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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2018, 09:00:32 pm »
OH. And tomorrow is my birthday 😊 so hopefully something happy to be about tomorrow! Sadly not turning 18 but Ill get my Ps soon! (soon as a month or two)
Happy birthday for tomorrow! Good luck in getting your P's too :)
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #31 on: February 22, 2018, 09:43:33 pm »
Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! I had a great day!

Tomorrow is the swimming carnival but I really don't want to go... We have to do a seniors parade where we dress up in a theme of our house colours. Mine being red and blue. We always win the parade but other houses keep saying its just because we lose this swimming carnival and the people in last place always win the parade. BUT we have won three years in a row, one of those times we did not come last in the whole swimming carnival. Great right? Hopefully the new intake of year 7s will be good swimmers... Maybe... After all we are the largest house of unsporty people.
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #32 on: February 22, 2018, 09:46:02 pm »
Hopefully the new intake of year 7s will be good swimmers... Maybe... After all we are the largest house of unsporty people.

Feeling you. My house is similar. :)
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #33 on: February 23, 2018, 07:04:17 am »
At my school no one really cares about houses, but the winner tends to go in cycles, with a new house winning for 5 years or so, before a new one takes over. It's been nearly 8 years since my house won, but I'll never see them win... :'( Unless we win this year... (not happening)
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #34 on: February 23, 2018, 10:35:45 am »
Happy belated birthday, friend!

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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #35 on: February 24, 2018, 05:41:28 pm »
So I think our house didn't come last for once! Which is great! The parade went well as well but when we walked in the juniors weren't 'pulling their weight' as in they weren't screaming for our house. (House spirit is very big at my school and especially in my house). I swear all us seniors were ten times louder then them and theres less of us. I guess we put more into it because it's our last year? I dunno but it was kinda disappointing you know.

Another thing was that all the Year 12s got to do the school war cry. It's exclusive to the year 12s at the swimming carnival and oh my gosh it felt so good to do it. It makes me realise that that was my last ever swimming carnival, last ever parade and last time I'll be chanting for my house as hard as I did. But it felt good. To be honest I was kinda glad it was my last swimming carnival. I never really got into it as much as other people but this year was fun.

I got so sun burnt yesterday and I literally was sitting under a shelter... I mean how does that happen?? No one else in my group got as sunburnt as me but then again I am probably the palest person in my group. Hehe. My friend also stepped on a bee and got stung and so did so many other people there too. So glad it wasn't me...

After the carnival I stayed back with my friends and swam. The pool lets us stay without having to pay which is so good! I mean technically we already pay for it in our fees but anyway.

How was everyone's friday? Good?

Right now, I am (was) working on my religion assessment due on the 14th of March. I hadn't touched it in a while because we only just finished the content needed for the assessment a couple of days ago. Then English is due on the 15th, Art on the 19th and Engineering on the 23rd. My only four assessments before exams which start on the 5th of April.

I'm going on an Engineering excursion to Sydney soon. It was gonna be last year but our teacher decided we were going to be too busy since it was the end of the year. I am so excited! There's only 7 of us in the class, 3 of us being girls and we all get along really well. So its gonna be great!

What I'm nervous about is missing two days of school the week before English is due because our English teacher says that's when we are going to be looking at Al Pacino's Looking for Richard. I feel even sorrier (Is that a word?) for my friend whose missing four days of that week for our excursion and a defence force thingy magig.

At the moment I should be doing some school work but its really hot and I can hardly speak. My mum gave me her silly cold and I'm dying! I took it easy today but tomorrow I'm going to have to put my head down and do some work. Maybe some more on religion, some engineering and maths. Maybe some art?

ANYWAY! Thank you everyone for your kind comments :) I will see you all sooon!
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #36 on: February 25, 2018, 04:43:21 pm »
So these past few weeks and months I've been asking what my friends are wanting to do after school. I know two of my friends are looking to join the ADF and do their degrees through there but they aren't taking a gap year. And some people say they'll get sick of studying and won't want to go to Uni after a gap year.

I on the other hand want to go to uni straight away but I don't want to have a HUGE burden when I do go through uni. I was thinking of doing a traineeship at an engineering/architecture/surveying place that specially hires school leavers for their gap year. I hope to apply there if I decide to take a gap year. I was also thinking of doing a Cert 3 at TAFE during that year just to keep studying.

My brother decided to take a gap year and defered his offer at University of Newcastle which was a Secondary Engineering/DnT teaching course. He ended up working for my parents are their business for the gap year and ultimately decided that he wasn't going to go that direction. Now he's applying for IT at CSU in my home town. IT is what my parents business is based on so I'd assume he'd want to take over after my dad. I never got into the IT thing. Ever since I was young I stayed very far away from it.

I'm worried about changing my mind or not liking the field of work I choose. I think I just want to leave my town and get out into the real world. It all seems so scary! I'll be doing things for the last time and that's really strange. We have this day at my school where it celebrates our school and how it came about really. Us Year 12s get to do a dance off, boys vs girls. Girls won last year and I hope we win this year too (I hope we start up the girls winning streak again)! I think everyones schooling career at my school builds up to the boys vs girls dance.

To say I'm worried about the future is such an understatement. On one hand I just want to get this over and done with but on the other, I don't want it to end.
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #37 on: March 01, 2018, 08:33:25 pm »
Today is Thursday of week 5, almost half way to Half-yearlies. We are starting to do revision for the half yearlies in math and I'm getting pretty pumped. I know I know, It's math but for some reason I'm pretty good with most of the topics we have revised so far. It's good! I had a double today which I came out of feeling extremely satisfied with the work I'd done.

I also had English and we finished Richard 3 which was good as well. I didn't like Richard 3 but the amount of deaths in the play made me laugh. Richard 3's death is very abrupt though... it was weird. "A horse, a horse, a kingdom for my horse!" Richard's famous last words.

Oh! And in Ancient History we finally started Athenian Society in the time of Pericles (Or greek society idk which) which is so far really interesting! I think Ancient is that one subject I always look forward to going to because it's interesting and our class engages with the discussion going on. Our teacher is extremely enthusiastic!

We got our second assessment for art today. We have to hand in a case study and do an in class essay. Kill me now. The case study is fine, I've done plenty of them since the start of year 11 but the essay? Not very much sadly. I must practice writing one. How does one actually write an art essay?

This morning was like panicky because I remembered I had an Orthodontist appointment on the 15th at 2:15pm and guess what, period 5 is when my english assessment is! That only finishes at 2:15pm! I had to ring up to change it but they're all booked out till MAY. I can't last that long as my Invisilign (A different type of braces not metal) is going to wear down significantly. My ortho already thought waiting till March was a stretch. Ugh ugh ugh.

Okay so some of you probably don't know what invisilgn is. It's like a retainer/plate thingy magig that you have to wear for 22 hours a day and you can take it out when you eat. It's pretty much invisible and you can eat whatever you want at any time! It doesn't hurt at all and is a bit cheaper than normal braces sometimes depending on how bad your teeth are. Apparently, my teeth were the worst that my ortho had used invisilgn with. They worked amazingly and now I have straight teeth which is AMAZING! For so many years I had crowding and crooked teeth. Now I can smile with confidence.

As of late I haven't been wearing it to school due to the last one wearing down and so it lasts longer. My friends didn't even notice I haven't been wearing it! I would recomend it for anyone and everyone. It is so effective and actually works.

Since my case was so bad, I have had four years worth of ortho appointments (Get this, included in the initial cost) but it certainly hasn't been a waste of time. I look back at pictures from my year 10 formal and to now. So much has changed! I am glad I researched it myself and found it. i'd probably still have bad teeth if they didn't exist.

Kicking the english staff for placing the assessment on that date though...

Lately I have been addicted to Supernatural. I think I've almost watched the first season in just under five days. Oh gosh it's so good! This cannot be healthy for my studying habits... you might have to keep Stan away from me... mwuahahhahaha. I'm in a weird mood, can't you tell?
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #38 on: March 14, 2018, 07:33:58 pm »
Ok! It's been a while since I last posted. Lets get started.

Highlights of last week:
-School Disco
-Engineering Studies Excursion

Okay, so on Wednesday we went to the disco. The theme was superheroes and villains. We went as the powerpuff girls, there was seven of us so two of each powerpuff girl and we had a professor. It was pretty fun! The music was meh but the thing that made it really fun was my friends. It wouldn't have been as fun without them. We all went to my friends house to get ready and we had pizza for dinner. We had a hardcore debate about whether pineapple belongs on pizza. What do you think?

Another thing I did that week was the Engineering Studies Excursion to Sydney. We had to be at school by 6:30am so that means a 5:30am get up time (Takes 20 minutes for me to get to school without traffic). There's seven of us in our class and the excursion was probably one of the best excursions I have ever been on.

So of course it took around 3 hours to get to Port Kembla where the steel works are, we went to the beach at Austinmere for a swim before lunch and that was great. It was a pain getting changed back into my school uniform and we had to put pants on. Then we went to the Port Kembla steel works and saw some real cool stuff. We went into the continuous casting shed where two of the machines were on, it was so hot! We stood above it and I swear I got sunburnt (It felt like it!). After that most of the steel making parts were not on or being worked on so instead we went inside Port Kembla (The actual port) where they keep rows and rows of cars ready to go to customers. It was really really cool!

After Port Kembla, it was like 3:30pm and we had to leave to go Sydney. It felt like it took ages to get there but it was okay, we all chatted and had our own fun. We had to park in Parramatta but we couldn't find parking for our small bus as the spot that our teacher used last year had changed. We ended up parking at some motel for a cheap price of $15 for overnight. We parked the bus and walked to the train station and hopped on a train to Central.

Once at Central we went to where we were staying. A young hostel. I was pleasantly surprised about how nice it was, everyone there was really nice even the staff! After that we went out for dinner in China town, a short walk from the hostel, it was a great meal! Afterwards we walked to Darling Harbour where we climbed the spiderweb and slid down that huge slide. We went to the water where it was so beautiful! At this point it was like 9:30pm and someone in our class suggested laser tag! We went and did it and our team lost... it was 4 v 3 completely unfair. Even though one of the other girls did kick her toe and have blood everywhere.

After that it was almost 11pm, we sat and ate icecream for a while watching the harbour. It was a really good night, by then we were really tired so we went back to the hostel, had showers and got ready for bed. I swear we laid in bed and talked for an hour, I think it was 1am when we finally went to sleep. To be honest, we didn't want the night to end.

The next day we had breakfast and went out to Milsons Point via train to walk the bridge. SO MANY STAIRS. It was beautiful, I've never walked the bridge before. We went to Pylon lookout where we found there used to be a catery there? Weird right? After that we went to Circular Key where we had some ice cream and took a train to get to the Powerhouse museum (Train then tram) where we only spent an hour? We wanted to spend longer there but that didn't happen cause we had to catch the ferry back to Parramatta. I had nuggets and chips for lunch. YUM.

I think we all fell asleep on the ferry, some dude took our seat and we ended up sitting on a really comfortable floor. People were giving us weird looks hahaha. It wasn't very eventful that day but I think once we got home everyone was glad to get off that bus. The seats were so uncomfortable. I was ready for food.

Other than that not much has happened except I had to hand in my first religion assessment in. It was out of 32, 6 marks to an annotated bibliography, 2 marks for a video, 2 marks for submitting the video, 2 marks for the video being on 7mins and 20 marks for the transcript. I think the assessment was a litte ridiculous but anyway.

My second english assessment is tomorrow. I am hoping the test goes well! It's about Mod A in Advanced Richard 3 and Looking for Richard. I'm not a fan of LFR but the play is okay.

Oh and straight after the assessment I have a study period and I have to go to an Orthodontist appointment to get something in. I may have told you before about how I have Invisign but I am officially done with that and am on the road to being done! I literally have to run to the senior carpark to get to my appointment on time.

I am on the way to getting my liscense!  When I get to 50 hours I can do the PCYC course worth 20hrs and then do all of my 10 instructor lessons worth 30hrs all together meaning I get to 100hrs and will only need night! I can see the end of the tunnel. I really want my P's!

Anyway, sorry long post! Hope you enjoyed your week!
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #39 on: March 14, 2018, 09:18:37 pm »
I FORGOT TO MENTION! My major is going really well. I'm on scedule (I think) and am almost finished my first sculpture and I am sooooo happy with it! It took ages! I'm in an unusually good mood the night before an English assessment, double maths and an ortho appointment. I'M GONNA HAVE GOOD TEETH FOR GRAD! yay! That was really my ultimate goal! Oh and btw I absolutely suck at Logs and exponentials. Will have to work on some this weekend.
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #40 on: March 15, 2018, 05:54:15 pm »
English task went well! The teachers had chosen the scene everyone didn't want to be picked. It was the Crowning of Richard in Looking for Richard. I think I did pretty well. I finished with five minutes to go. Hopefully I do well. My ortho appointment went well too! I am finally finished with invisilign and am onto the wire and within the next year I won't have to do anything.
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #41 on: March 21, 2018, 07:18:16 pm »
Second engineering task done! Second art task done!

They are both due on Friday and I hope to do some art essay practice tomorrow afternoon. I love engineering and it's actually somewhat interesting to research for for a research assessment. For art we had to do an Ai Weiwei case study and I tell you what a lot of weiwei jokes are spreading around out class like 'you better go a weiwei' there's been better ones but that's literally the only one I can think of. I actually like Ai Weiwei and the message that underlies his artworks. I like how he is taking a stand in his artworks.

Anyway! Have a good night! Exams are in week 10 and 11. I got my exam timetable and I have:
Adv english in the morning - Friday (2 hours0
Engineering in the morning - Monday (THREE HOURS LONG! My only extremely long one)
Mathematics in the morning - Tuesday (2.5 hours)
Art in the afternoon - Wednesday (Doesn't count towards out overall grade but 1.5 hours)
Ancient in the afternoon - Friday (1.5 hours. Will this be long enough? I will never know...)
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #42 on: March 21, 2018, 07:52:37 pm »
Second engineering task done! Second art task done!

They are both due on Friday and I hope to do some art essay practice tomorrow afternoon. I love engineering and it's actually somewhat interesting to research for for a research assessment. For art we had to do an Ai Weiwei case study and I tell you what a lot of weiwei jokes are spreading around out class like 'you better go a weiwei' there's been better ones but that's literally the only one I can think of. I actually like Ai Weiwei and the message that underlies his artworks. I like how he is taking a stand in his artworks.

Anyway! Have a good night! Exams are in week 10 and 11. I got my exam timetable and I have:
Adv english in the morning - Friday (2 hours0
Engineering in the morning - Monday (THREE HOURS LONG! My only extremely long one)
Mathematics in the morning - Tuesday (2.5 hours)
Art in the afternoon - Wednesday (Doesn't count towards out overall grade but 1.5 hours)
Ancient in the afternoon - Friday (1.5 hours. Will this be long enough? I will never know...)

Congrats on finishing those tasks! Have loved reading your updates ;D

It's so weird that your Art Task doesn't count!! Is it something you and your class are going to prepare for properly? Or is it sort of being treated, like, "Meh" ;D it's a pretty decent timetable besides having Art smack bang in the middle there actually!


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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #43 on: March 24, 2018, 04:11:23 pm »
Congrats on finishing those tasks! Have loved reading your updates ;D

It's so weird that your Art Task doesn't count!! Is it something you and your class are going to prepare for properly? Or is it sort of being treated, like, "Meh" ;D it's a pretty decent timetable besides having Art smack bang in the middle there actually!

Thank you!!! I am so glad they're done! I handed them in on Friday and I hope all goes well!

I know that it's weird. I was so happy that it didn't count but then again what's the point in doing it? Our teacher says that it's good to sit in an exam and get used to the conditions that we get in the HSC and that she thinks it'll be good practice. Then she said she knows we have other exams to worry about so I guess minimal study for it at the least. I'm not sure if I am going to do any study for it. We'll see.

I kinda like the timetable except for the fact I don't have my license yet so I can't leave after an exam. I will have it by trials but it's a bummer that I can't go home and study and I have to stay at school. Good news though! On the Friday exams and term ends, it's my friends birthday so we are going to have a sleep over and watch horror movies! (Don't tell one of my other friends that. Hahaha)

Today I did some maths. I started with geometry: congruence and similarity but I just got so frustrated. I did 1.5 hours on revising geometry and eventually moved on because I was so sick of it. I used to be so good at geometry in year 10 and 11 but now is like 'what the heck am I doing?'. I went to curve sketching (st pts, nature of pts etc) which we were recently revising in class so it was pretty easy. A bit later I'm going to do some of my major.

I am so excited for the four day long Easter weekend though! I mean, I know I have to study but I can sit, eat Easter eggs and watch TV for a bit right? What I am not excited about is the Athletics carnival on next Wednesday. It's great that I can finally participate with my friends as I am a year younger (Only turned 17 this year) and the age group is 17+. It's our last one ever. It's hard to think that we will be doing things for the very last time this year. Once this term ends its only 2 terms till the end of school. Wow. 13 years of schooling almost over.

Anyway. I'm going to stop rambling and go do something semi-productive. Bye!
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Re: My Year 12 Life - Class of 2018
« Reply #44 on: April 02, 2018, 10:05:15 am »
GOOD NEWS EVERYONE! I should have typed this last Thursday when I actually had school... It's the four day long weekend and I am studying for my half yearlies. I ate most of my Easter eggs yesterday... Whoops!

Anyway. Back to the good news. Remember that English listening assessment task I did a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, I kinda got that back on Thursday. It was period 5, I was totally expecting to just write an essay that lesson but I heard my teacher say "Oh and I'm handing back your assessments". Suddenly dread filled me. This was the task before I had to go to the Ortho... I was worried.

When the first person got his task back he literally ran out of the room to scream in happiness (I don't know why cause he's like the smartest person in our class), he's very full of himself. I've literally hated him since I started at that school in year 9 when he was in all THREE of my elective classes. I still strive to beat him. Anyway. Back on track.

I finally got my task back (It was out of 20) and there was a big red 18 marked on the top of my page. I had to stare at it for a few moments to actually believe that I had gotten 18/20 on an in-class English task. Believe me, it's never going to happen again. Since it was my last period of the day (5th period cause I had a study 6th) I felt like it made my day. I thought I did really bad and didn't answer the questions properly. I counted up the marks only losing two, I got to the last section and was like maybe they added it up wrong but no 6/6 for the last question. I swear my eye balls almost jumped out of their sockets.

The top mark in the year was 19.5/20 and the class average was 15/20. The English coordinator walked into our class and asked everyone if they were happy with their marks, only half the class put up their hands. I was surprised because the side of the room I sit on put their hands up and no one on the other side did.

Oh boy was I happy. It made my day.

But oh well. Hope everyone has a good weekend! Tomorrow I have to go back to school.... uggghhh
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