OK commenting without quoting so try and follow along.
When you succeed with your application you will get an email and you can always check you application on their website.
Johns is John XXIII, it seem real nice on open day and all that but the reality is there. The stereotype is in effect and ontop of that the stereotype is like a self-fulfilling prophecy. There are some nice guys in Johns, that true off everywhere, it’s just Johns has more people that fit the stereotype.
Moving in without a car is not the easiest thing to do, you can take a bus train journey but that depends on how much you want to take (usually more than you can carry with you). See if you can get a parent to take you or something (you also have the problem of what you will do when you need to go home (and how you will get your stuff back)). Unilodge has 52 week contracts so I personally don’t need to take my stuff back (but I do pay for the room even when I am not there). I also have a friend who will be using part of it as a storage space during the break. The one thing I may be able to offer is a ride from a town called Wodonga but no guarantees yet (contact me closer to the date and I’ll see if I can arrange something).
I don’t know about student moving services but that might be OK, don’t have a clue on pricing and the like.
To the person looking for my essay on unilodge, I don’t think it’s here, I can seem to be able to find it (and I’ve looked at my usual forums as well )