can someone help me with this question 886?
thanks in advance

(assuming you are doing sound as your detail study and know standing waves etc)
So the pitch is most important in this question. Now, we know that the pitch is essentially the frequency and that v = λ f
First of all consider the piano:
The piano creates music by the means of a hammer hitting a string, which would create a standing wave along the string of constant λ. Since we know that the speed of sound is greater, this implies that f is also 10% larger. Hence, the piano will sound off-pitch (ie need to be retuned)
Now consider the flute:
The flute creates music by means of a standing wave in the air column, kinda like those questions about standing waves in open pipes. Now, since the pipe has a constant length, this means that λ is also constant for say the fundamental frequency. But since the speed of sound is 10% greater, the flute will also sound too high pitched since the frequency of sound produced is 10% greater.
So, I would choose [A] ...although it has been a while since I touched sound