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Repeating EX2? Need Advice
« on: February 12, 2021, 04:28:22 pm »
Hello everyone!
I've never made a post before so I apologise if I am doing something wrong!!

So last year I accelerated 3u and 4u maths and I struggled a lot with it as I had some personal stuff going on. I genuinely really enjoyed it despite the fact I was really struggling at the time.
I got my HSC results last year and (unsurprisingly) I absolutely bombed EX2 because I put all the effort in 3u and none in 4u. I got a HSC mark of 69 in 4u.  Over the holidays I was working on 4u questions and realized the concepts I was never able to grasp before were finally making sense to me.
So now that school started, I decided to join the new EX2 class but the maths head teacher isn't letting me. I've talked to numerous teachers at school and they keep saying that repeating is a terrible idea. They say it'll take away from my other subjects and there's no point to it.
I'm only doing 9 units atm but all of them are pretty content heavy (extension eng, advanced eng, legal, business studies, and chem). I was ranked pretty highly in my other subjects (around top 3) last year.

I am determined to put in the effort and pull my weight but it's as if no one believes in me. I'm not even sure what to do anymore. I was pretty excited to start this year and finally be able to study subjects that I truly want to. I already know all the content for 4u so I was going to spend most of the time just doing past papers. I was feeling pretty confident but now I don't even know anymore.  It's just so frustrating to try to convince them (GRRR)

I just think that if I put in effort into 4u (which I am prepared to do), I could score a better mark. I hate that last year I put no effort into it. With everyone telling me I'm wrong, I just don't know what do to. Should I continue trying to convince my teacher to let me re-take it or just take their advice and just not care about math anymore?  :(

Any advice about it would be much appreciated!!


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Re: Repeating EX2? Need Advice
« Reply #1 on: February 13, 2021, 04:40:27 pm »
Welcome to the forums!

There's nothing wrong with your post, perfect first post! I'd like to add while it sucks to hear that you went through whatever you went through at the time, everyone here hopes you're well now :D

I'd also like to add a disclaimer that I have no personal experience with a situation like this, but am going off what I have heard from other people. I'm pretty sure you can't be barred from getting into the class unless no teacher is qualified to teach the subject (which is evidently impossible, given that you did the subject last year) or the class is too big already - which I doubt, but could be a very real possibility. I'm reasonably certain that the head teacher can't bar you from doing the subject 'just because'/'because you did it last year'/on personal discretion. I also think if you're confident enough, there shouldn't be any reason that any other teacher should discourage you and dent your newfound confidence - the consequences (positive or negative) aren't going to affect them, they're going to affect you (it's not like teachers' pay packets are based on student performances after all). It's also a pretty shitty line for a teacher to take and there are definitely better ways of telling you you shouldn't do a subject.

I would keep trying to push for it, but not too hard - there are other ways and other people you can talk to (eg. careers advisor/year co-ordinator, perhaps) who can maybe sort things out for you. Pushing too hard might put you on the bad side of a few teachers which is never great. Definitely keep caring about maths though - even if you can't do any more maths this year there's no reason to stop learning maths :D

Hope everything goes well!
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