Well, hello ladies and gents, this is the day we've all been waiting for: the evening of the day of our last exam.
My exams are over, I've never got to do any of these things again. No more year 12, no more worrying about cohorts and rankings and study scores. Not until 30 December. Add to this the fact that I predicted correctly the essay question for Texts (1/3 of the mark) and thus prepared for it, as well as getting decent other questions except for the one about a literary technique I'd never heard of, 'pairing' and I feel my final VCE exam treated me pretty well.
Now - finally - I get to relax. I can pick up my hobbies again. Sweep the dust off the piano keys, off my camera, off my life. I can wear out my fingers writing the stories that clamour in my head, perfecting them, polishing them until every word is a gem. It's the calm before the storm, the eye of the hurricane. I'm just about to head out into the hurricane, where I'll be tossed every which way during uni, perhaps - but never lose sight of the ground.
My VCE journey is almost over. Just the results, and now, in the post-exams euphoria, I don't care, almost. I've done what I can. I think I did okay. Not what I wanted at the start of the year, but okay. Not what will get me into the course I really want, but I've put in enough effort that I know, whatever I do, it was my best. I've written 37,000 words of a novel during the exam period. I still might win NaNoWriMo again during my sudden free time here.
Finally - I've been waiting all year for this day - I'm free. Free from a weight that's hung around my neck for ever so long. It's the end of a journey and the start of a new one.
And what will I find, then, I wonder?