Hey! This is how I interpreted grief in the Ransom and Queen:
In Ransom, Malouf reveals how each of the characters deal with grief in different ways. Priam deals with grief by taking action or “chance” while Achilles’ remains stuck in his cycle of grief. On the other hand, Somax is a character who is able to embrace grief and even forgive Beauty. Both Priam and Somax are able to deal with grief because they take action! However, Achilles’ inactions lead him to a destructive path. Ultimately, Malouf suggests that grief is an emotion which can be destructive when individuals are unable to embrace grief and take actions to break away from it.
The Queen:
The public’s grief in The Queen is extremely strong! Their grief results in Elizabeth changing her ways and moving away from traditions. Thus, Frears’ establishes that grief has the power to pave the way for change in traditions and leaders.