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how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« on: January 26, 2013, 03:10:39 am »
any questions just feel free to ask ill try answer

the point of this thread and the reason MOST people go to the gym as a hobby is to improve their fitness, health and get bigger muscles right? (at least for guys anyway) My aim in writing this post is to guide people on HOW to get quick guarenteed results, if you are capable of getting 90 + atar you can improve your health much easier...dedication and consistancy is always the key
somatotypes do not exist - whether you are ectomorph endomorph mesomorph you can change - the way you are now is very likely due to the way you eat and how much exercise you did in the past (sport, physical work, lifestyle (sedentary or active))

While myself I am no bodybuilder afterall im only 17 ill share with you what I think is the most effective way of training...

3 most common excuses for not going to the gym: Im too lazy - no results for you, to me bodybuilding is all about exploring your mental and physical limits and progressing yourself, use your past successes whether it be ATAR or anything else as your motivation !  I dont have time (to me the only legitimate reason and time for not going gym is if you are in year 12 and REALLY want to focus down on your VCE as it is one big competition and every bit of learning helps) cut back on all the time on facebook, tv   , I cant afford it - $60 a month is about the same price as owning an iphone,

What you need:
1.5 hours a day, a gym membership ($60 a month average)

All my life ive always been REALLY skinny and I've always wanted to gain a bit of size but couldn't quite figure out how to do it and I had no one to show me, at the start of year 12 I was 60 kilos and just skinny-fat, I had skinny arms and a big gut  (I never played sport, I just sat at home and studied and played computer games lol).
One day I decided to challenge myself and see if i was capable of changing my body, it seemed so impossible - I always went for that jog at night, did endless amount of situps and pushups yet noticed no progress at all, - no weight gain - no fat loss - no muscle growth... So towards the end of VCE I was bored and just decided to randomly search up information about how to actually get results and since then Ive slowly been increasing my knowledge on how it actually works... I signed up for a gym membership in november 3 months ago after doing a bit of research and then i started training... before and after pic below

the science of getting results
Simplified version: weight training, cardio and eat
We all know that doing physical exercise damages the muscle and when you eat it repairs and it regrows right? this is the fundamental of putting on size

Complex version (FOOD = mass building) and TRAIN LIKE A BODYBUILDER
In order to put your body in an anabolic state of growth your energy input must be greater than your energy output

Simply be in excess of 2000kJ a day and you will balloon in size

A carb is a carb it doesnt matter wether its high G,I low GI, a sugar, a complex carb... let me emphasise this ... A CARB IS A CARB it has about 16-17kJ of energy per gram whether it be a simple sugar or polysaccharide....this is the same for a protein is a protein there isnt enough research to suggest such that a BCAA is more important also, there is no such thing as a 'higher grade of protein' - e.g. the protein from the chicken in kfc is the same as the chicken from a roast chicken...
However, this does not apply for fats BUT DO NOT NEGLECT FATS - in fact fats are very important for putting on muscle the ratio of carb protein fats should be around 50:35:15 with a give or take of 5

your body composition is determined by how much calories you put in ... keep in mind you DO need protein to grow (eating 500g of carbs and 50g of protein is not going to repair your muscle quickly and you will just be sore for a long time) research suggests you take about 1.2 - 1.5 grams of protein per KILO of bodyweight to place your body in an anabolic state of growth ( another commonly myth is that you need at LEAST 1 gram per lb of bodyweight, e.g. 2.2grams of protein per KG)

now...to the people who are crazy with eating clean... if it works for you thats great (the actual reason it works is not because putting clean foods makes you strong, but because you are less likely to be on a LARGE calories surplus, thus your body does not store fat as easily) but whether you eat mcdonalds / kfc / ice cream it doesnt matter... the reason why alot of people who get
excess fat off this is because of its GI value... the energy is released fast and as a result you will feel hungry again in a shorter period of time thus making you eat more in a whole day and therefore you will be likely to be in a LARGE calorie surplus, therefore your body stores it as fat

so the benefits of eating clean is only for you to "feel" good because your body energy levels arent spiking everywhere so you will become less prone to being tired, sleepy, hungry etc
also, the traditional high sugar foods such as soft  drinks are likely to contain no fiber as compared to rice, vegetables etc ... so people who "cheat" too much on IIFYM and ONLY eat junk will probably not hit there fiber intake

the secret of effective cardio is to do it for 10 minutes after every workout - jump on the bike or crosstrainer for 30 seconds on level 5 and 30 seconds on level 15 (HIIT)...and repeat, go for a moderate speed on level 5 then push as hard as you can go on the level 15 and just manually adjust the levels....

people that say skip cardio because it kills your gains are wrong (it is a broscience) ....the reason? cardio kills your gains if you don't eat your macros because doing cardio burns extra calories and your body needs to be in an excess of calories to gain muscle / weight (IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS).... it kills peoples gains because most people dont know about nutrition and they eat the same and do cardio... so they are burning more energy without adding more energy so therefore will grow slower or even worse cardio makes there input lower than there output so they will LOSE mass

HOW to train effectively at the gym + sample routine

ok to train effectively you should be hitting your BIG muscle groups once a week with the exception of calves and traps can be done twice a week abs I do 3 times a week...the following routine can be done at all gyms, I am yet to go to a gym without any of the below equipment

DO NOT go to the gym and just train chest and biceps everyday...
(4 sets 8-12 reps) on all exercises


1) Incline dumbell bench OR barbell bench press   - this is the number one hands down most important exercise for your chest
2) flat dumbell bench OR barbell bench press  (I alternate every week between dumbell and barbell)
3) Incline or flat dumbell flyes
4) a variation of chest press (seated or vertical)
5) dumbell pullover
6) cable flyes OR pec deck
7) dips assisted or unassisted whatever you can get 10 - 12 reps with
8) ab crunch
9) plate twist or oblique targeting exercise
10) 10 minute HIIT cardio

TUESDAY - BACK + traps

3) lat pulldown wide grip
4) lat pulldown close grip
5) machine pullovers this is the onle that may not be availble at all gyms - if unavailble do another exercise for lats
6) seated row
7) assisted chin ups
8) reverse pec deck - isolate rear delts
9) dumbell shrugs
10) smith machine reverse barbell shrug
11) 10 minutes HIIT cardio

Wednesday - Legs + abs

1) squats (ass to grass)
2) leg press
3) straight leg deadlift
4) leg extension
5) leg curl - seated or lying
6) lunges
7) calve raises on machine
8) any other calve isolating exercise depends on your gym
9) ab crunch
10) any oblique variation

thursday - shoulders + traps
1) overhead press OR shoulder press (I alternate)
2) seated side lateral dumbell raises
3) dumbell or barbell upright rows
4) dumbell front raise
5) reverse pec deck again - for real delt
6) cable rear delt
7) dumbell shrug
8) smith machine barbell shrug
9) 10 mins HIIT

friday arms + calves + abs
1) standing bicep curl - ez grip or straight alternate weekly
2) hammer dumbell curls
3) preacher curl
4) machine bicep curls
5) skullcrushers or closegrip bench alternate weekly
6) tricep extension with dumbell or machine alternat weekly
7) tricep pulldown - alternate grip weekly rope straight bar or curled bar
8) dips
9) calves machine
10) calves machine
11) abs  crunch
12) oblique exercise
13) 10 minutes HIIT

saturday and sunday rest :)

NOTE: if you are a girl! READ
DO NOT be afraid touching weights if you are a girl and follow this routine and stay on a calorie deficit e.g. 1000kJ be prepared to see fast results - any stubborn fat will melt off and your bodily strength will increase - weight training is no doubt the fastest way to improve your body - do not be a cardio bunny or you will become anorexic your whole body e.g. arms and legs will shrink to chicken wings and you will be left with a little belly gut and you will end up looking weird... (same applies for guys)   - just lift heavy weights then you will see definition and growth in your muscles while reducing the fat around your belly and hips and legs

and also please, you will not turn into some muscled up man that is ridiculous (for that you will need steroids AND many years of strict training and dieting...)  - what you will get is a nicely shaped b00ty and a flat stomach :)

3 month transformation below...
« Last Edit: January 31, 2013, 12:22:53 am by Tonychet2 »


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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #1 on: January 26, 2013, 03:16:44 am »
4 common dieting myths here...


protein afterworkout

mass gainer on waking

casein before bed

2 caps of acetyl carnetine a day (really freshens up your day and brightens your mood with claimed nootropic effects) defintely feel more alert and brighter...
1 ZMA cap before sleep (claims to boost testosterone)
multivitamin and fishoil at lunch

and... preworkout before going gym :D

im not on creatine at the moment because i really dislike the bloated effect it gives me - just my preference
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 03:36:58 am by Tonychet2 »


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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #2 on: January 26, 2013, 03:38:57 am »
Looks pretty good to help out beginners dude, nice work! Just wanted to also make a point that everybody is different - some exercises will be more effective for certain people; some might be stressful on joints and whatnot for others and some people don't even need to be in an excess of 2000kj to put on weight.

This is a great guide to help people start off, but over time, you guys should be trying to work out which exercises are working for you; which ones aren't; how much food you need to eat and how often you should be training.

Keep an open mind when it comes to building muscle too, because there are probably many different ways to do it, you've just gotta find the best way for you. Don't be ashamed to be asking for advice from people at your gym, your mates or even online. Leave the ego at the door, it's each one teach one when it comes to bodybuilding I reckon, so the more things you can learn from people, the better.

Always be learning and adapting your workouts to what fits you and you should see great progress!
2013 - Bachelor of Commerce/Law @ Monash University


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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #3 on: January 26, 2013, 03:44:13 am »
thanks ! :)

i feel that a 500 calorie (2000kJ ) bulk, as claimed by others is a good rate to put on size because i found it was around the point where i wasnt putting on noticable amounts of fat but manage to consistently put on muscle, im not completely sure about others on this topic though

but yeah i completely agree i always try to train with my friends and get others into it its a good lifestyle love helping out had a bit of time so I thought i might as well post this here
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 03:48:53 am by Tonychet2 »


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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #4 on: January 26, 2013, 02:25:15 pm »
A carb is a carb it doesnt matter wether its high G,I low GI, a sugar, a complex carb... let me emphasise this ... A CARB IS A CARB it has about 16-17kJ of energy per gram whether it be a simple sugar or polysaccharide....
I have to say that i disagree. you cant count rice the same as chocolate and say 'im having my carbs'. the chocolate is absorbed MUCH faster. if if your body need 1000kj of energy for say the next 3 hours, and you eat some rice, you may get that 1000kj of energy. if you eat the same number of carbs but in chocolate, you'll get all 1000kj in the first hour. can your body use all 1000kj in the first hour? no, it only needed 333kj. so what does it do, store the rest as fat. I don't believe you can equate sugar to carbs for gym's sake.

this is the same for a protein is a protein there isnt enough research to suggest such that a BCAA is more important also, there is no such thing as a 'higher grade of protein' - e.g. the protein from the chicken in kfc is the same as the chicken from a roast chicken...
im sorry but i cringe looking at this... http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_tMgToYs_oYc/TM7H0WMVTKI/AAAAAAAAAV8/KGrShgAzhoQ/s1600/Brooks_etal_2005_F8_1.png
glutamine accounts for ~60% of raw muscle mass. it is your single most important amino acid. the 3 branched chain amino acids (leucine, iso-leucine and valine) are not in high concentration, but are like the 'hinges' that hold muscles together. if you knock out a BCAA, you will lose a larger chunk of muscle, not just that single amino acid (since larger chunks of muscle hinge onto them). so ensuring you dont lose these will help  you fight catabolism.
yes the protein in kfc is the same as protein in a roast chicken... but far more oil and fat etc etc as im sure you know.
so the benefits of eating clean is only for you to "feel" good because your body energy levels arent spiking everywhere so you will become less prone to being tired, sleepy, hungry etc
a beginner may not need to eat so cleanly, but i guarantee you that in 9 months, you will hit the biggest brick wall, and whether or not you overcome this plateau will determine whether or not you will ever progress further, and this is when you absolutely must structure your diet. but yes, for now, you can get away without a structured diet.
people that say skip cardio because it kills your gains are wrong (it is a broscience) ....the reason? cardio kills your gains if you don't eat your macros because doing cardio burns extra calories and your body needs to be in an excess of calories to gain muscle / weight (IF IT FITS YOUR MACROS)
the purpose of cardio is to 'waste' calories. just dont eat them in the first place. I only use cardio to lose that last 2-3 kilos, you can lose the majority by controlling your diet. but if you just enjoy cardio, it doesnt hurt you in any way

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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2013, 02:30:53 pm »
4 common dieting myths here...


protein afterworkout

mass gainer on waking

casein before bed

2 caps of acetyl carnetine a day (really freshens up your day and brightens your mood with claimed nootropic effects) defintely feel more alert and brighter...
1 ZMA cap before sleep (claims to boost testosterone)
multivitamin and fishoil at lunch

and... preworkout before going gym :D

im not on creatine at the moment because i really dislike the bloated effect it gives me - just my preference
mass gainers are products filled with cheap sugar and ~30-40g of protein per 100g. why not just EAT. chicken and rice, theres your carbs and protein. ZMA is really good, the carnitine is not that essential, but useful if youre really struggling to lose fat. please stay away from pre-workouts... especially for a beginner... learn to motivate yourself, instead of getting a chemical to do it for you. if you simply must take a pre-workout, make sure it has arginine and beta-alanine. but please try to avoid them!

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2014-2017: Doctor of Medicine, University of Sydney.
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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2013, 03:10:05 pm »
the food benefits of eating real food is always better than its processed option, the point im trying to make is that with IIFYM you can be flexible about your dieting it doesnt mean you can go chug down chocolate bars annd then a can of soft drink everyday but it allows you to fit in the occasional (once a day or every two days) sweet snack or ice cream or pizza

also this is the glory in IIFYM although  you will feel compltely chit insulin spikes do not actually affect your weight loss or weight gain (your goals) see pic included


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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2013, 03:14:16 pm »
And for people that actually can't afford to go to the gym irrespective of what the cost is parallel to on the technology market, get a bag. Fill it with sand. Carry it around. Complete.
✌️just do what makes you happy ✌️


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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2013, 03:16:44 pm »
IMO BCAA's are only useful when you are cutting (losing fat) , u get enough bcaas from normal protein , whey etc so its not really worth buying them on a bulk and cardio isnt just to "weight loss" in fact all professional bodybuilders do cardio today,

the mains ones are for improving heart health, recovery speed, hormone manipulation, speed up metabolism so u can eat more ( big one), increases ratio of type II muscle fibers in your body resulting in greater strength and size gains.


and well i take mass gainers because i find it hard to hit my rqeuirements from rice and chicken the one im taking atm is ASN's MP50 50% carb and 50% protein <1g sugar not much of an insulin spike, and i think beginners shouldnt take pre workout until maybe after a month after they learn their forms correctly but i feel when i take preworkout ive got an insane focus in the gym - i can  do about 2-3 more reps than without it...

the harmfulness is debatable but im not completely sure how bad it is for your health BUT id like to think it isnt as bad as drinking, smoking or drugs
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 03:32:27 pm by Tonychet2 »


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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2013, 05:45:23 pm »
IMO BCAA's are only useful when you are cutting (losing fat) , u get enough bcaas from normal protein , whey etc so its not really worth buying them on a bulk and cardio isnt just to "weight loss" in fact all professional bodybuilders do cardio today
yep they do, because you need to have as little fat on you as possible. its not useful at all for muscle gain, right? from what i gather i think youre saying that HIIT is the reason youve been able to make progress?

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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2013, 06:17:43 pm »
yep they do, because you need to have as little fat on you as possible. its not useful at all for muscle gain, right? from what i gather i think youre saying that HIIT is the reason youve been able to make progress?

yeah ive been doing HIIT its been making cardio actually bearable i couldnt stand just doing the same thing for 10 minutes lol


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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #11 on: January 27, 2013, 05:12:23 pm »
My previous bulk was on a 300 calorie surplus (generally) I saw great results.
There are many different splits that can be followed as long as all major lifts are included: Bench press, deadlifts, squats, barbell rows, and military press.

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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #12 on: January 27, 2013, 05:58:23 pm »
I personlly dont think all 5 are necessary. its definitely necessary to workout all those muscles, but not necessarily with those excercises (unless youre a powerlifter)

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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #13 on: January 27, 2013, 08:20:57 pm »
i guess you're right but they do yield the best results.
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Re: how to get results at the gym and change your body NOW! :D
« Reply #14 on: January 27, 2013, 08:49:57 pm »
I personally think back squats, BB rows and BB military press are overrated. but thats just my opinion, and it is definitely, no more than opinion :)

Smarter VCE Lectures and Resources

2014-2017: Doctor of Medicine, University of Sydney.
2011-2013: Bachelor of Biomedicine, University of Melbourne. 2010 ATAR: 99.85