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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #75 on: September 04, 2018, 04:29:01 pm »
My Enviro SAC is actually this Thursday lol.

I don’t know why I thought it was next week - I even have it in my calendar for this week.

We have 100min for it and classes are 70min so we have to start partway through lunch which is incredibly annoying. Also our teacher said we could bring food so people are going to be noisy and distracting. Ugh.

One of the English teachers is running a lunchtime session on our texts for our comparative analysis which I was going to go to but now I can’t :(

I don’t get why my school can’t just run SACs during class time. Even my English SAC goes till 4:30 (school normally finishes at 3:30). And we only get 2 weeks notice which means if I was working I would have to get my shifts changed after the rosters had already been made which is so, so annoying.

I’m so sick of my Enviro class. It’s incredibly frustrating and my teacher is barely above useless. He literally has not taught us anything that isn’t in our textbook anyway. I don’t even bother writing notes when he talks because absolutely everything he says I’ve already written notes on because it was in the book (except how much he hates Agapantha’s, maybe I should add that to my notes ::))

I’m not having a particularly good day if you couldn’t tell haha - had fun in fish though!

We moved my although technically not mine anymore Mainganoes and Mphangas into a larger tank in our other fish room. Last time we put them in a bigger tank they got territorial and started killing each other so hopefully that doesn’t happen again - it shouldn’t, I spent all lesson precariously balancing rocks to make hidey holes for them.

Sorry for the ranty post

Love y’all <3

Edit: Also yay we got one million posts!!! 😁🎉🎉🎉
« Last Edit: September 04, 2018, 04:31:32 pm by PhoenixxFire »
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #76 on: September 07, 2018, 03:53:37 pm »
My Enviro SAC went okay i think - not brilliantly, but okay.

I finally finished writing my practice comparative essay for English, sent it to my teacher on Wednesday but she hasn't given me feedback on it yet :( hopefully tonight or tomorrow she will. I'm gonna write another one, maybe tonight, I was going to do it tomorrow night but I just had another coffee so I'm finally feeling a bit more awake haha.

My last math SAC is Friday afternoon next week which is kind of annoying because my english SAC is Wednesday afternoon so I don't get any early finishes next week :'(

I don't know when my last outdoor Ed SAC is, our teacher said he was going to tell us today but then he didn't. Someone asked him when it was going to be and he said he's made a decision but wouldn't tell us, which was very frustrating. I think that means that he decided to do it next term which sucks. I really don't want to have to be worrying about a SAC over the holidays as well, I'd rather just get it done with.

I still haven't gotten my results back from the last outdoor ed SAC we did. He went through them in class with a few people earlier in the week. Someone asked him today what she got but he wouldn't tell her because he says he wants to go through them with us. The thing is he said that about the first SAC and he got through about 5 people and the rest of the class didn't get our results until the end of term 2 in our report. I haven't gotten any feedback or seen any of my outdoor ed SACs at all this year. I don't know how on Earth he expects me to improve when I don't know what I'm getting wrong. Now that I think about it, aside from class discussions I haven't gotten any feedback from him about anything. He's said several times that he knows that he needs to give us more feedback - we did this survey thing a few weeks ago and the majority of the class said that he doesn't give us enough feedback and yet nothing has changed.

I'm considering emailing him and asking for my results and my SACs back. I kinda doubt he's actually written any feedback on them though, because surely if he had he would have given them to us rather than insisting on going through them with us :( Also I feel like if I ask for them he'll insist on going through them with me which is a bit of a waste of time, especially given I won't remember it exactly if he hasn't written feedback on them and also he said after I got back from Nepal that he was gonna have a chat to me about what I missed during one of my private studies because he doesn't teach in that time, but he never did, so if he insists on going through them I feel like it will never happen. I dunno what to do about it though, it's so frustrating.

photos of my cichlids in their new tank

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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #77 on: September 12, 2018, 05:38:22 pm »
Warning: lots of self-hatred and swearing ahead.

I don’t know if it’s possible to actually fail English but I think I’m about to find out. I don’t know why I thought I could actually do this I still suck at English.

I just finished my comparative SAC and it was way way worse than even my Medea one - and I got 40% (ish) for that having not written any practice essays.

One of the topics was very similar to one that I wrote earlier and so it should have been easy but I just couldn’t think. I couldn’t remember anything it felt like there was a wall in my head and I know that I should have been able to write it but I just couldn’t. My plan was better than the actual essay. At least I included film techniques and stuff in that. I just couldn’t actually write the essay. 50 minutes into the 2.5 hour SAC and I’d written one sentence. Did I mention that I’m completely screwed? How on Earth am I supposed to write 3 essays in 3 hours when I can’t even write 1 in 2.5 hours??!!! (AND it was on a prompt very similar to one I’d already done) I’m so screwed.

All I could think about the entire SAC was how completely screwed I am. Hell I’m not even doing well in the subjects I thought I’d would do well in. I haven’t started doing exam revision for anything and I don’t remember anything from U3 - especially for Outdoor Ed and Math. I never really learnt how to do a language analysis and I didn’t even know any quotes from Medea back when I was actually studying it.

My entire essay was just rambling and wasn’t even completely relevant. I didn’t really write any sentences to link the texts together in the paragraphs even though I found that really easy when I was writing earlier. I only wrote a really crap introduction and two and a half body paragraphs and they’re not at all good. I didn’t even use the ideas I wrote in my plan. I don’t know why. I just wrote down random crap rather than actually using the bad but not completely terrible ideas I’d come up with. I just couldn’t focus at all and I felt like I was about to throw up half the time and the other half was spent trying not to cry. Ugh. I couldn’t have gotten a better topic (unless it was the exact same as one if already written) so I don’t know why I fucked it up so badly. I’m so screwed. (I keep saying that, it’s kinda just on a loop in my head). This was my last chance to improve my marks a little and I fucked it up.

I’ve actually been really out of it all day. Earlier in outdoor ed people were talking about this SAC and they’d both done 3 practice essays. Someone in their class had done 8. I only did one (and only 5 people in my class did it - to the best of my knowledge the most anyone in my class did was 2) and it still took my teacher almost a week to give me feedback on it. I finally got it on Monday morning, and I had work that night so I couldn’t really even do anything about it.

I’m so tired. I just want to go home and sleep but going home will be stressful and I have my last math SAC on Friday....and I just realised that I left my Math book at school. Fuck. I’m 2 chapters behind, we have class tomorrow morning and I have private study Friday morning but that’s it. Also I haven’t finished adding things to my reference book for it so I need to do that too.

Sorry for making you read all that (if anyone actually did haha) I don’t really have anyone I can rant to IRL

Also I still feel like I’m gonna throw up but at least I’m not crying anymore?

Oh and my outdoor Ed SAC is next Friday
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #78 on: September 12, 2018, 05:59:51 pm »
Sorry for making you read all that (if anyone actually did haha) I don’t really have anyone I can rant to IRL

Hey, my friend,
I read that, and I'm sure others will too. We'll read it all the way through, because you matter to us, and we hurt with you when you're upset. That's not to say you shouldn't write about it - let it out, and know that, with hard work, it'll get better. And that you have support here. The countdown is really hitting us all now, and that's just another stress that would've affected your performance. But work on it. And you will get there. Believe in your ability to push beyond the boundaries, and get that second wind. Hell, that fiftieth wind. And hey, just do your best. That's what matters.
See you at the lectures - I'm sure you'll be fine for the next couple of weeks. You're a strong one, Phoenixx. We believe in you. <3
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #79 on: September 12, 2018, 06:04:58 pm »
This time of year absolutely sucks because of how people's wellbeing is influenced.

I think it's very very likley that the reason you couldn't think is because of your headspace - and that that in turn is related to the pressure you're experiencing and how likely it is that you're approaching (or experiencing) burnout.

It is very possible that you won't be in this headspace when exam time approaches. (I suspect you've done enough science to know about the evils of over generalising :P)

Sometimes venting helps, I hope that in this case it did, and I'm glad that you could do that here


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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #80 on: September 12, 2018, 06:19:46 pm »
Glad that you shared that with other. Thanks for being honest. This time of year is tough for a lot of people. I think the most important thing is to take care of your mental health. Prioritise your mental health over schoolwork. Good luck for all you remaining sacs!


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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #81 on: September 15, 2018, 07:23:44 pm »
Love y'all <3 Sorry for not replying properly. Just really don't feel up to it atm, but know that I really appreciate everything you said - and yes ranting about it did help haha - I figured I would either post here or get super drunk and try and forget about it, and the latter didn't seem like a particularly healthy option so I went for the former

I got a really bad headache on Friday - I should have been expecting it, I always do a few days after something stressful but I always manage to forget that - At least that means that I actually did manage to relax a bit on Thursday.

On Friday I just had private study, outdoor ed, fish and then my Math SAC. I'd already had panadol but that didn't make my headache go away (it never does - nurofen normally helps a little but I didn't have any on me :() anyway, the weather was really nice (unlike now) so we sat outside in outdoor ed and after our teacher had gone through the chapter he told me to put my head in the shade and have a nap haha. I must have really looked like shit. So I basically did nothing that class, the weather was perfect for lying about and doing nothing so I lay about and did nothing. It was nice though, just being able to relax.

My math SAC seemed really easy - I'm a bit worried about how much harder doing past exams is going to be given all our SACs so far have been really straightforward (my school isn't exactly high achieving haha).

In fish some people did presentations on the habitat that they did research on. One of the groups made a song about mangroves - I actually have a video of them singing it but I'm not sure they'd ever forgive me if I uploaded it here, so instead here are the lyrics (as best as I could tell)

Somebody once told me
Mangroves are probably
The coolest ecosystem

They may look kinda dumb
With their roots out in the sun
But they protect the little fishes

But the tide keeps coming and the tide keeps coming
(Something about their roots?)
It makes sense why they can't run
Because they are a plant you moron

So much protecc
So much attacc
But most importantly
They stop sediments
From going into the ocean

Hey look, it's a mangrove
It's roots go, into dirt
and into the water cos it's not a wimp
and all the fishes are safe
cos they found a mangrove in this place

On Monday we have more time to get info and stuff for our Enviro SAC - the actual SAC part is on Tuesday (and maybe Thursday as well?) and we have to put that info into a poster format over the holidays.

Our poster is on the speed of hydrogen powered cars vs solar powered cars. We're using tiny model cars - the solar car was disappointingly slow and the hydrogen car started spinning in circles so we measured it for half a metre and figured it'd speed out from that (the solar car was for 5 meters) - Very reliable experiment

I've been working a lot lately which is good cos money ;D but it is making life really busy.

I'm not doing much tonight (I had work all morning). I intended to clean my room, but I've been home for a few hours now and haven't yet haha. But I'm going to get all the stuff done that I've been putting off for ages (I really need to sort out when I'm taking leave from work today). I figure if I'm not constantly trying to remember everything else I have to do then I'll be less stressed, so we shall see how that works out for me.

Oh and totally not relevant to anything but my catfish (Felix and Vlad) are hanging out at front of their tank finally, rather than hiding in the back behind things, so that's really awesome ;D

Edit: So I’m finally cleaning my room - I’ve given up trying to pick up the rubbish first so I’m emptying my cupboards so I can fit the stuff on my floor into my cupboards. I figure given I’m moving out and have no intention of moving back in (like, I’ll come visit but not move in ya know?) that I should donate a bunch of stuff I don’t plan on taking to Canberra and/or give it to my siblings. It’s way harder than I thought it would be. I have sooo many soft toys and decorative pillows haha (evertime my siblings got rid of them I took them) anyway it’s weird to think that I’ve got to get rid of so much stuff, but logically I know that there’s no point keeping it given I can’t fit all my stuff in my room in Canberra lol. I knew I had a lot of stuff but damn I didn’t realise quite how much. Still feels weird getting rid of it. I suppose I could keep it for a few more months but I have to get rid of some stuff cos it doesn’t all fit in my room 😂
« Last Edit: September 15, 2018, 08:17:20 pm by PhoenixxFire »
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #82 on: September 21, 2018, 03:17:01 pm »
Didn’t really feel like writing and I was hanging out in the park between school and going to work so why not? Also sorry for doing this in portrait, I didn’t really think it through


Also I am now terrified of magpies. There were four staring at me. FOUR.

My AOS 3 Enviro SAC really was a complete mess though. He didn’t even bother to edit it, there were bits that said things like what is the method that you will use in your experiment - and we’d already done our experiment 🙄

I totally should have changed that thumbnail, it’s not the most flattering image hahahaha
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 03:20:40 pm by PhoenixxFire »
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #83 on: September 21, 2018, 05:30:50 pm »
Can't wait to see you tomoz... :D

tbh, you're really different from what I thought, but in a better way... ;)
Hope your Outdoor Ed SAC went ok! :D
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 05:34:35 pm by S200 »
Carpe Vinum

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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #84 on: September 21, 2018, 07:05:47 pm »
tbh, you're really different from what I thought, but in a better way... ;)
You obviously haven’t stalked me enough :P there’s another video of me earlier on in this thread
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #85 on: September 21, 2018, 08:33:03 pm »
I actually am offended that you would think me a stalker... :P

TS would tell you that I'm actually a decent guy... ;)
except today, when I am actually messed up 'cause I drunk too much at 2day's colour run...

Edit: Actually stalked this Journal... :)

This you mean?

I’m really enjoying being in Nepal but I’m not enjoying the people I’m with. Almost all of them (and one of the teachers) are the type of person I would go out of my way to avoid if I had a choice. They’re so godamned privileged and they don’t even realise it, or they just refuse to acknowledge it. It feels like I’m back in primary school with all the popular kids trying to be popular by showing off their pretty clothes and brand name stuff and constantly demanding attention and it’s driving me a bit crazy.
This is primary school for you?
This is literally the Yr 11's from our other campuses... :D
« Last Edit: September 21, 2018, 08:51:13 pm by S200 »
Carpe Vinum

\(\LaTeX\) - \(e^{\pi i }\)
#ThanksRui! - #Rui\(^2\) - #Jamon10000

5233718311 :D


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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #86 on: September 22, 2018, 08:58:27 am »
Edit: Actually stalked this Journal... :)

This you mean?
Aren’t baby turtles cute?! (There’s only one correct answer to that question btw)

Also damn I was optimistic back on page 2 lol

This is primary school for you?
This is literally the Yr 11's from our other campuses... :D
It’s more that I can avoid them now whereas I couldn’t in primary school, not that they don’t exist.
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #87 on: September 26, 2018, 09:56:27 am »
For some reason I'm in a really good mood at the moment! I dunno why Probs to do with my mum being away all week. Yay no fighting but I'm not gonna complain

I've done a few practice exams and it's going better than I thought it would be so that's awesome. I'm pretty confident that I'll be able to get 80 (to get into my course) without too much difficulty so I'm not really too stressed atm.

Of course the problem is (as always) English. I don't have a minimum study score that I have to get or anything so I'm not super worried about it but it's really frustrating that I don't really have any idea of how good *cough* terrible my essays actually are - My teacher told me (before the comparative) that I'm in the top third of my cohort - and I'm averaging about 60% lol, My teachers are insisting that they're trying to mark our essays harshly so that VCAA doesn't scale them down but I still really don't know where that puts me. Actually I'll probs make a thread about it, maybe someone will have some clue about how VCAA's marking works

Also sort of related but unrelated, I've been shortening words and using slang a lot lately and I never really used to, I don't really know how I feel about it.

Enjoy this not-particularly-interesting video of my Silver Perch splashing half the water out of their tank as they try and eat (and miss the food most of the time)

Another dogs-in-class pic, A kid in my fish class brought her puppy to school so naturally we had to introduce her to the fishies
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #88 on: October 04, 2018, 04:31:41 pm »
I got 100% for the first time!! ;D

It was on the 2009 further math exam 1. Pretty sure it’s the first time I’ve ever gotten 100% on anything in VCE!

I also did exam 2 from the same year today and got 97% so yay. That’s the best I’ve gotten so far on math practice exams. The exams felt fairly easy though compared to the 2006-2008 ones, but then maybe it’s just because I’m slowly figuring out which questions aren’t on the study design anymore.

I’m gonna write an English essay tonight (lol) and maybe finally finish my outdoor Ed notes.

I haven’t done any practice exams for enviro or outdoor ed yet, partially because they’re later than math and English but also because I don’t feel like I know the content well enough. Will definitely be doing them next week at the latest though.

I really don’t want to go to school next week. It just feels like such a waste of time, but oh well 🤷‍♀️ It’s six days I’m sure I’ll manage. The early mornings aren’t going to be fun though, I’ve been getting into the habit of sleeping in. Although I really can’t keep that up given I’m going to have to leave home at 7 ish to get to my English exam on time.

So I just told my mum I got 100%, which I wouldn’t normally do but I was excited. And she said ‘as you should’ like fkn hell would it kill her to just be happy for me? rather than making me feel like I was supposed to have somehow got 100% on all of them :’( I really should know better than to expect anything from her by now, nothing I do is ever enough
« Last Edit: October 04, 2018, 08:51:40 pm by PhoenixxFire »
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Re: PhoenixxFire's VCE journey
« Reply #89 on: October 10, 2018, 03:27:57 pm »
I’m in a bit of a weird mood today. Feeling quite reflective. I suppose it has something to with with going back to school and it being the last term and all.

I guess I’m just reflecting on expectations. My own expectations and how I perceive other people’s expectations of me. The important part of that is perceptions. There’s no guarantee that my perceptions are correct (and it’s likely they aren’t). There’s a few things I want to say, but I’m actually kind of hesitant to write some of them because I think it could easily be misconstrued. None of this is either positive or negative. It just is, and that’s okay.

So - expectations. I hate them. I really, really hate them. It’s why I refuse to set goals and create study timetables (to the immense annoyance of my teachers), it’s why I constantly joke about having failed methods and almost failing English, even now I feel the urge to make a joke along the lines of ‘Except I’m actually failing’. But it’s not true. Sure I’m not getting great (or even good) scores. I got 43% for one of my SACs! Most people would consider that a fail - but who really decides what counts as failing? An arbitrarily decided mark of 50%. Half. You got the majority of it right, so you have passed. Why? Shouldn’t a pass be determined by what score you need in order to do what you want to do? In that case, assuming I get into my course, the purpose of receiving these test scores, and study scores, and ATARs, then won’t I have passed? Does it matter if I get a 20 or a 50? I suppose only I can answer that. No one else can decide what matters to me.

What makes something matter to me?
I suppose it all comes back to expectations. My own expectations of how well I will do in VCE and what I think other people expect from me.

I suppose it’s hard because being ‘smart’ has become something I pride myself on, It’s always been something I’ve prided myself on. Even if primary school I was the kid who was singled out for those math competitions and whatnot.

Now’s the bit I’m expecting mixed reactions on I’ve been reflecting on the role AN has on the expectations other people have of me, expectations they have of how I will do in VCE specifically. I don’t really know what you guys expect of me. Does anyone, really? But these perceived expectations have been bothering me a bit, and I think that’s something I should talk about. To be honest, I feel extremely unqualified to be giving anyone advice. I’ve been reminded of this today especially. My teacher found out that I got modded on here (not from me though lol) - he says he didn’t realise that I had kept involved with biology stuff, and he was reminded of something he used to do - get past students to give advice to his current bio class. He asked me if I was okay with coming in and answering their questions about studying etc. I said yes. Of course I would help other people. Why wouldn’t I? But I realised I felt a bit uncomfortable about it and I couldn’t really pinpoint why.

I’ve realised that it’s because I feel so unqualified to be giving advice - I’m just a year 12 student, who says that I know how to study any better than they do? Why would my way of studying be any better than what they’re currently doing? But that’s not really the point is it? It’s not that they’re going to do exactly what I did and it’s going to work perfectly for them. What I did didn’t work perfectly for me! I realise now some of the things that I could have done differently which would have worked better for me, but I’m sure there’s other things I don’t even know about that may have worked even better. And that is what I’m really getting at here.

Despite my hatred of expectations, I had set expectations of myself and they weren’t at all realistic. I expected myself to be perfect - felt that I needed to do well in everything in order to be ‘qualified’ to give anyone advice. Given the type of people that AN is known to attract, this is obviously a bit of a problem. Someone else got a higher study score than me, are they more qualified to give advice than I am? I don’t know the answer to that. I don’t think there is an answer to that. Who am I to judge how useful advice is?

Advice that may be useless to someone may be absolutely perfect for someone else, and who am I to not give advice just because I don’t necessarily value the advice I give? Someone else may value it.

I suppose I’ve also been considering how other people may perceive this. If someone asks how to study for bio and I reply to it, are there then people who aren’t replying because they had a different idea to me and don’t want to contradict me? I don’t know the answer to that, but I really hope not. I guess what I’m saying is that advice may be useful, it may not, but it is still valuable. You never know who it may help.

Regardless of what numbers appear on my screen on December 14, it will be okay. I’m really just being too hard on myself. Seeing everyone else around me doing extremely well is hard. But it’s okay. My pass mark will not be an arbitrary number and neither will yours. Our pass marks are different, we are all different, and that’s okay.

I’m not where I thought I would be at the start of the year, but I’m okay with where I am now - and that’s what really matters :)

Take care of yourself everyone. <3

Also sorry if this appears to be a lot of negativity in this post - it’s certinly not intended in that way at all. The sky is blue and the grass is green. Birds are flying (unfortunately some of them are magpies) and I am happy. You guys are the most amazing, generous, and compassionate people I know, and I love you all so much. ❤️❤️
2019: B. Environment and Sustainability/B. Science @ ANU
2020: Just Vibing
2021: B. Paramedicine/B. Nursing @ ACU Canberra