Hey guys. I have a couple questions today about Voltage RMS.
I have a physics SAC tomorrow on the first half of the Electronics and Photonics Area of Study and my teacher said today that there would be a question about Voltage RMS on it, even though we haven't actually come across it in the book yet. He explained it to us and basically told us that the question was just reading the peak AC current and finding the RMS Voltage, which is easy enough. I understand the formula and how to use it for the question we will get, but i still don't understand how they get it. In the Heinemann textbook it comes up in the further electronics AOS and quickly in Electric Power AOS, but I still wasn't able to understand it.
So basically my questions are:
Where/how do they derive it?
What is it? I gathered it was like the average voltage provided by an AC signal. I also read that it is the same the DC voltage for something? What is the relationship between them?
How does the current RMS work? Where do you ever find the peak current? Are there usually graphs of these or is it something you can solve after finding the voltage RMS?
Also i have some questions about AC and DC signals that i don't think i ever really understood, and because we are finally using them a lot more now i think my knowledge isn't really matching up with what i'm learning. And some other random questions if anybody can be bothered answering them
What actually happens in an AC supplied circuit. If it was connected to a light, does that constantly turn off and on?
What does a resistor actually do to the electrons in a circuit? Does it
slow them down so less can pass through or..?
In a normal DC circuit for example, do the same amount of electrons keep running the circuit or do they just get replaced each time they finish it? Also, how do they get the electrons in the first place?
What are some different uses for AC and DC current? Like which one is usually used in our lights at home etc..?
How do you actually make an alternating current? Are magnets used to do this or something else?
Some of these might have simple answers that i probably already know. I feel like I've been trying to think to deep into some of these things and I keep confusing myself and throwing what i already know out the door. The first part is what i need help with now anyway, so if anybody can help with anything at all that would be much appreciated.