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Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« on: September 30, 2017, 01:08:45 am »

Call me Enoria, I'm a 16 year old girl from the Northern Beaches. I've spent the past two hours going through each and every post etched within these threads, and I've gotta admit, they're incredibly goddamn interesting to read. Despite the vast majority of them emanating from current HSC students—with me just having finished my prelim year—I thought it would be pretty extraordinary to have one of my own nonetheless.

To introduce myself, I am addicted to medical dramas and police dramas—respectively Greys Anatomy and Law and Order: SVU. OHMYGOD AND FOOD. I have an irrational obsession with Poké bowls, there's this place in Manly which makes them insanely good with avocado and nori and seaweed salad and brown rice and sesame and coconut chips, and ugh, it is ridiculously GOOD. As an actual hobby, I love netball with a passion and played as GD but I quit in Year 10 for unforeseen reasons and haven't bounced back into it since unfortunately. I'm self taught in Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop and After Effects and have been refining my flair in these programs since I discovered them at 10 years of age; however due to school, I have not been utilising my expertise in my free time as actively and flexibly as I used to be. I'm a graphic designer that creates community geofilters for Snapchat with 80 million views/uses combined on my designs, a few out of 50+ locations being: Honolulu, Venice, Shanghai, Byron Bay, Noosa, Bondi Beach and Manly. I also spend time working on designs for businesses who pay me in exchange for a customised Snapchat geofilter to promote their events, products etc. This can both be frustrating and satisfying honestly because sometimes I have, what they call, "editor's block" or my clients are literally insatiable and keep suggesting things that are, in the eyes of a designer, a really bad idea... but overall it's something I enjoy once I'm into it. Though, an increased focus on school in the past year has been reflected in my work, as my ability to create content and accept business opportunities for both personal and monetary gain has diminished exponentially. I also take shifts at a casual job as a waitress in an Asian restaurant. I think I've been rambling a bit about random things but whatever lol—don't really have anything better to do at this point hahah.

Academically, I would consider myself fairly competent, except for maths, which I'm really trying to improve on. The fact that I hate it so much doesn't really help though... ugh. My ATAR goal is 95 for a Bachelor of Politics and International Relations at UNSW, which seems impossible, but it can't hurt to dream lol. I'm also interested in Law, but that's even more impossible, so I suppose that speaks for itself hahah. I'm not really sure what else to say, but I suppose I'll provide a quick run through of the subjects I'm taking into year 12 and my thoughts/performance on them?

Advanced English; English is one of the subjects I look forward to the most, I've never really understood why it seems to be the most hated subject on here. Sure, it can be a bit tedious to grapple with initially, but once you've delved into its depths, it has the potential to be incredibly interesting. And I'm saying this in spite of my mediocre rank for it (12/70). I'm lucky to have had amazing teachers for the subject throughout my prelim and (soon-to-be) HSC year, but I think it'll be far more difficult to maintain a good rank next year because the cohort is SO much more competitive and competent now that the school has cut the bottom 30 from the course. (You had to be within the top 40, or they dropped you to Standard) Anyway, I'm just hoping I can scrape within top 5 because I think I'm capable of it, despite the inconsistency in my prelim marks. But, I am more than willing to put in the time for this, so I have faith... hopefully this won't erode throughout the year haha.

English Extension 1: I actually like English Extension a lot, but our new teacher (previous teacher went on maternity leave) diminishes the enjoyability of this subject quite a fair bit unfortunately. I love her as a person, but she's just dull at teaching if that makes sense. We did Romanticism and Gothic in Year 11, which was pretty fascinating, and I'm ranked 3rd atm (on a score of 85%) but I know this is subject to change when we get our prelim results back. I have never left an exam that last minute in my entire life. I didn't prioritise it because it was the last exam of the block and the weight of my other subjects seemed more important at the time, so I ended up writing a draft 2 nights before and it was SO half assed, it was so late that I couldn't even hand it in to the teacher. Also, that stimulus was traumatising af so I'll be lucky to scrape a 70 tbh. In retrospect, I probably should've started drafting WAY before the exam block hit, but it didn't seem apparent even then lol. It's amazing what procrastination can do. We're doing the After the Bomb module for our HSC year which I'm so thankful for, because the history behind it is so interesting.

Mathematics: Have been ranking 49/93 for this subject on absolutely atrocious scores which hopefully I'll pull up in my HSC year. I definitely haven't been taking this subject as seriously as I should've been, like I was literally online shopping for 5 straight hours on the night prior to the prelim final. Plus, I had a double up with Legal, so I obviously prioritised that over this because maths, to me, is a lost cause. It's like, the difference between whether I study or not is the different between 50% and 40%, and it just doesn't seem feasible to invest so much time for such little gain. That's probably the most toxic mentality ever which will only exacerbate my marks, but I just can't bring myself to do maths due to this. It's kinda sad, because I used to get marks in the 90s for it and now I'm literally failing. I would've dropped it for English Extension 2, but our principal is only letting it run  with a cohort of atleast 8 otherwise it's apparently "economically impractical", which sucks because only 5 people are interested. It sucks even more hearing that there are other schools running it with just one person in it, UGH. So now, I'm stuck with mathematics. :((

Legal Studies: Legal is probably my favourite subject of all, predominantly due to the fact that I have an amazing teacher who provides such comprehensive feedback. The fact that the essays are essentially just one fat sophisticated rant really allures me, and drives my passion for this subject. I've yet to receive my prelim final marks back (which I think I fucked up in the multiple choice and longer response), but I'm currently ranked 3/54 at 90%. I love spending time on Legal and am so excited for Crime in the HSC year, hopefully I can rank within top 3 yet again.

Economics: I think economics is relatively okay as a subject, I love the social and political aspects to it. I do periodically struggle to apply my knowledge in exams though, which sucks because that's what the subject is centralised around—applicability. It doesn't help that I dislike my teacher, he is the slackest person who does the bare minimum for his students to thrive. I can't even rely on handing in essay drafts to him because, guaranteed, he won't even read the entirety of it. I'm not sure where I'm positioned in rankings atm, but my mark is roughly around the 80-83 range.

Industrial Tech (Multimedia): I love this subject because it's where my creativity in digital design and production comes in. I bludge all the lessons and I'm ranked 1/30 with an average of 93%. I literally never study for the non practical exams and I can still maintain my rank easily, which is kinda a bad habit which I should break soon enough. The idea of a major work for it stresses me out though because I don't know if I'll hold out long enough in terms of inspiration, but the freedom of expression also excites me. Really hoping I can rank 1st again in my HSC year.

Geezuz, that was exponentially longer than I anticipated... whoops. Sorry haha! Probably won't update again for a while, seeing as it's the holidays, but yeah, I'm hoping this form of self reflection will motivate me and some of you guys. Hehe I'm kinda excited for the year to start so I can have things to update here haha

« Last Edit: December 03, 2017, 05:11:25 pm by Lumenoria »
HSC 2018 (ATAR 96.35) - English Advanced (96) | Mathematics General (87) | Legal Studies (94) | Economics (89) | Industrial Technology (94)


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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2017, 08:12:56 am »
Yay! You get to use the journal for your whole HSC year! I wish I could have done so since I had so many dramas, especially regarding industrial tech multimedia, which I couldn't share here, but you get to share as much as you want!
The snapchat geo filter thing sounds soooo Coool, damn, I wish I had the skills for that, then I wouldn't have to work 2 fast food jobs haha.
In terms of not understanding why we all hate English, well for me at least, yes it is super interesting, but the exams are so hard and preparing for them is a trek and compared to my other subjects I'm not doing as well as I'd like.
Can you can't change mathematics levels to general? Because I was in a simular position to you in Year 11 and dropping to general was one of the best decisions.
Have fun with your major work, it will become your baby (well it should if you put in enough work and effort) and abandoning mine was the hardest part of dropping ITM. Also, just a heads up, everyone get so super competitive in yr 12 so you gotta fight hard to keep your year 11 places. So many people seemed to come out of nowhere due to a sudden increase in their efforts and a consistency in mine.
Have fun with your holiday, it may be your last for a while *evil laugh*
In all seriousness, year 12 is both fun and stressful so enjoy it!
HSC 2017: Advanced English [85] General Maths [92] Biology [96] Geography [92] Drama [86]

2018: Bachelor of Arts and Advanced Studies at University of Sydney

-- need a tutor for any of the subjects listed above?? I reckon I'm the girl! Just message me on ATAR notes or here--


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Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #2 on: September 30, 2017, 09:11:08 am »
Yay! You get to use the journal for your whole HSC year! I wish I could have done so since I had so many dramas, especially regarding industrial tech multimedia, which I couldn't share here, but you get to share as much as you want!
The snapchat geo filter thing sounds soooo Coool, damn, I wish I had the skills for that, then I wouldn't have to work 2 fast food jobs haha.
In terms of not understanding why we all hate English, well for me at least, yes it is super interesting, but the exams are so hard and preparing for them is a trek and compared to my other subjects I'm not doing as well as I'd like.
Can you can't change mathematics levels to general? Because I was in a simular position to you in Year 11 and dropping to general was one of the best decisions.
Have fun with your major work, it will become your baby (well it should if you put in enough work and effort) and abandoning mine was the hardest part of dropping ITM. Also, just a heads up, everyone get so super competitive in yr 12 so you gotta fight hard to keep your year 11 places. So many people seemed to come out of nowhere due to a sudden increase in their efforts and a consistency in mine.
Have fun with your holiday, it may be your last for a while *evil laugh*
In all seriousness, year 12 is both fun and stressful so enjoy it!

I know, I wish you did too because I would've loved to have read a whole year's worth of tribulations hahaha. And ohmygod, you did ITM? Dang that's awesome—even though you dropped it—because I swear literally no one on here has done, let alone even heard of it. I can already envisage that 99% of my entries on here will be addressing my major work predicaments because I'm pretty set on doing a hardcore 3D typography sorta thing with animations for the entirety of a minute, which, despite sounding short, will actually be SO tedious to even complete one second of it, needless to say the whole thing.

Yeah, I suppose I can see where you're coming from—you could literally take on board every single piece of feedback you receive for an essay and still get 12/15. I can't imagine having to memorise 3 x 1200 word essays for Paper 2, that sounds like absolute hell. I had to memorise a 1800 word essay and 900 word creative (2700 total) for English Extension, and whilst I eventually was successful, it was so hard to retain during the process, like I think it made me momentarily crazy due to all the frustration endured. My main issue with English as a subject though is time management, like for my prelim finals, I only got 10/15 in Section 1 (unseen texts) because I didn't get up to the extended response, which still pisses the shit out of me haha!

Yeah, I considered that for a LONG time because I know I could probably rank 1st in General—my friend who was ranked significantly lower than me in Mathematics dropped and is now 1st in General. Plus, the concepts would be easier which would probably motivate me to study because atleast I'd have the reassurance that it would actually make a notable difference. But the thing is, the General teachers aren't the best and my Mathematics teacher is really good. Plus, I know I have the potential for it, I'm just not fulfilling it out of laziness. I've actually been trying to consolidate my prelim knowledge during these holidays, for a hopeful 70+ on the first exam. I suppose we'll see.

I know it will, that's mainly why I'm excited haha! Starting is always the hardest part, but once I'm into it, life will be good. Yeah I know, I'm hopefully going to also be one of those people who increase their efforts, particularly in Mathematics, so we'll see haha.

Thankyou so much, and good luck in your HSC. You will do great :)
« Last Edit: September 30, 2017, 09:14:49 am by Lumenoria »
HSC 2018 (ATAR 96.35) - English Advanced (96) | Mathematics General (87) | Legal Studies (94) | Economics (89) | Industrial Technology (94)


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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #3 on: September 30, 2017, 09:48:29 am »
Yay another HSC journal!!! I'm so excited to read your future entries considering that you are going to start Year 12 next term!!

The AN Community is always here if you need help during your HSC Year. I can assure you that doing this journal will definitely motivate you and helps you self reflect ;D
Which will hold greater rule over you? Your fear or your curiosity?

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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #4 on: September 30, 2017, 10:26:58 am »

Yay another HSC journal!!! I'm so excited to read your future entries considering that you are going to start Year 12 next term!!

The AN Community is always here if you need help during your HSC Year. I can assure you that doing this journal will definitely motivate you and helps you self reflect ;D
Aw thankyou so much Bea, hope it doesn't disappoint haha! I literally spent an hour straight (well, basically) reading your journal and loved it! And thanks, I'm sure it will, good luck in your HSC girl!! ;0
HSC 2018 (ATAR 96.35) - English Advanced (96) | Mathematics General (87) | Legal Studies (94) | Economics (89) | Industrial Technology (94)


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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #5 on: September 30, 2017, 11:30:13 am »
hey!! welcome to the hsc journal crew :-) i hope AN becomes a great place of support and love for you! good luck for the upcoming year, and all the best for the goals you've set; you seem pretty determined to reach them and with a mindset this early in the game i'm sure you can. :-) looking forward to reading your other entries!
HSC 2017: English (Standard) // Mathematics // Modern History // Legal Studies // Business Studies
2018-2022: B International Studies/B Media (PR & Advertising) @ UNSW


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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #6 on: September 30, 2017, 01:46:19 pm »
Aw hells yeah another prelimmer!! Or I guess, we're sorta year twelve now, huh?

Super cool to see you making a journal and woah on your snapchat business. That's amazing! I feel you on English and the fact your principal isn't running it makes me feel outraged on your behalf. Also feel you on math ahaha. I hate it too. I personally haven't taken ITM but I have helped people who have and the finicky bits in your Major Work sound frustrating but super rewarding once you get it!

Looking forward to hearing more from you and I too have a far fetched dream of Law at UNSW so who knows, might see you there!
HSC 2018: Who knows at this point


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Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #7 on: September 30, 2017, 01:51:07 pm »
hey!! welcome to the hsc journal crew :-) i hope AN becomes a great place of support and love for you! good luck for the upcoming year, and all the best for the goals you've set; you seem pretty determined to reach them and with a mindset this early in the game i'm sure you can. :-) looking forward to reading your other entries!
Aw thankyou so much, you're too kind! Good luck in your HSC :) xx
HSC 2018 (ATAR 96.35) - English Advanced (96) | Mathematics General (87) | Legal Studies (94) | Economics (89) | Industrial Technology (94)


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Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #8 on: September 30, 2017, 02:39:53 pm »
Aw hells yeah another prelimmer!! Or I guess, we're sorta year twelve now, huh?

Super cool to see you making a journal and woah on your snapchat business. That's amazing! I feel you on English and the fact your principal isn't running it makes me feel outraged on your behalf. Also feel you on math ahaha. I hate it too. I personally haven't taken ITM but I have helped people who have and the finicky bits in your Major Work sound frustrating but super rewarding once you get it!

Looking forward to hearing more from you and I too have a far fetched dream of Law at UNSW so who knows, might see you there!
Yeah, it was actually seeing your journal that prompted me to start mine despite being a prelimmer hahaha!

Aw thankyou! And I know right?! It's so annoying, because the graduating cohort of this year had English Extension 2 run with only 5 people... like that isn't fair on us at ALL. Even the people who want to do History Extension can't because of this stupid rule. Yeah, maths is a pain in the ass... I literally don't understand people who get marks in the 97s, 98s etc. because it seems ostensibly impossible haha! I really want to start off the HSC year with high marks though because that'll motivate me to maintain my rankings—if I get low marks, I dwell on them literally FOREVER and it's so bad haha.

Same, you too, keen to follow up on your updates most of all! Hopefully more prelimmers will join this journal thing. Yupp, that's the goal! :)
HSC 2018 (ATAR 96.35) - English Advanced (96) | Mathematics General (87) | Legal Studies (94) | Economics (89) | Industrial Technology (94)


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Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #9 on: October 05, 2017, 07:36:56 pm »
5th October 2017;

Got approved for a new job today at a really busy local restaurant and now I'm contemplating whether this is a good decision or not going into the HSC year. I'm excited to be challenged in a different work environment, but at the same time, scared that doing so will push me to a point that inhibits my capacity to fulfil my academic potential in its entirety. I did a trial today and it was hectic af (due to the massive density of customers that come in) but also really enjoyable. The people who I work with are so welcoming and nice. I told my employer that I'll be available for roughly 3 shifts a week, and she said that their roster is really flexible—which is good, but for some reason it doesn't reassure me that much. I know realistically having a job on the side is fine because obviously I won't be studying 24/7, but the idea of having to adapt to something new when Year 12 is just around the corner gives me so much anxiety. Oh well, I suppose we'll see how it goes.. haha
HSC 2018 (ATAR 96.35) - English Advanced (96) | Mathematics General (87) | Legal Studies (94) | Economics (89) | Industrial Technology (94)


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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #10 on: October 05, 2017, 07:41:13 pm »
5th October 2017;

Got approved for a new job today at a really busy local restaurant and now I'm contemplating whether this is a good decision or not going into the HSC year. I'm excited to be challenged in a different work environment, but at the same time, scared that doing so will push me to a point that inhibits my capacity to fulfil my academic potential in its entirety. I did a trial today and it was hectic af (due to the massive density of customers that come in) but also really enjoyable. The people who I work with are so welcoming and nice. I told my employer that I'll be available for roughly 3 shifts a week, and she said that their roster is really flexible—which is good, but for some reason it doesn't reassure me that much. I know realistically having a job on the side is fine because obviously I won't be studying 24/7, but the idea of having to adapt to something new when Year 12 is just around the corner gives me so much anxiety. Oh well, I suppose we'll see how it goes.. haha
Having some work can be  good as you get a change of environment. You aren't stuck in the house all day and experience new things!

Don't be too anxious about it :D, Have faith in yourself.


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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #11 on: October 05, 2017, 07:50:18 pm »
5th October 2017;

Got approved for a new job today at a really busy local restaurant and now I'm contemplating whether this is a good decision or not going into the HSC year. I'm excited to be challenged in a different work environment, but at the same time, scared that doing so will push me to a point that inhibits my capacity to fulfil my academic potential in its entirety. I did a trial today and it was hectic af (due to the massive density of customers that come in) but also really enjoyable. The people who I work with are so welcoming and nice. I told my employer that I'll be available for roughly 3 shifts a week, and she said that their roster is really flexible—which is good, but for some reason it doesn't reassure me that much. I know realistically having a job on the side is fine because obviously I won't be studying 24/7, but the idea of having to adapt to something new when Year 12 is just around the corner gives me so much anxiety. Oh well, I suppose we'll see how it goes.. haha
Good luck with the new job!

I got a job in retail during year 12 last year (was probably a bit before Easter), and I don't think having to adapt to something new did anything bad. In fact, I think it was actually really good for me!
When you first start, it can be pretty daunting. I found product knowledge, and learning how to deal with peak customer periods tricky to adjust to at first, but I got used to it pretty quickly, and I reckon it taught me a lot about working well under pressure :) Soon enough, it'll be second nature to you!


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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #12 on: October 05, 2017, 07:56:18 pm »
5th October 2017;

Got approved for a new job today at a really busy local restaurant and now I'm contemplating whether this is a good decision or not going into the HSC year. I'm excited to be challenged in a different work environment, but at the same time, scared that doing so will push me to a point that inhibits my capacity to fulfil my academic potential in its entirety. I did a trial today and it was hectic af (due to the massive density of customers that come in) but also really enjoyable. The people who I work with are so welcoming and nice. I told my employer that I'll be available for roughly 3 shifts a week, and she said that their roster is really flexible—which is good, but for some reason it doesn't reassure me that much. I know realistically having a job on the side is fine because obviously I won't be studying 24/7, but the idea of having to adapt to something new when Year 12 is just around the corner gives me so much anxiety. Oh well, I suppose we'll see how it goes.. haha
Having a job is really useful to have, it may not seem like it now. But later on in your life, this piece of work-experience will become valuable in training "soft-skills" such as communication, team-work, mangaging timelines/deadlines, working in a "potential" high-pressure environment, etc. High school doesn't teach you these skills, let alone at the level work does.

If you find the job isn't working out, then leave it or reduce your hours. It seems like your employer understands your situation, so don't worry about it.

In terms of adapting, think of it as developing and/or maturing yourself into becoming an young adult. Seize the challenge and take it head-on. If your struggling, have no fear ATARNotes is here! I should coin that jingle now...
Jack of all trades, master of none.
Hence why i'm in all these different threads and boards.


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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #13 on: October 05, 2017, 08:49:54 pm »
A job will be far more rewarding for you than the HSC could ever be. Lots of people can hit the books and get a really high ATAR - It is even more special to balance that academic success with developing employable skills. And no, high ATAR does not mean employable ;) You'll be far more likely to get a job while studying at uni/on leaving school, whatever the case may be for you - Because you can show that you've developed communication skills, can work under pressure, can delegate... Etc!

Plus, work experience makes you far more eligible for scholarships. The amount of people I see score 99+ but then not get a scholarship (say, Coop) because they've never had a part time job, is astounding. Again, lots of academics out there. Not many good workers - Universities and sponsors like those people :)

Plus, mad dosh.

Plus, new social circles beyond your school, getting outside the bubble is a good thing! :)

Seriously, there are absolutely no downsides here. Take time off during busy exam periods if you need it (they sound really accomodating of you so awesome to hear), keep a timetable to make sure you stay organised. Most of all, enjoy it - it will be really good for you throughout the year I am sure ;D


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Re: Tempestuously cruising through the HSC
« Reply #14 on: October 05, 2017, 08:56:48 pm »
I found having a job quite good during the HSC year. Although it stressed me out at times because it reduced the amount of hours I could study the weekend before trials, it actually ended up doing my mental state a favour, as the break from study relaxed me and I went into the trial exam the next day a lot more relaxed and confident. Also you get to keep making a little money to invest in the healthy and not so healthy HSC habits you may aquire hehe.

Worst comes to worst in terms of juggling school and work you can always reduce your shifts to 2 or 1 a week, and depending on the flexibility of the place, maybe even take whole weeks off, but you'd have to talk to your manager about that. Currently I've taken the whole last week of school until after formal off and my only shifts have been taking other people's because they were desperate and I figured it was ok to give up a night or two.

It also sounds like you'll have a good time with it since it isn't in the fast food industry lol. So yeah I reckon you can do study and a job during year 12, I believe in you.
« Last Edit: October 05, 2017, 08:58:59 pm by Potatohater »
HSC 2017: Advanced English [85] General Maths [92] Biology [96] Geography [92] Drama [86]

2018: Bachelor of Arts and Advanced Studies at University of Sydney

-- need a tutor for any of the subjects listed above?? I reckon I'm the girl! Just message me on ATAR notes or here--