Hi Georgia! Welcome to the forums!
A few pointers for you (I assume you meant a Creative?):
- Try to create some rhythm in your sentences by adding commas and full stops. Easy way to do this is to read your creative aloud how you want it to sound, and where you draw a breath, you need a comma or a full stop there.
- Try and use a little more imagery to set the scene, rather than just describing actions - What are the sights, smells and sounds? Paint a picture for the audience, don't just state what is happening.
- I like the tone you are creating in your character through your narration style.
- Break your paragraphs up a little. For example, you might want to break to a new paragraph when the saucer crashes onto the ground.
- Create tension and drama to heighten the important moments. The girl joining the protagonist on stage is a big point in the story, it should be described in more detail. As it is, you are sort of saying, "This happened, then this happened," with some disjointed descriptions thrown in. The same goes for the concert itself - I'm not connecting on an emotional level with the character because you are just recounting events.
- Be less obvious with the point of the story - Stating it clearly in the final sentence as you do isn't the best way to communicate things. Subtlety is powerful!