Yes this helps!
Also when you say scientific principles what do you mean by that? Also is there any place where I can find practical focused exam style questions? And is there any specific content apart from the module that I am working on, that I should know (like stuff from previous years or anything)?
I mean being on top of your
working scientifically skills like variable identification (also see pg 46 of the syllabus).
I'm only partially familiar with the requirements of the NSW syllabuses but generally being on top of your science skills + the relevant content is what you want to focus on for a prac exam. Generally past exam questions will include some more practical focused ones but I recommend talking to your teacher to see if you can practice using past practical exam resources.
Hi so my chemistry prac is based on the heat of combustion, and since I'm currently doing Module 7 I'm kind of confused on what exactly I should focus on and how to prepare, any ideas?
Make sure you're very familiar with how to use the relevant calculations (e.g. Q=mc[delta]T) and how to use them, also consider sources of uncertainty (e.g. loss of heat to the environment) and what could be done to minimise those. The syllabus should be your friend here - check how confident you are with the relevant dot points