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Author Topic: Geoo's VCE Journey  (Read 84283 times)

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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #315 on: January 02, 2021, 08:54:20 pm »
congratulations! great to see that you beat out your expectations.

That 48 in food studies is special!


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #316 on: January 08, 2021, 03:32:36 pm »
CONGRATULATIONS GEOOO YOU QUEEN!! 48 IS AMAZING I hope you are soooo proud of yourself. You are definitely the AN Food Studies Queen now and I'm soo happy for you <3
 You are soo inspirational and you have shown everyone that no matter what life throws at you you can achieve your goals if you put the effort in :D
I hope you have an amazing holiday and also are you planning on starting a uni journal?
2020: Biology [43]
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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #317 on: January 08, 2021, 04:46:27 pm »
GEOO! Those results are AMAZING, especially that food studies score! You've worked so hard this year and it's all paid off and I'm so happy for you!

You are such a determined soul and you are so resilient and you've accomplished sooo much!

I know you are going to go far and all the best for the future!


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #318 on: February 03, 2021, 05:08:02 pm »

I'm SO proud of you and I'm absolutely relieved to hear the miracle score in Food Studies! You deserve it for all your hard work and dedicated passion for it over the course of this year. Let's give one massive round of applause to this beautiful AN Food Studies Queen!❤️️

Also, WOOHOOO you got past the Methods prerequisite!! That is one super big achievement and the pain you went through all year was worth it. ;D. Time to get those courses with a 25 in Methods back into your preferences because you worked so hard and your determination got you through.

You can't see me behind this computer screen, but I'm crying my eyes out in happiness to see that you achieved your goals and I'm happy to see my AN Tech buddy reach her dreams. You did a terrific job with all of your subjects and everything you paided off.


Congrats Geoo and I'm looking forward to hearing from you again in the future. Give yourself a pat on the back and have an amazing new year!
Thank you so much Ash! I'm still getting over that methods score, still have no idea how I did it, but I certainly did move up some of the old preferences back in! I felt the same way when you hit it out of the park with your amazing score for PDT! It's been great to read of a fellow tech buddy succeed with me, and hopefully we can get a trend  going to bring more people on the forums to the tech side! Thanks so much for your continued support throughout the whole of my crazy VCE journal.  I wish you the best for your journey through uni, and thank you once again for you lovely words and support! I kind of cried to!  Good luck with 2021!

Congrats Geoo! All the best :)
Thank You!!!!!

You have no idea how excited I got when I saw you updated!

Firstly, I want to congratulate you on that magnificently sexy study score for food studies. Your passion and hard work have really shone through this journal, and it must feel amazing to reap the results of your determination. Another massive congratulations for exceeding your expectations/goals for your other subjects too, and that beautiful ATAR!!! You are truly an inspiration to the AN community, because no matter what's thrown at you, you know how to bounce back, make the most of the situation, and keep powering through. I'm so happy for you, and all the best for the future later on in uni - I know success will follow you throughout your tertiary education and beyond.

Have a wonderful new year!
Aww Why's your words nearly brought me to tears. Thank you so much for your lovely words. I always got so excited to read your own journal up dates so I feel honored that you have been following and supporting me throughout my VCE. I'm still kind of shocked at how I went, and I still can't believe food studies even though it's already been a month. I hope you have an amazing time at med school, and I wish you the all the best for 2021 and beyond. Thank you so much for all the support for the last 2 years, I hope you had a great new years!


If you do a BSci at Monash hopefully I'll see you around some time!

If you haven't checked it out already insanipi has recently finished honours in pharmaceutical science and is one of, if not the most, regular uni journallers so I recommend looking at that.  There are a range of BSci journallers (or past ones) from both Monash and UniMelb you might be interested in looking at too. More from Monash iirc. 3/4 of my units each sem are normal science ones but tbh you're better of talking to one of the ANers with more of a biomed bent rather than me.

Special congratulations on food studies! Your ATAR is fantastic (obviously) but it's especially great to see you score in the top 1% of a subject you love :D
Thanks so much Bri! I hope to see you around the campus when I can finally get there!
There are so many amazing Uni Journals that I have been following that have helped to make my decision a little easier, and thankfully I have made a decision on where I wanted to go. Insanipi tempted me to go completely to the pharmSci side, but I think i'm too stuck to the clayton campus  ;)
Thanks for your kind words Bri, I'm still a bit shocked at that food studies score, but couldn't be happier!

Oh my gosh Geoo! Congratulations!!

You ATAR is incredible and your food studies score 🥵🥵 a girl could DREAM !!

Good luck for uni whatever course you get into (esp w that 26 in methods how gooood) ❤️
Thanks so much elosie!!!!!!  Good luck with year 12, I know you will do amazing, and I'll definitely be keeping an eye for your updates. I hope your year 12 goes so much smoother than us 2020er's, and thanks for the support! :D

You are incredible! Congrats and all the best for whatever's next :)
Thanks so much Biscuit!!!! Wishing you the best for 2021 and Uni!!

congratulations! great to see that you beat out your expectations.

That 48 in food studies is special!
Thanks Sine! I'm still in disbelief and it's a month later!! Best of luck with 2021!

CONGRATULATIONS GEOOO YOU QUEEN!! 48 IS AMAZING I hope you are soooo proud of yourself. You are definitely the AN Food Studies Queen now and I'm soo happy for you <3
 You are soo inspirational and you have shown everyone that no matter what life throws at you you can achieve your goals if you put the effort in :D
I hope you have an amazing holiday and also are you planning on starting a uni journal?
THANKS so much Potato!!!! Your words mean so much to me! I hope you have a great year 12 and an even better 2021, I know you will do amazing. Not sure yet if I'll do a uni journal yet. I might but i'm not sure it would be all the interesting, but I'm still thinking about it :) . I hope you had a great holiday break, and looking forward to your journal updates!

GEOO! Those results are AMAZING, especially that food studies score! You've worked so hard this year and it's all paid off and I'm so happy for you!

You are such a determined soul and you are so resilient and you've accomplished sooo much!

I know you are going to go far and all the best for the future!

Thank you so muchhhhhhh!!!! I feel so bad as I had wanted to congratulate you on your own amazing results but have been so busy I couldn't get around to them! Your support and messages from my entire vce journey have meant so much to me, and I really appreciate all the lovely messages you've left me over the 2 years. Your words mean so much to me, and I just wish you all the best for 2021 and beyond!

I'll be releasing the grand conclusion to this journal soon, but I really just wanted to thank everyone for the lovely replies.
2020: VCE 93.2
2022: BSci/Arts (Chemistry/Pharmacology and French)@Monash


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #319 on: February 03, 2021, 06:41:20 pm »
The Final Update and Conclusion

I don't even really know how to start this off. I've been wanting to conclude this journal for a while, but it's take a bit of decision making to know what I want to do and where I want to go. Now that I have finally made some of the bigger decisions of late, I think it's finally time I can wrap my journal up. In terms of other news as well, I ended up finding out that I was the Dux of my school for 2020! So that was super exciting! I now have to write a speech to present to the 2021 cohort, so that will be interesting. I haven't done any forum of public speaking since like grade 7 so wish me luck! It is online though, so I do get to record it a few times before I have to send it off.

Before I go into my future plans, I want to say to the the batches of students coming into the vce doors next, to always put yourself first above everything. Your health is more vital than anything your atar score could ever give you. As someone who went through their VCE with a health condition, keep striving to reach your goals no matter how far out of reach they may seem, but at the same time accept that unfortunately with poor health can come with limitations, and take all the opportunities to make your life easier in anyway shape or form. I wish the class of 2021 luck, I hope you guys have a better year 12 run then the class of 2020  ;)

In terms of where i'm going in the future, well that's a long story. When I had to put my final preferences in, I was so back and fourth between UoM and Monash, and ultimately decided to put UoM as my number one preference for the main reason that it has food science as a major. However, after preferences closed and I had more time to think, I ended up feeling a sense of dread at what I choose. So I decided that I would try for the February round to get into Monash. When Jan the 14th arrived, I received my offer from Melbourne University for the bachelor of science. I always thought that when you get and offer to UoM, you should be feeling excited, ecstatic and over the moon. Instead I wasn't feeling like that at all. At that point when I got the offer I was determined to change to Monash, however something popped up that I wasn't expecting.... I got a pretty nice scholarship to Melbourne.

This just threw me for a loop. I wasn't expecting that at all, and it made me start to rethink my plans. Should I got to UoM instead of monash? Would the scholarship really help make the world of difference?. So once again I was back to square one, going back and fourth over my options. I still decided to participate in second round offers and put monash as my first preference again, whilst I accepted the offer from melbourne.

Melbourne offered me a fantastic scholarship, the opportunity to do food science and Russian, and it has a really pretty campus. Where as it's downfalls came in the form of being really far away, terrible for having to drive in (public transport isn't a great option for me), more expensive, and having the degree actually be a bit of a let down. What I mean by that is I'd have to do a masters just to be even remotely qualified.


As you can see there is not much there to the major, and it would really require me to do a masters, which as Melbourne is really expensive. Comparing it to other food science degrees, it was a bit lackluster.

So, when it comes to Monash, whilst it didn't have food science (except it does have a degree in food science..... but only on the Malaysia campus  :'(), it was alot closer to home, had better transport, the parking is cheaper, i've heard the chem labs there are a bit better, and i've heard DDS is a bit nicer than Melbs :)

So whilst it was a hard decision with giving up a scholarship and a direct pathway to food science, I choose monash. Every person I spoke to honestly told me that having a long commute, especially with a health issue can really make life at uni more painful than it needs to be, and that is one of the biggest reasons why. I also realised that there are practically no jobs in science and would need to do a masters anyway, and since most food science masters just ask of doing a generic science degree, so I thought i'd be doing that masters at melb anyway, why don't I just go to a uni that's closer. I'll be doing that one unit at Monash called food chem and that nutrition unit to get my fix of food science though!!!

Monash also has a great pharma department and connections that i'm also heavily interested in, as well as being a great chem school. So yeah.... After a solid two months of thinking lots of back and fourths, I have chosen to study a Bachelor of science/arts at monash. I don't think i'll stick with the arts, as I realised I could just do a diploma of language instead of a whole degree, and I want to do another minor in a science so that probably won't last. :P I originally had commerce and science, but I realised I hate commerce except for marketing, and I don't want to spend money that was increased due to the government increasing arts and commerce doing something I don't like.

Now after all that, in the end, I see myself ending up following my passion for food science. Hopefully in research and devolvement (R&D). I still have my mind open to working in the pharmaceuticals industry as well, especially in policy or even the therapeutic goods administration. My backup option is medical imaging for a more "safe" career.

I still continue to go overboard with everything, woops this post is soooooo long! For now, looking at my vce from a month on, I'm happy with the work I put into it, and i'm happy with the atar that I achieved. I wish I could have gone back in time to tell myself not to worry so much, but in the end, the reason i'm so happy and content is because of all the worrying that forced me to do the work. I'm not sure about doing a uni journal yet, so you never now if there might be a little post about my Uni experience in the future. I'm still contemplating a GAP year, so I can't tell you too much on that.

To end this off, I just want to give a huge thank you to everyone who has supported me, and replied throughout the journal. I couldn't have done it without you guys! I'll still be around on the forums, trying to push life into the food studies thread, but till then, thank you to everyone and good luck for the future!
« Last Edit: February 03, 2021, 09:14:42 pm by Geoo »
2020: VCE 93.2
2022: BSci/Arts (Chemistry/Pharmacology and French)@Monash


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Re: Geoo's VCE Journey
« Reply #320 on: February 04, 2021, 07:47:37 am »
A fantastic conclusion to an absolutely fantastic journey Geoo! CONGRATULATIONS on dux of your school and good luck for preparing your speech!!! That's amazing and is a reflection of the very hard work you've put in over the last two years.

Sounds like the decision between Monash and Melb was a difficult one but you got there in the end (plus, come and join the Monash gang  8)). I definitely agree that whilst you would have done just as well at UniMelb, having a shorter transport time is going to make it a lot easier for you and your health in the long run. Looking forward to seeing what amazing things you do in the future.
2021-2025: BMedSci/M.D @ Monash