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Useful VCE Geography Resources!
« on: November 14, 2016, 12:28:12 pm »
Hi everyone.
Given there were some confusion about this study design, I think it may be worthwhile to make a resources thread for the subject of Geography. Given the numbers of people doing Geography in the state, I am not sure if anyone is going to see this thread. I am still in the process of finding and adding more resources to this thread, so if you do come across more, please PM me so that I can add it in.

I'm getting formatting right first, and then I will add resources as I see fit so please be patient. I will add more soon. :)  In other words, if you don't find the relevant resources that you want, come back later and as there will be more. As always with resources, these are meant to supplement your studies and are not intended to replace normal classroom instruction.

Unit 3/4 General resources
CIA world fact book.

Unit 3
Land Use Change (fieldwork)
Planning and Land Use
Melbourne 2030. This is really useful if you are doing fieldwork in the Melbourne metropolitan area.
Census QuickStats Shows the demographics of a region (use quick stats search on the left of the page). Whilst the demographics of your fieldwork area is not a necessity, it is quite useful to know when considering the impacts of the Land Use Change.

Global Responses
Global Forest Watch

United Nations Forum on Forests

What is REDD. An explanation of what the REDD global response is. The same site also has as countries database which you can use for your case study countries provided that they are listed there.
"The Story of REDD: A real solution to deforestation?" Tells of the weaknesses of REDD as a response to deforestation.
Cameroon | World resource Insistute An overview of Cameroon's forests and their issue of deforestation.
Local Response
Forest Voices: Baka musicians’ ambitious tour of Cameroon. Article from Forest People Program specifically for the native Baka People of Cameroon, who live in the forests.
Baka Beats: Instruments for Change in Cameroon. A video about the native forest people advocating for their forest rights, ie. anti deforestation.
Fighting for their Forests: Illegal Logging in Cameroon. The title of the video exaplins what it's about.

National Response
Cameroon Forest Legality. Explains the Forestry Laws of Cameroon, which is considered a national response.

Desertification Guide on Desertification written for the previous study design of global phenomena. The positive impacts, however, are more of the positive impact of the responses to desertification rather than desertification itself.
Global Responses
United Nations Conventions to Combat Desertification
United Nations Conventions to Combat Desertification
Learning to Combat desertification UNCCD publication. It is pretty long though.
Action Against Desertification. Basically FAO's response to desertification.
Action Against Desertification. All about the same things in the video, but in more detail with some specific case studies that can be used as a country case study.
The conversation article about China's desertification issue
Local response
National response
BBC Future Building the Great Green Wall of China It's from 2012 but the video does explain the need for this particular response

Melting Glaciers

Global responses
World Glacier Monitoring Service. It's more useful if you explore the site.
The Secrets in Greenlands Ice Sheets. New York Times article about the state of the Greenland Ice Sheets as of 2015.

Local Response

National Response
Response: Oceans melting Greenland
South American Glaciers
http://www.grida.no/publications/et/pt/page/2565.aspx]South American Glaciers On The Retreat. Small article explaining the glacial retreat of the South American Glaciers.
Unit 4
World Population
Population change and structure. An archived BBC article about population in general. A good generic resource for unit 4 Geography.

World Population Trends
7 Billion: How Did we Get So Big So Fast. Explains world population growth.
Don't Panic - Hans Rosling showing the facts about population.Population as presented by renowned statistician Hans Rosling
Hans Rosling: Global Population Growth Box by Box. Same guy as above. Just showing it with boxes.
Population pyramids: powerful predictors of the future. Explains the population pyramids  and what it shows about demographics.
The World in 2015: Global Population and the changing shape of world demographics. World population trends as presented by the economist.
Our growing population UN article on world population.
OECD data - population An interactive map about population in general. Can be changed into other population statistics (eg. young population). 
population models
Malthus model of population growth
Population, Sustainability, and Malthus: Crash Course World History 215 This is actually a good explanation of Malthus theory of population.
Thomas Malthus and population growth | Cosmology & Astronomy | Khan Academy Basically the Malthusian theory: explained in a different way.
Demographic Transition Model Old post from 2008 about the DTM that's still relevent to this study design.

Demographic Transition Model
Demographic transition | Society and Culture | MCAT | Khan Academy. Starts by explaining population growth, and then moves to explaining the actual model at 2:45.
What is the Demographic Transition Model? Pretty much self explainatory. It's an article.
Global Population Movement (international scale)
Mediterranean Migration
Refugees/Migrants Emergency Response - Mediterranean Stats and reports on the Mediterranean Migration.
Refugee Crisis: 13,000 People Rescued in One Week The Guardian article on the refugee crisis.
Migrant Workers - Middle East
Middle East Destinations
Forget about rights. The Economist on worker's rights in the Middle East

Saudi Arabia releases $1 billion to help migrant workers leave: Report Article about Saudi Arabia sending workers home.
Qatar migrant workers 'treated like animals' - Amnesty Again, an article on treatment of workers in Qatar. This time, from the BBC.
Inside Story - The plight of Qatar's migrant workers Video on the conditions of Qatar's migrant workers.

United Arabs Emirates
Housemaids in Dubai and Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates A video intended to raise awareness of the treatment of maids in Dubai, a city in the UAE.
Dubai's Dirty Little Secret Introduces Dubai as a tourist destination, but exposes the dark side at 6:51 in the video.
UAE: Workers Abused in Construction Boom Human Rights watch report. Read the page. Note that it source is from 2006, so it may be old.

Asia Pacific Migration Report. Information about where people who originate form the Asia Pacific region go for employment.
International Students
Global Flow of Tertiary-Level Students. Diagram provided for the movement of international students at the tertiary level, as well as some data as you scroll down.

Population dynamics of Individual Countries (case study)

Growing population
Contraception and family planning around the world – interactive Data about contraceptives. Not specific to a particular country but useful for more generalised Growing Population Questions.

Population Movement:
Global post videos on Dhaka:
Part 1, Part 2
, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5

Local Response
Case study: Bangladesh. A response by Women and Children first - A UK based charity.

National Responses:
Why Unmet Need For Family Planning Remains High In Bangladesh. A journal Article analysing the unmet needs from Bangladesh's family planning program.
Shaping Family Planning Programs and Policy in Bangladesh. Overview of the response in an online article.
Saudi Arabia
More Working Saudi Arabian Women Lead to a Boost in Family Planning Basically self-explanatory. Can be a factor in which can lead to discussions of Family Planning in Saudi Arabia.
It’s A Boy! Family Planning and Contraception in Egypt. An article about Egyptian's views on family planning, young brides and pregnancy.

Population movement:
Contemporary Egyptian Migration Please note that this is form 2002.

Local Response:
Youth Awareness and Action (Shabab week) Youth Empowerment approach to family planning

National Response:
UNFPA explanation on Egypt's family planning program. Click on "read more" for valuable information. There enough there for your young populations case studies.
Egypt Family planning: Health Communications Partnership Legacy - CHL Your Health,Your Wealth. More detail about the Egyptian government's family planning program
Situational Analysis of Family Planning in Egypt Some of the stuff given in this paper may be questionable (such as using the private sector) but does give a substantial analysis and an explaination of what could be done.
Ageing populations
Who Will Take Care of China's Elderly People. Pretty much sums up the issues of an ageing population in China
Ageing Workers, Slowing Productivity: China's changing demographics. Got some quality data there: Examiners and Teachers love data.

Population Movement:
Internal migration within China Pretty self explanatory.

National Response:
China to End One Child Policy and Allow Two. Basically responding by relaxing the original infamous One Child Policy into Two, which was originally designed to curb population growth.
A BBC article about ageing in Japan
101 East - Ageing in Japan. Explains the issues and challenges facing an ageing population.
Japan's Baby Drain Discuss the low fertility rates of Japan

Local Responses:
Japanese Bachelors take child-rearing classes to prepare for marriage and parenthood. Pretty much self explanatory. Teaching men to attend to child-rearing to address Japan's fertility issues.

National Responses:
Womenomics 4.0
Womenomics Continues as a Work in Progress. Japan Times Article about the Womenomics strategy and its effectiveness.

Abe: Japan's Aging Population is not burden but incentive. National response of using technology to address the ageing population.
Population Ageing and Its Effects on the German Economy. Pretty self explanatory. Can be a little hard to read though. 

National Response:
Refugees hold key to German economic growth, IMF says. Basically a News Article commenting on IMF's evaluation of Germany's refugee policy to mitigate the effects of an ageing population.
Statistics Singapore - Population trends. Think of this as the census website in Australia.
Aged Care to Singapore. This website is a website about trade, but it's about how Australia can export Aged Care to Singapore, which is ageing much faster than Australia.
Populations Ageing and Growing simultaneously
Aging (AIHW) Just really general infromation about Australia's ageing population
An Aging Australia:preparing for the future A research paper is downloadable and the stuff at the bottom of the page also provides valuable data on impacts of the demographic change.
Australia's Population Growing Fast, But Lag in Public Spending Prompt Debate Over Infrastructure Demand. ABC article on an issue of Australia's population growth
Biggest, fastest, slowest - Latest Population Growth and Change in Australia. Demographics of Australia's growing population.
The Census Video
Population Growth stabilising providing economic growth Pretty Self explanatory (ABC article)
Is Australia's Population Growth Sustainable? Youtube video explaining the issues of the growing Australian population.

Population movement
Migration and citizenship. A history of migration in Australia. Use the links there.
Timeline: Australia's Immigration Policy. SBS timeline of Australia's immigration, a very significant part of population movement in Australia.
Regional Internal Migration Explains what regional migration it is, and contains statistics on both rural to urban migration as well as between cities in Australia.
US Census Bureau - Population. You can try to look for data and statistics here but I haven't found this site easy to navigate at all. Although look right for an animated simple population statistics.
These are the Fastest-Growing racial groups in America. Population growth in the USA by ethnic background
CDC - Data and Analysis. Some papers that you can read. In depth and perhaps not as academic as other resources listed in this resource list.

^These Case studies are not in the commonly used GTAV textbook for Geography for the current study design.
« Last Edit: February 18, 2017, 09:38:57 pm by FallingStar »


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Re: Useful VCE Geography Resources!
« Reply #1 on: November 14, 2016, 12:30:10 pm »
Great thread and excellent initiative. :) Have a sticky!

Also, is anything in this thread still relevant, FallingStar?
Geography Resources over here
« Last Edit: November 14, 2016, 12:33:51 pm by Joseph41 »

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Re: Useful VCE Geography Resources!
« Reply #2 on: November 14, 2016, 12:38:44 pm »
EEEEEEEEEEEEEYYY. Someone posting in Geography!

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Re: Useful VCE Geography Resources!
« Reply #3 on: November 14, 2016, 09:56:56 pm »
Mate, this would've been a legit lifesaver this year considering I was still doing my research 2 weeks before the exam.
I don't actually have the websites but for Greenland a local response to melting glaciers is ice-arc and a national response is the government permitting mining if that helps in any way shape or form


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Re: Useful VCE Geography Resources!
« Reply #4 on: April 07, 2017, 08:33:57 pm »
Apologies for not updating this last very often. I'm very busy with my university work at the moment.

If anyone finds a good resource for any of the case studies listed here, please PM me and I shall upload it.


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Re: Useful VCE Geography Resources!
« Reply #5 on: May 07, 2018, 05:32:33 pm »
Thanks heaps for the resources. Our class is on deforestation, so that would be of great help.