Subject Name: Specialist Maths
Units: Units 3/4
Workload: I wasn't really a normal case, doing Spesh by distance, so this probably won't apply to many people. I was doing it by distance, as well as having a 6 subject Yr 12 load, so Spesh was where I really let it slide, didn't really work hard, and used my "free" (Spesh) periods for other study or down time. I also started the year late because DECV (the distance school) mucked up my reenrollment, so I really was quite behind, and spent the whole year trying (not very hard) to catch up. If I had been doing it properly I think I would have found that to get a really thorough grasp of the concepts you would need to work fairly hard, but not as hard as some content-heavy subjects like Bio, or even Methods.
Assessment: Exam 1 is worth 22% of the total SS, Exam 2 is worth 44% and the SACs (I had only 3) worth 33%. I had a SAC on Functions and Relations, including *all* the trig functions, one SAC on Calculus (differentiation, integration and diff. equations) and one on Mechanics and Probability. Of the three the easiest was the one on Mechanics (from Physics) and Probability, which is surprisingly easy at Spesh level, and by far the hardest (41% level hard) was the Calculus one. I will say that I was almost too sick to be at school on the day of the Calculus SAC, but I don't think it changed too much, except that I just wrote a little and spent almost 1 1/2 hours sitting staring at a paper that my brain just couldn't cope with. Stay healthy, everyone!
Exam Thoughts: The exam is in 2 parts, Exam 1 and Exam 2, and in Exam 1 (short answer questions, 1hr) you are allowed nothing except basic stationery. In Exam 2 (multiple choice and extended response questions, 2hrs) you are allowed both a bound book of notes, and your CAS calculator. I personally found the exam a little easier than I had expected (I still left lots of questions blank and got a D+ on Exam 1) and given how the rest of the year had gone I was aiming pretty low by the time the exam came, but Exam 2 actually wasn't too bad. I have been finding since it finished that I suddenly have an epiphany on how a certain question should have been answered, but really in the Spesh exam I just cut my losses, and tried to do as well as possible. It's not easy stuff, but if you focus on the stuff you can do, you can do better than by bashing your head against the things you can't do.
Textbook Recommendation: I used the Cambridge textbook, and given that I didn't have a teacher or official classes, and hardly gave Spesh any time throughout the year, I think that it must be pretty good at explaining things. I found it to be generally pretty good at explaining things, nearly used it in the exam, and then, on not using it, came across a question that my bound book couldn't answer and that I know I would have found easy if I just had a certain example in the textbook. I would strongly recommend it as the textbook to use.
Recommended Other Resources: I found Khan Academy to be
really useful for anything that I really didn't get from just reading the textbook, but the Edrolo I used was terrible. I really didn't find that it helped or explained things well, the presenter was cringey, and so all in all I really didn't like it. Not having a teacher around to explain things limited my learning in things such as Differential Equations, and for these things KA did a great job (though not as good as a physical teacher) of explaining enough for me to cram sufficiently to pass, so I would fully recommend it.
Year of Completion: 2018
Rating: 3.5 out of 5
Your Mark/Grade: 26
Comments: Look, the main reason why I didn't do well at Spesh was the layout of the year. Getting behind at the start, not catching up, and having the 6 subject load really meant that Spesh wasn't great for me, and in hindsight I should have done Methods a year early, and had a 5 subject Year 12, but that is the past, so let it go. Honestly I enjoyed the content in Spesh, (not the pressure) especially as I could often see really useful future applications, something that I really think is important in any subject (I feel like I've said this before). I personally didn't enjoy the Diff Equations section, probably because it was the toughest section and I didn't have a teacher to explain it to me at the start, whereas the Kinematics and Dynamics sections were really easy and interesting because of the links to Physics, which I
love. I do close the year feeling disappointed in myself for screwing over what could easily have been a subject in my top 4 if I had just put more work in, but I didn't have anyone pressuring me into working, or to explain things to me, so in some ways I'm pretty happy with the score. Since the exam I've been having these annoying flashbacks, seeing the questions that were on there and going "I suddenly understand how to do this", and while I'm happy that I now understand the concepts, it is a little annoying to know that I could have improved my marks so easily.
Note: I did Spesh by distance, and my experience was
terrible. The teachers rarely contacted me, and the resources they sent were generally pretty useless. Once I was told that to get an S for the Unit I had to submit a certain amount of overdue work by a certain date, less than a week away. Within 10 minutes of receiving this notification, I had sent a response asking help for the question I was stuck on (something I should have done several days before). A day before the work was due, my Methods teacher suddenly understood that there was a typo in the question, and I was able to send in the work. 2 weeks after the deadline, they sent me an explanation of how the question works, so if I had waited for them I would have missed the deadline, as they took 3 weeks to get me a response!

Other people may have had other experiences with DECV, but mine were extremely bad, so much so that I really cannot recommend any course with them.