Hey just a question about the reading section in the hsc and how to prepare for it and do you figure out the techniques during reading time or after written area of study essay. Would the best study for it just lots of past reading papers. Thankyou 
Hey jkkke! Great set of questions

I personally did my Paper 1 in the following order: Short Answer, Essay, Creative Writing. I liked doing my creative last because it was, to me, a session I could afford to lose time in if I had to, I normally aimed to write my piece in 30 minutes anyway. I also liked to have some time to let the essay question stew over in my head. For this reason, I did the Textual Analysis section first. Reading the extra texts could even give you ideas for your other sections! So, I recommend to do them first, but it is totally a personal preference

As for techniques, I normally didn't look for them during Reading Time. Instead, I used reading time to form the conceptual focus of each piece. What was the author trying to accomplish? Why was the piece created in the first place? That is often the first thing you need to answer questions in the reading section, so I think it is a good place to start. Then, when you are allowed to pick up a pen, take time to underline key phrases. Don't spend ridiculous amounts of time trying to find techniques, the conceptual understanding and analysis of the techniques is more important than the techniques themselves. I'll also add that I found it easier to read a text, do the question on it, read the next, do the next question, etc. I preferred to get one text done before moving on to the next.
How to prepare for it? You hit the nail on the head; practice, practice, practice. There is no way to prepare for what they will give you, you just need to have done as many practice versions as possible so you are well rehearsed in time management, spotting techniques, coming up with concepts quickly, etc. Having a bank of techniques that you remember, as well as a list of potential concepts, may also help you immensely