.

I think next week should be all right - no huge SACs or anything. Our lit teacher has us write a section A and B after studying each text, so I'll be doing that for Cat on a Hot Tin Roof this week, before moving into Foreign Soil. I definitely think writing section A and B essays throughout the year is a good idea - but LORD am I dreading it lmao. I think Section B will actually kill me...

That's all I have to say :) I'll update whenever I have anything mildly relevent to add lol

Hiiii! So exciting to see another journal, and better yet, another class of 2020! Congrats on duxing bio last year too! That was like me, I didnt do so well in Methods last year (got a 37) but duxed!! I think its awesome to think that weve beat people a grade older than us!
Congrats on doing your first SAC too! Sounds like you did well  ;D

Dont feel too worried about Chem - my school has finished galvanic cells, but only just started doing fuels - well be missing a lot more classes too so I think youre on track.

Have a nice week! Cant wait for more updates  :D


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Re: ssillyssnakes final year of high school
« Reply #5 on: March 07, 2020, 12:25:12 pm »
Hey, another week (or two...) another update!

I still haven't got my lit  SAC results yet :/ and the more i wait the less confidence i have in my results lol. tbh i'm a bit jaded with how i'm doing in my classes because of how weak a cohort i have for all my subjects. while theoretically it shouldn't matter, but when you're around people who aren't that 'high achieving' and are having SACs that are way easier than other schools, even a score of 100% isn't that 'noteworthy', you know what i mean? like the standards are so much lower and we cover so much less it's like :/

in literature we are studying the book 'Foreign Soil' and writing a creative piece on it. whilst i HATE writing creative pieces for school, i at least like the book itself so i'm not TOO pressed. i'm pretty sure my lit teacher is done with me tho lollll - i need to learn how to keep my dumb thoughts to myself lmao.

classical studies is soooooo interesting!!! we're analysing book 6 of the iliad and its so much more interesting to me than learning about the political history of that area, which is what we were doing the last few weeks. even though the sotry is literally two and a half thousand years old, i'm still out here crying over some of the characters haha

i also have my first chem SAC next wednesday. strangely, i don't feel any anxiety over it yet. i probably should, but for now i'm just chilling and feeling alright with the revision i'm doing so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. contrastingly, methods will be the death of me hahaha. not content-wise, i feel pretty alright (although i keep messing up the dilation factor units, like is it dilation of factor 2 or 1/2 ???? IDK) but because we are doing it all online so its just the four of us in my methods class alone which can.... not be as productive as it would be if we had a teacher haha

in other news, i can see my diet getting worse and worse as the year has gone on, and its only MARCH! i tend to not eat throughout the day and just eat an absurd amount at around 6pm, consequently resulting in me feeling like shit for the rest of the evening.... i've started to meal prep through, and i hope that motivates me to eat healthier and more consistently :)
2019: Bio [38 rip]

2020: Literature, Methods, Chemistry, and Classical Studies