Bringing this back from 2010! The AN Awards is just a bit of fun and designed to give some recognition to some of the members who, in 2013, have stood out in some way.
- MVP of AN (no nat/hon mods can be nominated for this one)
Current nominations
nliu1995, lollymatron, Cthulhu, jibba
- MVP Class of 2013 (only graduating users can be nominated)
Current nominations
Jeggz, Mr Keshy, Alwin, teletubbies_95, Stick, lollymatron, nliu1995
- MVP of IRC (must be a regular on #atarnotes)
Current nominations
Lasercookie, Cthulhu, pi
- Most helpful in Maths boards
Current nominations
nliu1995, b^3, Phy124, Cthulhu, True Tears, Alwin
- Most helpful in Science boards
Current nominations
Mao, nliu1995, Brencookie, pi, Cthulhu, thushan, alonduek
- Most helpful in English boards
Current nominations
Brencookie, Yang Li, Cthulhu, Darvell
- Most helpful in Business Studies boards
Current nominations
eeps, meganrobyn, Damoz, Cthulhu, sam.utute
- Most helpful in IT boards
Current nominations
MJRomeo81, silverpixeli, huss48, Cthulhu, Lasercookie
- Most helpful in Uni Boards
Current nominations
nicola_a, Russ, Tomw2, Cthulhu, simpak, kingpomba, b^3, El2012
- Most helpful in Admission Test boards
Current nominations
pi, IndefetigableLover, Cthulhu, Paracetamoxyfruse
- Funniest member
Current nominations
Alwin, eeps, Phy124, Cthulhu, ShortBlackChick, simpak, pi, BasicAcid
- Most insightful/wise member
Current nominations
Russ, kingbompa, alondouek, Cthulhu, Brencookie, Fyrefly, thushan, Mao, shinny, TrueTears
- Most supportive/motivating member
Current nominations
Brencookie, El2012, Cthulhu, kingpomba, yearningforsimplicity, lollymatron
- Scariest mod (must be a moderator, including nat/hon mods)
Current nominations
b^3, pi, Fyrefly, thushan, Gloamglozer
- Scariest admin
Current nominations
The Ninatron, enwiabe, DavidB3ck, ok
Updated as of Reply #105
The way it works is that above we have the categories for each of the Awards (sorry that not all boards are represented, we chose the ones with the most traffic!). Any member can nominate any other member (one per category) by posting below in this thread following the below template. Note that you may nominate users for all categories or just a few categories and you can nominate multiple categories to the same user (just not multiple users to the same category). You also can't nominate yourself. In a few weeks we'll be locking this thread and creating a poll where you guys can vote away!
Sample nomination:
My nominations:
- Most helpful in Maths boards: User X
- Funniest member: User Y
- Scariest mod: User Z
So you don't have to nominate users for all categories if you don't want to.
For a simple copy/paste of all the categories:
- MVP of AN (no nat/hon mods can be nominated for this one)
- MVP Class of 2013 (only graduating users can be nominated)
- MVP of IRC (must be a regular on #atarnotes)
- Most helpful in Maths boards
- Most helpful in Science boards
- Most helpful in English boards
- Most helpful in Business Studies boards
- Most helpful in IT boards
- Most helpful in Uni Boards
- Most helpful in Admission Test boards
- Funniest member
- Most insightful/wise member
- Most supportive/motivating member
- Scariest mod (must be a moderator, including nat/hon mods)
- Scariest admin
Note: if you get nominated and would not like to accept the nomination, feel free to post that in this thread, although as I said, it is just a bit of fun!
Note2: MVP = Most Valued Person, the most prestigious awards
Prizes will be honour and upvotes from pi, as well as a special custom title on your profile that will show to others how much you're appreciated!
Thanks and get nominating! Please keep banter down to a minimum, show your support for other's posts via upvotes if you want