Hey, I was wondering how did you study for English throughout your HSC year, I am having trouble finding ways to study. Thankyou in advance 😊
Hi foodmood16! I'm not Elyse (clearly, how could I match that level of fabulousness
), however I thought I'd drop in and give some of my advice, since this is a super awesome question and I guarantee everyone will have asked it at some point.
Studying for English is pretty much in two parts:
1- Learning your quotes, evidence, forms, character analyses, etc etc
2- Learning/practicing ways to use these effectively in strong, unique, developed arguments
Part 1 is, essentially, content memorisation. Use whatever method you use for your other subjects that works. Personally, I wrote down all the quotes I thought would be relevant as we went through the text in class (or individually depending on the Module, we did some different stuff at different parts of the year). Then, I took this list and narrowed it down to the ones that were most useful (how many quotes is another question entirely). To learn them, I basically wrote them down in a table with the quote, the technique, and a brief analysis. Then, I would repeat the sentence over and over (I was a really boring student). For example:
The alliterative monologue of the protagonist in McTeigue's V for Vendetta allows the audience to view him in a more favourable light, the first of many theatrical choices which develops an audience appreciation for the "vaudevillian veteran." I would just recite sentences like this (not word for word, just using my little comments for analysis and joining everything together to form something resembling a sentence) over and over, and it stuck! If this bores you to tears (it did for me at times) there are way more interesting options. A whole bunch of people I know made posters with colours and arrows showing links, one person recorded their quotes and listened to them on the bus, one person just remembered quotes by writing essays! Whatever works. Speaking of writing essay, Part 2...
Yes. You must practice. There is no other way to prepare for an English Advanced Paper, especially Paper 2. The best way to study after you know your quotes (or even when you don't)? Just pick a past HSC question, and pump out an essay, or even a paragraph! Doesn't matter, as long as you are practising and
getting feedback! Elyse has already mentioned the free essay marking; and I see you are already using it, that is
AWESOME! There is no better way to practice making your arguments solid, you are off to an awesome start.
Just keep writing, and you will get better and better every time.Hope my two cents helped a tad. Stick around, I'm sure Elyse will be along soon with some more awesome advice! Thanks heaps for the question