Is this for part A of the training program SAC? In terms of game analysis, I think all schools do it differently so do you have a question in particular? I'm not sure about your school, but you might have to do a direct observation of a game of netball. The whole point of game analysis is to enable you to determine what fitness components you should train. If you make a table with all the key movements (might look something like: sprint, jog, walk, jump, chest pass...) and note down every time the player does that action within a specified time period, and count it all up at the end, that should tell you:
1. The work to rest ratio (for netball this might be 2:1 meaning the aerobic glycolysis system should be the one you train, and you should design your training method to replicate this W:R ratio for specificity e.g. long interval training with work = 2 rest =1)
2. The most important/most used muscles during the game (train those obv)
3. The most important fitness components (might be: aerobic capacity, muscular power, muscular strength - but depending on your analysis it might look different)
Thanks for your response!
At my school we will have GPS data for a game of netball played by someone our age (We have the data and know its GA), and a skill frequency chart. I have been working out the fitness components for each skill, and then the muscles in each skill, as well as the importance! Our teacher said we can basically write our responses before hand and try remember them in the sac, so I've been trying to make set responses for these things