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  • Victorian
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UMEP Biology
« on: January 30, 2012, 12:57:55 am »
Does ayone have a university trial exam for UMEP Biology? I'm not familiar with the exam format and type of questions so I don't know how to tailor my studies? Are the types of questions similar to VCE biology questions (i.e. mostly context questions; or are they direct questions?)?

And how are the pracs and the post-prac qns? Are the qns easy? And is the mid-sem MC test hard?

I would be so grateful if anyone can answer ASAP!!!

Thank you in advance!!!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 03:03:13 pm by ggxoxo »


  • New South Welsh
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Re: UMEP Biology
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2012, 07:30:09 pm »

I can't help you with trial exams... but from what I heard it consisted mainly of multiple choices... I have a question though, I applied and, 'accepted' my offer into UMEP biology- but I have not at all heard back from them nor received any confirmation. I fear, that for some unknown reason, my claim was not processed and I passed the lapse date. Did you receive any letter of confirmation?

EDIT: its extremely eerie how similiar our subjects are... for 2012


  • Victorian
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Re: UMEP Biology
« Reply #2 on: January 30, 2012, 11:35:50 pm »
Woah a 3-hr exam of mainly MC- imagine how many MC questions. Like 100+!

I didn't go to the Welcome Day so I'm basically guessing each step! Like, I don't kno what to buy!!! I bought the textbook though (which hopefully we were supposed to buy coz it was like $135 lol); and then I heard there was a prac book- but I cudn't find it so I mite ask the teacher on the first day?!)

To answer ur qn t35t if u go to the Student portal or whatever and then go to ur subjects- if BIO1005 (I think that's the code) appears then ur enrolment has been accepted!

And lol; I saw ur subjects in a previous topic- I didn't want to comment at teh time coz it was too weird! Lol!
« Last Edit: January 30, 2012, 11:41:26 pm by ggxoxo »


  • New South Welsh
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Re: UMEP Biology
« Reply #3 on: January 31, 2012, 12:45:32 am »
The student portal? Is this the login portal that requires our post codes, date of birth and name? I keep getting verification failure despite entering all the correct details... I have a slight feeling that, for some reason, I didn't complete my confirmation of details hence automatically declining my offer...  :(

Logging in, I see the Lapse date was the 21st, and furthermore it says, as my Enrolment status that it has expired! I hope I am in... I remember going through the confirmation process, enrolling into my courses... agreeing to terms and use... D:
« Last Edit: January 31, 2012, 12:51:12 am by t35t »


  • New South Welsh
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Re: UMEP Biology
« Reply #4 on: January 31, 2012, 01:15:32 am »
EDIT: sorry for double post;
I checked my status is BIO1004 and 1005, it says enrolled... so I guess I'm enrolled? Although the bar at the top still says I'm at potential enrollment.

What school centre are  you going to?


  • Victorian
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Re: UMEP Biology
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2012, 02:09:50 pm »
I want to do this course next year.  Just want to ask if it is interesting to study or not.


  • New South Welsh
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Re: UMEP Biology
« Reply #6 on: June 24, 2012, 06:43:11 pm »
I want to do this course next year.  Just want to ask if it is interesting to study or not.

Yeh it's pretty interesting- that is, if your able to withstand the tuesdays! Tuesdays are when all the lectures are grouped. So try to imagine yourself going to a lecture centre from 4:30-7:30. It's unrealistic to say that you'll get home by 8. You'd only get home at 8pm if you lived really close, and furthermore, if you had extremely devoted parents who would drive you home at that time. Otherwise, I get home at 8:30 after going on a bus and a train, and then, seeing as I have not eaten since 1pm (although you are allowed to bring food with you by the way), I eat dinner. Usually in the first couple of weeks you'll be all bright eyed and able to tackle anything. But as the year goes by, you get more and more tired. So don't lie to yourself saying that you won't be tired on tuesday- because you will. The uni course itself finishes before your unit 3 exams, and a bit before unit 4 exams- so you'll have plenty of year 12 revision time.

The course itself, that is, BIOL10004 got a little dry towards the animal behavioural components- sort of like year 11 biology with the heart and lung structure, and also like year 9/10 health with regards to the reproductive system and its biology. But I loved and appreciated every moment of semester one and most likely, will appreciate semester two( or my year 12 could implode and crash and burn, taking this with me).  The work load is SIGNIFICANTLY lesser than that of a year 12 subject in the sense that you can cram/do last minute revision for this course. Hence, if you were to choose this subject in order to concentrate solely on your year 12 subjects, I'd say do it- i think, even though practicals (which are INSANELY fun) and the lectures consume quite a fair bit of time, the overall time spent would be less than that of a year 12 subject. Anywho, I have not been to one tutorial this year- but I have been to all my compulsory lectures and practicals. That's just my experience of it.

Truth is, I hear so many of my fellow UMEP students saying that they will study it like a year 12 subject. It just doesn't happen- and I think the most important thing to do when considering this option is to be totally aware of the realism of your situation. You will focus on year 12. In the end, your efforts in UMEP only amount to a 2 point difference. Someone who passes the subject receives a 3- someone who studies their ass off gets 5 points.

BUT! UMEP BIO is a wonderful, absolutely fun experience. I studied hard for year 12 biology and did NOT get any chance to appreciate what I was learning, nor simply enjoy the experience. That is why I felt that, in doing UMEP BIO, I could do the subject justice. The focus for me this year has really been enjoying/appreciating the practicals, all the little things that year 12 biology didn't allow.

Please consider what I have said carefully- and again, do NOT go into this course with any fanciful delusions- reality will crush down on those who do- you will know what I mean within the first 9 weeks.