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Author Topic: Will you get a better ATAR with mainsteam English or English Lang?  (Read 4536 times)  Share 

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I'm currently in year 10 and I'll have to submit my VCE subject selection soon this year. I was wondering whether to pick English Language or regular English. Which one is a better option in all aspects, particularly in terms of maximising the ATAR? Also, how does English language differ from regular English? Thanks :)


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Re: Will you get a better ATAR with mainsteam English or English Lang?
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2022, 09:03:13 pm »
« Last Edit: March 11, 2022, 12:28:43 am by Tapioca »

beep boop

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Re: Will you get a better ATAR with mainsteam English or English Lang?
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2022, 10:28:28 pm »
Hey Scilover!

I can't say much for mainstream english bc I don't do it. Its most likely to be an extension of knowledge and working on your skills preceding from your junior and intermediate yrs.

For eng lang on the other hand I can say a lot more. Think of it as the science behind languages which is linguistics. If you choose it you'll learn the history of words, subsystems etc.
Eng lang is not an easy subject. It requires dedication and time. Its very different from mainstream eng. It still does require the oral, essays etc.

Honesty I would'nt worry too much in yr 10 and 11. Just focus on your studies in yr.
10, have a think of what you want to do on vce. Yr 11 sus out the subjects and think of career pathways. Yr 11 is more like the safety net for vce. You could choose what eng pathway suits you best and if you don't like it, you can drop it.
class of '22
'21: viet sl [36], bio
'22: psych, methods, spesh, chem, eng lang
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Re: Will you get a better ATAR with mainsteam English or English Lang?
« Reply #3 on: January 30, 2022, 11:07:31 pm »
Well eng lan sclaes more than mainstream but what will get you the better atar is what you enjoy. Scaling means Jack in the long run, especially since its only about 3 point difference between them. A 37 sclaes to a 39, great. That won't mean much for 2 reasons, one of them is that the further from around 35 you go, the lesses the scaling will work, so a 20 scales to a 20 in eng lan. And the work to get a 37 in eng lan may be different than the work for a 39 in main stream depending on what YOU enjoy. So yeah, just some food for thought about subjects.
"Don't give up, and don't put too much effort into things that don't matter"-Albert Einstein, probably.


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Re: Will you get a better ATAR with mainsteam English or English Lang?
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2022, 11:27:42 am »
As Mabajas76 said, do what you enjoy more as you will do better in a subject that you love than one that is merely a burden. Furthermore, if you are mathematically and scientifically inclined, Eng lang may be better in the long run because of the ideas it has like linguistics and metalanguage and if you are a STEM student, then you should find eng lang much easier. If you like English or humanities more, then mainstream may be your jam. In the end, it's up to you. Maybe check the study designs and see which one you like more.