1. Analyses business functions and processes in large and global businesses? Can someone please help me with this question?
In my perspective, with this question I'd talk about the ethics and csr as the business needs to take care of those stuffs when they are involving themselves in the global market etc?
Hey there,
Analyses business functions and processes in large and global businesses i think is waaayyy too broad to be a possible essay question and its also an outcome. But lets try break it down though.
So analyse means "Identify components and the relationship between them" so if we are analysing business functions and processes in large and global businesses. I would interpret this as a question on interdependence since you identify components of business funcitons and processes and then the relationships between them. May not be correct but that's the interpretation I geet from it.
So then you would choose processes of operations or whatever kbf then look at how a business utilises this function and then how it relies on and affects other functions of the business. How the business has streamlined the process and increased integratino to make each function work more efficiently and cooperatively.
Not sure but thats just what I would have done - what were your thoughts on this question?
i'm not too sure how much ethics and csr come into play in this question but I think it is definitely worth mentioning and expanding on it on a global scale.
Hope this helps
Hey guys! Could somebody please explain the difference between intermediate and industrial markets?? Thanks:)
Hey there,
this one always used to confuse me because I also did economics and in that subject, intermediate means used as inputs in the production process.
However, in business studies, an intermediate market is one where finished goods are traded between businesses. So usually from wholesalers to retailers or manufacturers to retailers - consumers are not buying goods from this market. Instead, businesses are buying them in order to sell them to consumers or to other businesses.
In contrast, an industrial market is one where the products are sold are to be used as inputs into production of another good. So things like flower to make bread, aluminium to make cars etc. So businesses will buy things that they can use to produce another good.
Hope that clears things up