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Make Your First Post!
« on: July 19, 2016, 02:15:31 pm »

Hey everyone!

We've set up some questions to offer some direction to your first post (or third, or fourth... or fiftieth).

The reasons for these questions are two-fold:

1) It will give you something to write about
2) It will allow us to get to know you. We're a small little community, and we function best when we all know each other!  ;D

The Questions

1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).

To answer these questions, click "select", then Ctrl + C and paste it onto your reply when you make your post (this will reserve the bold font, created by the code).
Code: [Select]
[b]1. What state & year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)[/b]

[b]2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)[/b]

[b]3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory). [/b]

[b]4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)[/b]

[b]5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional). [/b]

Please feel free to answer as many or as little questions as you like, in as much or as little detail as you see fit.

Otherwise - GO! Make your first post :)
« Last Edit: October 03, 2019, 04:17:34 pm by Bri MT »
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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #1 on: July 19, 2016, 08:44:56 pm »
I want to join in! Don't prejudice me based on post count  ;)

1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory) - I'm currently at University (UNSW), studying Electrical Engineering!

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory) - Hugo. Like, WTF was that crap. Don't care what the critics say, absolute rubbish to me  ;)

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory). - Hmmm, a flamethrower?

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional) - I want to be fulfilled in my career and improve the quality of life of someone. If that's my family, great. If it's the people I work with, even better. If I can design something absolutely amazing and improve a lot of peoples lives, then that's a really successful career for me. That's the sappy cute version, but I'd love to manage an Engineering Company at some stage of my life. Recently, I've thought the latter half of my career could be spent doing lecturing at uni, since I love teaching. But maybe ATAR Notes will get that out of my system early (unlikely, bloody love lecturing)

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional). ATAR NOTES: "A reply has been posted to a topic you are watching. Click here to reply." I love my girlfriend, I love my family, I love ATAR Notes, and I'm an Apple fanboy nerd who'd rather watch the Discovery Channel at home than go out to a nightclub. If I do something, I might as well do a bloody good job of it  ;)


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #2 on: July 19, 2016, 10:12:19 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
I'm in my first year of Uni! I'm about to start my second Semester. My three subjects are Journalism, Social and Political Science, and Citizenship & Communication!
2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
The Cameron Diaz movie, "Sex Tape." It was legitimately the worst. It looked funny and modern but it was one of the shittiest plots ever.
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
I'm not well versed in the zombie world. Is a sword a bad idea? I'd hold it out and spin in a circle non-stop and swipe everything in a metre radius of me? But then again that means the zombies would be wayyyy too close before I attack. My weapon would probably be a city of people to use as live bait so I can run.
4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
Basically I want to be Amal Clooney.
5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
19 years long, creative, enjoyable and privileged. That's one sentence. I stand by my statement.
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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #3 on: July 19, 2016, 11:13:12 pm »
Welcome to AN all, please feel free to post any questions you have about school, uni, miscellaneous life... whatever! :)

1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
Fifth and penultimate year of uni, studying Monash MBBS(Hons) and BMedSc(Hons).

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
To Kill a Mockingbird. Scout's voice wants to make me kill myself over and over.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
One of those National Press Club blokes, can put anyone and anything into a deep coma within seconds. However, as an avid The Walking Dead fan, it seems that a gun with a lot of ammo and perfect head-shot aim would be the best bet.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
I want to be a person who is happy and does good things :)

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Born, studying, lived a little, more studying, still hoping that a short man like me can make it in this tall world.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2016, 11:20:58 pm by pi »


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #4 on: July 20, 2016, 03:49:15 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
Well, I've done three years of uni, but I have *one* subject left to complete. In my final semester, when I was due to finish, I dropped a unit because I was working too much to do 4... Thus prolonging the completion of my degree. I started uni 3.5 years ago now, and I'm still not enrolled in my final unit. #awkward.

Finishing quickly's not everything, pals ;)

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
Safe Haven. I literally wrote this question so I could talk about how much I hate the movie Safe Haven. I mean like, come ON Nicholas Sparks. Loved the Notebook, loved Dear John... Started Safe Haven thinking "yeah alright, cool, should be good". And you know what? It was. UNTIL A RANDOM FUCKING GHOST APPEARED OUT OF NO WHERE LIKE WHAT THE FUCK?! Literally the worst plot device in the entire world, absolutely ruined the fkn movie. Fuck you, Safe Haven.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory). - Hmmm, a flamethrower?
Bruh??? You would run out of gas so fast. What if you are hiding in a forest and there are no cars to steal fuel from, then you run into zombies? Hmm?

I've thought a lot about this. A chainsaw would be good, but everyone knows that a zombie's bones are sinewy and would jam the chainsaw. I have problems with guns and anything else that requires ammo/fuel... We're in Austraila... where would you get easily accessible bullets. Where? And even if you did get bullets, how many could you reasonably carry with you?

For this reason, I would choose a double-bladed weapon of some sort. As Elyse said, you could just spin around to fight zombie hordes, can attack from a reasonable distance (better than a knife etc). Would like to get zombies from long-range though but... you win some, you lose some, right?

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
I just wanna be fresh af. Humble, kind... I want to have money enough for freedom but I'm scared of becoming some fellow in his suit who lives in a little bubble - car, office, car, house, repeat. I just want to keep a lot of perspective and be a full-time mad guy. That'd be an achievement for me.

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
I'd say... "fuck". Basically... I work full-time for ATAR Notes (1 out of 1 full-timers dedicated to the community woo) for 45(ish) hours a week, catch public transport for 3.5 hours every weekday because I'm scummy and never got my license, then spend the remaining amount of time with ma lovely gf. To sum life in a sentence -

"Ohgod I hope I'm doing this right ohgod"
✌️just do what makes you happy ✌️


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #5 on: July 20, 2016, 04:25:32 pm »

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).

A pen. Cuz I have no hand-eye coordination, I'd be screwed with an actual weapon (heck, I might even accidentally hurt myself in the process). Why a pen, then you ask? So I could throw it at the zombies and have the satisfaction of hopefully hitting one of them before they eat my brains cuz let's be honest, I'd stand zero chance against zombies.

Am I allowed to amend my answer?

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).

My weapon of choice would be VCE. The zombies might not seek to run away from VCE initially but give them a week and trust me, they'll be running away screaming.
« Last Edit: November 29, 2016, 09:26:20 pm by HopefulLawStudent »


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #6 on: July 20, 2016, 04:48:30 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects?
Completed Business Studies in 2015
Completing English Advanced, Mathematics, Mathematics Extension I, Economics and Physics in 2016.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification.
Haven't watched a lot of movies TT__TT...

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
A machete! Or an axe?

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
I always want to be the best version of myself and that means exceeding my own limitations. In the short term, its to achieve a higher ATAR 95+ and attend UNSW (or USYD..?) Commerce

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
TLDR; Nicole l 17 l Lost AF
2015 HSC: Business Studies

2016 HSC: English Advanced  l  Mathematics  l Mathematics Extension 1  l  Economics  l  Physics


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #7 on: July 20, 2016, 04:49:41 pm »
Figured I would join the party as I am only a few days new :)

1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)

Currently in Year 12 and studying English Advanced, Studies of Religion II, Biology, Design and Tech, General Maths and Senior Science. (Lol, you could see the direction I was going in Year 11 but I didnt follow through)

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)

While a LOT of movies come closer, The Day After Tomorrow wears the crown for this one. If you have seen this, I dont need to elaborate. If you havent, its a post-apocalyptic (dystopian) movie about the melting of the polar icecaps. It was supposed to happen in centuries time but just because they could, they made it happen (overdramatised as usual) in just 48 hrs. In this, New York (of course! Thats where everyone obviously lives!) gets flooded and a really cheesy storyline about 2 people trying to reunite (males lol dont get any ideas) takes 2 1/2 hrs and a whole lot of facepalming to get through.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).

Elixir of life ;D Failing that, I would settle for a box of matches to set places alight. Failing that, I would have no choice but to have a double edged sword (but I dont want to get into the trap of short range combat)

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)

Ever since I was little, I have wanted to help people through science. This never strayed from helping people cope with disease/curing people. I have now decided (after a close look at engineering) to become a psychologist, and help people cope with their illnesses that way (which if you told me that even in year 10 you wouldve got a big fat lol and a laugh at)

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).

Born, constantly struggling to make an impact on peoples lives. Living. Stuffing up. Bit more living. A lot more stuffing up. Now in Year 12 there is no life except studying. Hopefully i dont stuff up :D

Soz if i put a dampener in your day but I am that kind of person lol (blunt, unreserved, pessimistic, dark)


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #8 on: July 20, 2016, 05:12:31 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
Check signature. But yeah I'm in first year uni right now.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
I haven't found myself hating a movie yet.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Easy. I would carry a dagger, sword, machete, pistol, bayonet, shield, petrol, matches and car.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
A successful person. But remain kind at heart.

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
My childhood is terribad. Thank goodness puberty is a real thing.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 05:25:50 pm by RuiAce »


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #9 on: July 20, 2016, 05:21:34 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
4th year (Masters level) university student. Have a degree in IT and currently in a teaching masters. Will be qualified as a Maths and IT/Computing teacher in one year.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
Despicable Me. Minions give me the creeps.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
SMG (sub machine gun). If i'm going to potentially die, I want the thrill of firing one of these bad boys before I leave this world.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
Ideally I consider myself a kind and honest person, where I put others before myself in a lot of situations. Ideally i'd like to see myself in an Assistant Principal role one day leading digital technologies/e-Learning in schools (or something in that space). I haven't chosen this career path for the money - but the idea that I can help make a difference and promote technology in schools is what's driving me.

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Someone who enjoys their own company, loves to help others and is a massive computing geek. :P Whilst I don't like to be the centre of attention, I like to have control of things :P I also love dance/EDM music!!!  ;D
« Last Edit: July 20, 2016, 06:04:12 pm by Aaron »
Experience in teaching at both secondary and tertiary levels.

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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #10 on: July 20, 2016, 05:40:29 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
3rd year uni, IT and commerce. Majoring in finance and Bus info systems

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
Twilight. Too cliched and unrealistic

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Crossbow. Insta killing zombies at long range

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Shitty Childhood, okay high school. Okay uni :P


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #11 on: July 20, 2016, 06:14:43 pm »
Not new either, but I live the thug lyfe.

1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
Year 12. Further last year, Methods, Specialist, Literature, Software Dev and Classics (the unsung hero) this year.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
M. Night Shyamalan's Avatar: The Last Airbender. Managed to turn a whimsical story of a boy who saves the world with some serious undertones into a narrative about a bunch of wartorn countries. While I think wartorn countries provides an interesting setting I think it would've been better off as a stand alone film instead of hijacking ATLA because it got marketed to the wrong audiences, and ended up being disappointing for nearly everyone who was/is a fan of the series.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Probably a homebrew flamethrower. I feel like of all the things people will be hoarding from abandoned shops, spray cans of anything are pretty low on the list. An axe, although cliche, also would be acceptable because it doesn't require ammunition should be relatively easy to keep in good condition.

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
I'm pretty happy being whatever comes out of the other side. I'd like to go into finance (actuarial, preferably) and live the rest of my life as a corporate slave, having fun on the side. Not terribly interesting, but I feel like a desk life is the life for me, if it pays well. A little bit in the opposite direction, maybe, but I'd also like to be everyone's go-to nice person. Nothing like the warm fuzzies you get from helping people.

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Pretty regular up until a little before highschool. Parents went bankrupt and now we're your stereotypical scumbag family living in the poor part of town wasting your tax money. Pretty good at school though so that's neat. tbh just waiting for my life to actually start so I can have something interesting to say. ::)
VCE: Further Maths | Methods | Specialist | Literature | Software Development | Classics
2017: making some dolla


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #12 on: July 20, 2016, 06:32:36 pm »
Definitely my first post™.

1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
First year of uni. Doing Biomed at Melb Uni.

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
I thought Pay It Forward was going to be a good movie until the very end, when they needlessly kill off the main character for absolutely no good reason, aiming to pull on the heart strings of the audience. Also agree with one of the above users in saying The Last Airbender movie was a dreadful mess.

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Crowbars are good (think Half Life).

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
Still figuring that out as I go.

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Why summarise it with a paragraph when you can summarise it with one word? Grapes.
2016–2018: Bachelor of Biomedicine (Neuroscience), The University of Melbourne
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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #13 on: July 20, 2016, 07:07:14 pm »
1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
... Education?  What's that? :o  Since VCE in 2014 I've done a TAFE course (aged care) and one semester of Nursing and now I'm doin nothin'. :P

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Love <3 ;)

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
Most of all I want to be altruistic and kind, being there for as many people as possible when they just need someone there for them.  I want to be passionate, enthusiastic, crazy; I want to be inspired, and to inspire; I want to do random acts of kindness, learn and grow, do weird spontaneous shit, live in the moment, feel deeply, love excessively, get lost in profound philosophical thought, grin way too much, and just do my fucking best.

5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
VCE (2014): HHD, Bio, English, T&T, Methods

Uni (2021-24): Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash Clayton

Work: PCA in residential aged care


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Re: Make Your First Post!
« Reply #14 on: July 20, 2016, 07:41:04 pm »
Apparently we all can't read or don't understand the words "first post" but here goes nothing  ;D

1. What year level are you in right now, and what are your subjects? (Mandatory)
Sig says it all :')
But to repeat: first year uni at Monash studying what is currently known as MBBS but to be rebranded to MD/BMedSci  :o

2. What movie do you most passionately hate? Provide justification. (Mandatory)
The Revenant.
1. I can no longer laugh about Leo's lack of Oscars
2. I really didn't enjoy paying $21 to see Leo D panting in the camera for 2 hours
(must say the bear was a nice touch though :P )

3. In the event of a zombie apocalypse, what would be your weapon of choice? (Mandatory).
Can I just join the zombies? My lack of sleep basically makes me one

4. Who do you want to be as a person, what do you want to achieve? (Optional)
5. If you had to summarise your life in a paragraph, what would you say? (Optional).
Going to answer these together... my life = busy af. But I've kind of purposely made it that way - if I'm not occupied then I'm bored... Besides that I just want to give everything my all cause you know yolo :P Hopefully in 4.5 years time, I will have not failed med and actually graduated and enjoying life as it comes.
2014 - Math Methods CAS, Chinese SL
2015 - English, Specialist, Chemistry, Physics, Biology
2016-2020 - Monash University, Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (Honours) :D
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