what are the best year 12 subjects to do
I think the best subjects to do in Year 12 are the ones that are best for you.
Three things that are worth considering:
- prerequisites for uni - does any tertiary study you're interested in require any subjects? e.g. many education courses in VIC require the completion of a maths subject at units 1&2 level or 3&4 level, depends on the uni.
- what are you interested in? Is there a subject area you enjoy? What topics did you enjoy in each subject area in past years? You can have a look at the
VCAA study designs (click on a subject and then click on the link to its study design) to get an overview of what will be studied in each unit.
- where do your strengths lie? I'll start by saying that your ability in each subject is not fixed at all and the difference between a high 40s study score and a 50 might be down to the exam that you get and how you're feeling on the day. But if you find one subject area easier than another, perhaps it could be a good idea to play to your strengths, rather than picking subjects that you struggle in, as you might get frustrated with the content and not want to study for the subject.
Here on the forum, we've also got
subject reviews written by students who have completed 3&4 subjects. Of course, the opinions of others shouldn't influence your decision making too heavily, but they can help with knowing a bit more what to expect going into those subjects.
Hope this helps