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Author Topic: The Journal of The Journey of an Unmotivated Year 12  (Read 1092 times)

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The Journal of The Journey of an Unmotivated Year 12
« on: March 22, 2022, 11:48:27 pm »
I like school. I enjoy seeing my friends, talking with my teachers and learning new things, however I am very unmotivated. Ever since I began year 7 (it would be easier if we had a standardised way of naming the school year levels in Australia so I could say started middle school or high school) it has been a slog for me to do any work, I am a master procrastinator and I can't remember a single time I did any serious revision except for my Software Dev exam last year. Rn, I am procrastinating an Algorithmic project which is due tomorrow by viewing ATARnotes topics on programs for my CAS. I even procrastinated starting this journal, (hence it is eight weeks late) but here I am on ATARnotes writing it. This journal will be a way of trying to make myself motivated even though I am not. I'll write out my grades thus far and my thoughts on each subject so I can view them in retrospect.

English: I am crushing in English atm, as English is the easiest subject for me to do without study, especially for the two SACs we have done thus far, ALA and Creative writing. I usually suck at creative writing but I used my time in class effectively (usually the only time I can use effectively) and asked my teacher a bunch of questions which led to me getting a 29/30 which I was super proud of (probably the highest creative writing mark I have gotten and definitely better than the mark I got in year seven where I basically plagiarised the plot to Fallout 4 with my own spin on it). ALA was a breeze as you can basically make a sample essay before hand and write that down with the relevant information as long as you make it coherent and flow well, and I managed to get full marks on it (seeing a fully coloured in rubric is the best feeling). I am a bit stressed for the SAC on Wordsworth we have coming up as I missed a few poetry analysis we did in class (note to self: do poetry analysis), but overall poetry anthology analysis is the easiest lit analysis as it doesn't have characters or anything so everything is based on the themes which never change, and essays can be pre-written for the SAC (or use the teachers sample essays).
Chem: Chem is alright. I quite enjoy pracs and doing calculations, but the questions are so annoying, especially on the SACs. OMG, they are so frustrating, it is like they are hinting at what they actually want you to answer. I really blanked hard on the revision for the AOS1 SAC, I ended up doing no further revision than what we did in class and reading through the answers for the practice SACs (don't judge me). I did pretty well though, as I got 80% where the cohort average was much lower. There was still people who got higher than me but I am trying to improve my revision to do better on the next SAC and to do a thorough, good EPI.
Methods: Methods sucks. I used to really enjoy maths when I was younger, but thankfully I realised how annoying maths really was and didn't pick spec. The repetitive questions over and over numb my brain even when it is a cool concept we learnt and I almost always just cheat and use answers from the worked answers for the set homework questions. I know that the repetitive questions are the only real way to learn maths but I always just end up doing the assignments (which have closer to SAC like questions on them) and reading what I got wrong on them to prepare for topic tests. So far it is not going so well as I have average ~75% on topic tests and am stressing for the SAC next term. I wish we had more time in class to do practice questions,  but alas I must get motivated to do them at home, which happens approximately never.
Physics: Physics is awesome. Easily the best subject I do. Cool concepts and easy questions with formulaic answers (to even the written questions!) which only involve wrapping your head around what it asks in the question! Not too much homework as I finish most of it in class, but I finish the rest of it quickly as I really enjoy doing it. So far I have gotten 95% (energy, force and projectile motion) and 98% (special relativity and circular motion) on the first two SACs (I should have revised more for the first SAC) but everything is going smoothly so far.
Physics: Algo is cool. I like problem solving and I like coding. I am a self-taught programmer which was a bit difficult for me in software dev last year (I was a a higher coding level but it was more difficult for me to do documentation). I only lost half a mark on the first project and have gotten full marks on the second project. The questions are strange on the exam and quite difficult because of it but I think as long as I give each of my projects full effort and really study as many practice exams as possible I should be fine

I would write my goal for an ATAR but I really think I am just gonna let the chips fall how they may, as goal setting has never really worked for me without external factors pushing me towards it. Now I am gonna finish my algo project. Wish me luck!!

« Last Edit: March 22, 2022, 11:53:39 pm by ahumanbeing »
[2021] - Software Development
[2022] - English, Chemistry, Methods, Physics, Algorithmics