Hi guys, I am only in year 10 and completing one vce subject: further maths. For the GAT, because I am only doing a maths related subject can I just focus on the maths component of the GAT or will I still need to perform reasonably well in the other areas namely science, english and humanities?
Maybe you can do your maths questions first, but make sure you do the other parts and give it all a shot - if nothing else, it's a great practice run for future years. Plus, you're in there for 3 hours, so why not try your best for all of it? It'll make time go quicker. Don't stress yourself out though, it's basically like an IQ test, and it doesn't test you on coursework or anything.
Should i study for the gat or concentrate on my unit 1 and 2 exams that begin this friday?
Concentrate on your 1&2 exams, always. Basically the only prep you can do for the GAT is look at past ones to see the structure of the assessment. I think the GAT can unnerve people because it's not something you can study for. Think of it as something like a reasoning/IQ test. The only time you need to concentrate/think about the GAT is when you're actually doing it

So was basically wondering since I'm an English Language student how we should structure the essay for topic one, what even is an expository?
An expository piece is basically something that describes/explains something. It's also often called explanatory. You're merely presenting the information provided on the page, and not your opinion (that's reserved for section two).
Both of the times I did the GAT, I just sort of grouped similar stuff together and did new paragraphs when I was moving on to a different idea sort of thing. I think I did a bit of a vague intro, from memory.
To be honest, there's not really a structure you need to follow. Just write in a way that feels comfortable to you and let the piece flow, provided you're addressing the requirements of the piece. For what it's worth, both years I'm pretty sure I did several small paragraphs just because they felt right, but I know that some people did larger paragraphs. As long as you do what they want you to do, you have the capacity to score well no matter which way you approach it

Hey guys, for the english component of the GAT I know one is an informative piece whilst the other is a persuasive piece. For the informative piece do you basically need to paraphrase the information provided for you or do you have to get creative with the information?
Probably a frustrating answer, but you can sort of do what you want

There's no wrong way to do it, really (unless you're doing a persuasive piece where you shouldn't be). I'd probably recommend getting a bit creative, just to maybe set yourself apart from other people, but as long as you get the job done, it doesn't really matter.