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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #30 on: January 06, 2012, 02:11:22 am »
Even with good form, deadlifting will eventually fuck up your back imo. Especially if you're doing really heavy weights.


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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #31 on: January 06, 2012, 09:47:53 am »
Never dirty bulk because a) you're not a bodybuilder in his on and off season b) you're gonna have to cut back down anyway c) the point of being fit is not to become fat.

^Only in the same way runners have fucked up knees. The problem comes in if you've adopted a powerlifting schedule
« Last Edit: January 06, 2012, 09:51:16 am by JellyDonut »
It's really not that hard to quantify..., but I believe that being raped once is not as bad as being raped five times, even if the one rape was by a gang of people.


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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #32 on: January 06, 2012, 11:34:23 am »
Never dirty bulk because a) you're not a bodybuilder in his on and off season b) you're gonna have to cut back down anyway c) the point of being fit is not to become fat.

^Only in the same way runners have fucked up knees. The problem comes in if you've adopted a powerlifting schedule

This is true.
however , it comes down to the individual.
When im bulking , i eat maccas twice a day and all this icecream and crap and everything i can see... and I dont put on fat. my metabolism is fast and im spending 6 hours in the gym a day.

however , my best mate who has a lower BF% than me will eat a cheeseburger and notice the effects.
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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #33 on: January 06, 2012, 12:07:40 pm »
any tips on staying in shape during the holidays esp with all the junk food around you?

overseas at the moment and can't seem to find the drive to stay motivated because the only thing i want to do is relax and try new foods (which usually comprise of fat/sugar laden stars of food porn guaranteeing you with diabetes).

what do you guys do when you're on a vacation? let the fuck go or stay strict with a healthy diet?

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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #34 on: January 06, 2012, 12:19:10 pm »
Let it go. It's not like you can avoid
eating those tasty things.
It's called a holiday, and not a training
camp for a reason.
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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #35 on: January 06, 2012, 04:51:07 pm »
Yeah the cardio is catabolic in nature, but if you start off with HIIT, take a rest and then get back onto cardio you'll maintain muscle a lot better (some supplements help too). Usually I don't do steady state cardio for that reason, but in the end my net bf% will still decrease. Yeah energy is a big problem, need to split into morning/afternoon set. Yeah 18kgs I know I can't do any presses, I'll leave that for the gym, but curls and walking lunges are fine. I do deadlift now, I just meant that I didn't start doing high weight deadlifts because I had terrible form, I'm fine now.

On the other hand, how are you saying 1.5 hours of cardio is too much when you spend 6 hours lifting in the gym? :P
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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #36 on: January 06, 2012, 05:52:27 pm »
Yeah the cardio is catabolic in nature, but if you start off with HIIT, take a rest and then get back onto cardio you'll maintain muscle a lot better (some supplements help too). Usually I don't do steady state cardio for that reason, but in the end my net bf% will still decrease. Yeah energy is a big problem, need to split into morning/afternoon set. Yeah 18kgs I know I can't do any presses, I'll leave that for the gym, but curls and walking lunges are fine. I do deadlift now, I just meant that I didn't start doing high weight deadlifts because I had terrible form, I'm fine now.

On the other hand, how are you saying 1.5 hours of cardio is too much when you spend 6 hours lifting in the gym? :P

True , I actually need to start doing some of that myself , I realised my dirty bulking isn't going as well as planned haha .. .I jumped back up to 14% BF .. and shoulders look less defined .. fml haha . time to hit the HIIT

as for training 6 hours a day. yeah it depends what workout. i usually train for a minimum of 2 hours ... but Some days i go to 5-6 hours. ... Eating meals in between , staying hydrated , taking breaks after each hour to let the lactic acid leave the muscle. I take different sups during my workouts too in order to reduce lactic acid buildup and keep my energy levels high.
it just allows maximum tear , maximum growth , maximum results.

When our clients come in however , I wouldnt reccomend them to workout for more than an hour , maybe an hour and a half.
if you been training for a while and you know what your doing , then you can do it correctly ,. otherwise its too much stress on your body , and its useless. literally doing nothing.

however , the 1.5 hours of cardio ... i believe will be too catabolic l.. because cross trainer is generally low intensity for me , I dont really have a fast pace on the cross trainer .. so i imagine your talking about complete aerobic cardio work.
but yeah your right , the HIIT work is definitely a good idea.

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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #37 on: January 06, 2012, 05:54:31 pm »
Yeah the cardio is catabolic in nature, but if you start off with HIIT, take a rest and then get back onto cardio you'll maintain muscle a lot better (some supplements help too). Usually I don't do steady state cardio for that reason, but in the end my net bf% will still decrease. Yeah energy is a big problem, need to split into morning/afternoon set. Yeah 18kgs I know I can't do any presses, I'll leave that for the gym, but curls and walking lunges are fine. I do deadlift now, I just meant that I didn't start doing high weight deadlifts because I had terrible form, I'm fine now.

On the other hand, how are you saying 1.5 hours of cardio is too much when you spend 6 hours lifting in the gym? :P

Sorry taig , just read this again "I don't do steady state cardio for that reason"

yeah my bad , read it wront .. i thought you said you DO it.
in that case , your plan is good and ima give it a try next week :P
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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #38 on: January 06, 2012, 07:31:27 pm »
I was planning on getting fit these holidays but instead went to India and put on a few kilos.

Now I've been going for runs and swims but nothings really happening. I try to limit carb intake but it doesn't seem to be doing much. What now?
maybe you're not going hard enough, how many k's do you run and how often?
also is your running outside or on treadmill
could be you're gaining muscle so you're not seeing weight loss
if you feel fitter you probably are
i'm no health expert but i feel way better after going on runs so it strikes me as odd that you find nothing's happening
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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #39 on: January 07, 2012, 05:16:56 am »
Clean or Dirty bulking?
Clean for the most part for me, on fridays I have a cheat meal AKA big macs, Mmmmm. I cut my full day cheat day out because I want to mininse da fat gains :P, I overestimated my bmr.

The other guy uses a weight gainer shake, because he is a hard gainer what so ever. His diet is pretty clean for the most part and he tells me has trouble eating excessive foods. Its pretty hard for skinny extreme-ecto fellas to eat more than they have to :P.

Tell him to get onto lentils (dhal as curries call them).
It's mad good for clean-ish bulking.
A 192 gram serving has the following macros:
-Carbs 115.4 gr (58.6 gr fibre , 4gr sugar)
-Protein 49.5 grams
-Fat 2gr (0.3 sat)
-Other : low sodium, high in iron, manganese, phosphorous, and vitamin b. all excellent

Haha big macs aren't that dirty if you drop the buns. High protein and high fat (unfortunately saturated) can still work all right on a keto diet for losing weight, but obviously if you keen doing it you'll run into other problems.

Bazza16: yeah but make sure you don't do bicep curls more than twice a week. I think for where you're at, two lifting days followed by protein shakes is enough. If it's accessible, try down pre-boiled eggs, some chicken breast, or tuna straight after your workout and you'll be fine. I don't think protein shakes are inherently better for gaining muscle, as long as you get your protein from the right sources you're fine (eg meat and milk proteins are generally better absorbed than soy).

Yeah Matt give it a go if you want to cut, but just not mroe than a week in a row as your skin won't readjust if you lose like 8kgs in two weeks haha.


If you're trying to lose weight, approximate the calories you're burning and eating. You'll find you'll stop finding yourself going  'OMG NO WEIGHT LOSS/GAIN :'(' when you realize your calories are not where they need to be (safe amounts are +500 for weight gain and -500 for weight loss). You just need to take into account your maintenance, allow for 10% variation, and be conservative with your estimates.
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 09:01:09 pm by taiga »
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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #40 on: January 07, 2012, 04:46:18 pm »
Dev why cant u do biceps more than twice a week?


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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #41 on: January 07, 2012, 05:13:04 pm »
I think it's just because you should allow time to recover your muscles?

I joined gym about 4 months ago. I initially lost 7kg from 86 to 79. Now I fluctuate between 78-81kg. Initially it was 1h of cardio 4 times a week but for the last 2 months it's been 5 days of weights only. My aim really isn't to lose weight anymore, just to get more tone and build a bit of muscle. I don't take protein shakes or that shit, I usually live on Coles chicken/KFC and have a horrible diet full of carbs. Completely ditched cardio as well except for the occasional workout (~300 cal) 2-3 times a week.

Yeah I'm probably not doing it right but I think I can see results.
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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #42 on: January 07, 2012, 05:35:05 pm »
but from what we were talking about (when to drink protein) i thought breaking down your muscles was good :S


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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #43 on: January 07, 2012, 06:06:55 pm »
but from what we were talking about (when to drink protein) i thought breaking down your muscles was good :S
You don`t train biceps more than twice a week because you can over train and your body won`t be able to recover properly. And since your just starting out you should take it slow, no need to train muscle groups more than twice a week :P
I do each muscle once a week and do a lacking muscle group twice a week.
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Re: Holiday Fitness Progress
« Reply #44 on: January 07, 2012, 06:28:47 pm »
Well your muscles need time to recover, the growth doesn't happen during the actual workout, it's in the time in which you're recovering, and when you're starting off recovery takes up to a week, and when you're more into the swing of things it can be as low as 2-3 days. If you do the same workout everyday you'll actually find that you will get close to 0 gains, as you wont have time to recover. In all honesty I wouldn't even recommend more than once a week. You'll still see more gains doing twice a week, but nothing near twice the amount if it was once a week. Broscience here, but i'd say the second workout in the week (esp if you're just starting off) would only increase gains by like 10-20%

Haha Kennybhoy, I'm pretty sure that back when we only did cardio we lost a fair bit of muscle though =(
« Last Edit: January 07, 2012, 06:31:58 pm by taiga »
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