Sorry for being a pest, but I have one more question for today; I put down electrical engineering and computer science, but I'm still not sure which to major in (although I am interested in electrical, mechanical, mechatronic and possibly civil). How should I structure out my timetable then?
Hey there,
You still have time to figure out what you wanna major in. Are you doing flexi-first year? Either way, regardless of what you're majoring in, you're doing the exact same courses as everyone else (with a few exceptions with ELEC1111 and ENGG1300).
When it comes to structuring your timetable, firstly I'd recommend making a spreadsheet. I made a
spreadsheet so I can plan out my whole degree and it's easier to schedule because of course availabilities. Secondly, the best way to structure it is a combination of following the sample degree outline that they (should) have for each engineering major and finding out which combination of subjects has the best timetable. I'd recommend
Crossangles to plan out your timetable.
What are the differences between comp1511/comp1911 and phys1121/phys1131 then?
So comp1511 and comp1911 teach the C programming language but comp1911 is a lot more beginner friendly than comp1511. While these are for comp sci majors, it's also often taken by engineering students, particularly mechatronics, electrical and maybe even biomedical. I'm not sure which engineering you wanna major in but also taken into account that python is also a commonly used programming language (at least, I know for mech/aerospace students).
Hope this helps!