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Author Topic: Ultimate Guide to Studying at UTS  (Read 16470 times)

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Ultimate Guide to Studying at UTS
« on: February 07, 2018, 05:01:29 pm »
Hi there =). I’m Marco and I'm a current UTS student that’s in my final year.

When I first started I was pretty lost in regards to everything about uni, where to go, what to do and how exams are. It was a pretty confusing time of the year! So many leaflets, so many pages…. That brings us to this thread =).
This will address most of your concerns (or maybe questions) including:
-   What are exam rules?
-   How do I get a student concession for OPAL?
-   What are census dates?
-   What sort of services are available at UTS?
-   How do I get around campus?
-   What food is around UTS?
-   How do I access class material?

The thread is a little bit lengthy! (apologies) If you want the guide in PDF form (as it is big), download the files below!
- STUDYING AT UTS - Part 1 - The Basics

****P.S, (if you’re from UNSW, an UNSW will be coming from your favourite math’s helper)**** 
Part 1

Travel Concessions
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- Full time students and Australian citizens can be eligible for the Concession Opal Card.
- You need your UTS ID card on hand ALL the time.

How to get an Opal concession card?
1. Provide consent for UTS – One stop admin >> Agreements >> provide consent (It should say accepted after)
2. Apply for a concession Opal on the Opal website. The card will be sent within a week.
UTS O- week
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UTS o week is the period before university starts (for first years), where no classes are held but students get to dabble in university life a bit and also get to learn some skills.
Date: usually Mid Feb to early march.
Where: AT various locations around Uni!
At O – week some activities are:
- Campus tours
- Clubs day
- Introductions to academic writing
- Introductions to referencing
- Introductions to services at UTS

I highly recommend that you attend o-Week as it will make the transition easier for you when you enter university! (The referencing part is especially important)
Census dates
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- Census date = final day that a student can withdraw from a subject before being penalised academically and financially.
- The census date for each faculty is different.
Regarding academic penalties, you will it will come under your transcript as “withdrawn fail”, resulting in the same mark as a normal fail.
Regarding financial penalty, you will have more HECS and it will be on your tax record.
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At UTS there are two calendars:
-   Calendar A – For all non-health and education faculties

-   Calendar B – For the Grad school of Health, and Education. Click here to see more information.

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Grading system- GPA
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At UTS, the GPA (system is used).
GPA (AKA the grade point average) is the average grade that you have in the GPA scale.

UTS uses a scale of 0 to 4.
GPA = Sum of (grade value × unit credit points) / Sum of unit credit points

- Grade values are obtained via your mark (and the grade that it corresponds to)
- Mark grades can be obtained via your university website
- Credit points are how much credit points that are gained upon completion (usually 6 per subject).
- At the completion of a subject, a grade value is multiplied by the credit points and an average of the multiplication result, is divided by the total credit points.   

Total CP- 6 x 11
Total grade x CP - 225
GPA - 3.409090909Back to Top of section

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-   To use the UTS WIFI, connect to UTS – WPA or Eduroam.
-   For UTS – WPA: Type in your student ID, and password.
-   For Eduroam:
o   Username: your staff or student number followed by @uts.edu.au..e.g. [email protected]
o   Pw: Usual pw…

-   If it asks for a certificate or verification, say YES.
**Occasionally… the WIFI may fail to connect to UTS – WPA due to random reasons in that case…
1. Try turning your device On and Off
2. Try forgetting the network and re-logging in
3. Go to a different place with WIFI or try a different network.
Student Printing and scanning
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1.Sending documents to the printer server: There are 2 methods.
Print document at Uni PC

Sending the job remotely
-   Put in your details and press okay.

File print = Upload file.
Web print = Inserting a web document
Send Email Attachment = Print from Email.

2. Releasing the print job
  >> Places with Computer based
- Go to print station (With “my monitor”) >> Pick job and then print!

>> Places with network printers
- Scan your card using the scanner
- Press the “Release Jobs” button
- Select the documents and then press “Print” on the interface

There are print stations at:
- Building 1 – level 5
- Building 5, Green Area, Block C (outside the IT support)
- Building 6 – level 3
- Building 8 – level 4
- Building 10 – level 2
- Library (multiple floors)
- Building 11 – level 4, level 5, level 1, Level 00 behind escalators
** https://www.uts.edu.au/current-students/managing-your-course/using-uts-systems/student-printer-locations**
 - It costs $0.11 per page for B/W and $0.40 per colour page.
- Money can be loaded into your card via EFTPOS!
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Study locations
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**Lecture halls, rooms and tutorial rooms can be used for study PROVIDED that there are no event or classes.**
Building 1, aka the tower building has study places at level 5, 6 has many study places.  There’s a kitchen located on level 6.

 Building 3 -  Not much places to study in this building.

Building 4 – Not too much spaces in this building but there are some!

Building 5 – There are study areas with computers on all blocks (A, B, C and D). On the higher levels of C, there is a kitchen.

Building 6- – Many study spots , from level 3 to 7.

Building 7 – A few areas to study here, this place isn’t as well known :P

Building 8 – There are study areas in a few levels of building 8. It isn’t usually full and there’s a nice ambience to study in.

Building 10, has recently been refurnished and now has many study places (multiple levels). Very nice and modern. Computers on the bottom floor, study desks on the levels above.

Building 11 has many levels, where you can study. There’s a nice ambience to this place.  There are kitchens located on a few levels.

The UTS library has plenty of spaces and many levels to study on ((Ground level is level 2).


Student Email
Student email
https://email.itd.uts.edu.au/email/ - CLICK “Current Student & Alumni”

- [email protected]
- Use this email when contacting any staff, academics or support services.
Blackboard and other online SYstems
Blackboard and other online systems
- Be polite. Use proper grammar. Have an Ending note.

- More about this will be in part 3
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- UTS is an easy 10 -15 min walk from central. Walk towards the NON city direction, go down the stairs and then exit. Then there will be a long 3-minute tunnel. If you walk straight, there will be escalator up (and you’ll be at building 6).

- IF you live around Leichardt, lily field, Haberfield etc, you can take the light rail, and get off at the Paddy’s market exit (which is near the library)

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-   The textbooks used are outlined in your subject outlines.

-   Required = purchase. Most examples, cases and tutorials come from this text.
-   Recommended = Can purchase, but it’s just extra reading.
>>Where to purchase textbooks?
-   Co-op store:    Most expensive but brand new.
-   UTS: SA:   50% of Retail price, but not much range (especially the lesser well known books)

-   UTS textbook exchange – Can range from free textbooks to 50% of the retail price.  You can also haggle with prices if you want to!

-   Textbook rental stores: Zookal, StudentVIP, etc.  Condition can vary, prices can be at 30% to 50% of the retail price.
>> Real life Example…
Book 1: Principles of Economics - Joshua Gans 5th edition
Book 2: Biomechanics of Sport and Exercise - Mcginns

Changing subjects/picking
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-   Students can change their subjects via the MyStudentAdmin platform.
-   There are conditions:
o   You cannot join a subject if it is past the second week of Autumn or Spring.
o   You can withdraw at any time during the semester BUT if it’s after the census date, they will have an academic and financial penalty.
o   If there’s a circumstance or situation that was unexpected and affects your ability to study significantly, submit an E request.

-   The process for doing this is:
1. Entering MyStudentAdmin and entering your details
2. Click on “Enrol in subjects”
3. Click on “Show available subjects and options only”
>> The subjects in blue are the ones that you can enrol in.

4. Tick the “ENROL” box for the subjects that you want and then click “Enrol”.

5. IT will return you to here and the subjects will be here…
>> INSTEAD of these subjects you’ll have your own.

**P.S.  THESE SUBJECTS WILL APPAER ON the timetable platform automatically**

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Directions and the campus
Faculties and buildings
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Map of UTS[/b[

Tricks and tips to get to and around campus
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- To get from the Tower area to the business building (b5), the quickest way is to take the back entrance, and go through building 4
- The quickest way to get from building 6 to building 3, is to take the bridge that’s above you.
- The quickest way to the tower is this exit.

**The photo below… is a map of UTS and its surrounds**
**the big X on the diagram... is the image ABOVE…  TAKE the escalator that’s opposite the phone shop to your left and it will take you to ultimo RD.**
PS. On the map I show the closest possible routes to different parts of UTS!
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Parking at UTS
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- Parking at UTS is non-existent or is expensive.
There’s discounted parking at the InterPark parking - Thomas Street, Building… which is quite expensive (20 dollars for 2 hours parking).

Market city parking - $16 a day for students.  – opposite B5/ lib.


Part 2
Courses, Timetabling, Assessments, Food and Support
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Referencing is the use of other sources, with the acknowledgement of the author.

Referencing at UTS is very important. If you do not reference, the ideas will be assumed to be owned by you, which is not true. You can then be caught for plagiarism (which has a heavy penalty).

Different faculties use different referencing styles/types.
IT , Business, Nursing,  Design, architecture, Law, Arts and social science , Engineering = Harvard (UTS) referencing style
Law = AGLC

Harvard (UTS) Referencing Guide
The Harvard (UTS) style is based on the original Harvard style, but modified based on the Australian Government’s style for authors.
It’s too in-depth to go into here, but there is more information on the UTS website!

Subjects and timetabling
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Login to my timetable> https://mytimetable.uts.edu.au/

READ only = It’s past the date, where you change the classes.
It should say SELECT or ADJUST. If it’s within the first few weeks of the semester.
- Click one subject to view the lecture or tutorial.
- Pick one tutorial and one lecture
- If you forget to do a class, there will be a RED symbol.
Viewing your entire timetable
- Click the “Timetable” tab and you’ll see the timetable for the current week.
- This can also be printed!
- NOTE: If you are using an iPhone you can add these class dates to your calendar.
1. To subscribe to this iCalendar on an iPhone or iPad, please use the following steps:
2. Don't tap, but Hold the link so you get a list of options and "Copy".
3. Launch the Settings app on your iPhone or iPad.
4. Tap on Mail, Contacts, Calendars.
5. Tap on Add Account.
6. Tap on Other.
Tap on Add Subscribed Calendar under the Other section.
7. "Paste" in the server location of the calendar from step 1.
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 Subject outlines
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Subject outlines – Has all the important information that you ever need for a subject.
This includes:
Subject coordinators
Program – schedule for the semester (what you do in every week / readings)
Assessment – Your assessments
Minimum requirements - Minimum marks needed for assessments and exams to pass
Required texts  - textbooks used
References used – sources used by the tutors and lecturer for content.
**Very important: Print out the schedule, assessment and minimum requirement section =). Keep those by your side.**
Reading UTS room numbers
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The format for room numbers are:
- Building no / Level/ Room number
- 04.03.005 = Building 4, level 3, room 5
- 10.02.200 = Building 10, level 2, room 200
 Types of classes at UTS
Lectures – Big classrooms that can fit 100 to a few hundred people.  Not too many opportunities to ask questions are available (unless it’s in the middle or during the end)
Tutorials – small classes ranging from 15 – 30 people. You do mini presentations, tutorial questions and can ask questions.  For the IT and engineering disciplines, that may include going to the computer lab. 
Seminars – These are long classes, which are a combination of tutorials and lectures.
laboratory work – This is where you go to a Lab and do practical work, using equipment and tools. Sciences, health and Engineering students have these sorts of classes.
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Blackboard is the main system used for online content. There’s more about in part 3!.

Review of any assessment marks
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If you are disappointed with any assessment marks or want to request a review of a paper, speak to your tutor or lecturer for the class that you are enrolled in, once you get your marks.
- Tell them why you think that you deserved better marks or a regrading.
- If they have not entered the marks in yet, you may be able to get 1 or 2 extra marks (or a remarking of a section).
--(TELL them as soon as possible… not a few weeks after… then they may question your actions)

Here a few more tips:
- Be polite, courteous and patient.
- Do not be like “OMG, Sir, this is unfair, I was so close. I need one more mark.”    
- Something like this would be appropriate “Hi there ____, thanks for making the effort to put comments/markings. I read over them pretty thoroughly, and I did use 2 ___ as requested. Why did I receive 2 marks, when it would have been 3 marks under the marking guidelines?

- If that does not get resolved, email the subject coordinator. If the problem is still there, make an appointment with the RAO via the ASK UTS portal.
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Re-enrolment is when you can start picking for the subjects that you will take in the next year. 

The main page on “My student admin” will tell you the date when you can start picking.  It is usually before the exam period or near the end of the semester.
Here is a screen clipping of how it should look!
Subject Majors
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Majors are the big areas of interest / study that you do for a course.  You can choose your majors after your first year, but it’s not set in stone.
To change your major:
-   Open up https://mystudent.uts.edu.au/ and then login.
-   Click on “My applications”
-   Click on E-request
o   “I want to make changes to my study plan”

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Exams are considered as part of your assessment marks, just like high school… and it’s also conducted in a big hall or in classrooms.
At UTS, exams are usually held at the Great Hall, various buildings at UTS or at Wentworth Park Grounds.   The dates for the exams are usually released in OneStopAdmin a few weeks before the end of the semester. 
At UTS, you must follow these rules:
-   Display your student ID at all times
-   You cannot leave your seat during the final 15 minutes of the exam
-   No talking or making noises during exams
-   No cheating
-   No Electrical devices
-   Reading time is ONLY reading time
-   You can only sit in the exam that you’re meant to be in.

WHAT HAPPENS IF I’m SICK or Can’t attend on the day?
-   Apply for an alternate exam on the day that you cannot do the exam. You have 2 days to submit an application.
-   Once you submit the application, it will be sent to your email and then take it to a GP or psychologist. 
-   After this is done, scan and email the form to  [email protected] using your student email only!

Support at UTS
Academic Support

- UPASS is a learning program that helps students who are struggling in certain subjects.  It is like a more laid-back tutorial class, where one can ask questions and gain a deeper understanding of the subject.
Some of the benefits are:
- Better grades
- More confidence
- Access to additional material
- Forming friendships and improving communication skills

**You don’t need to register and can just turn up to the time that corresponds to your subject. **
**https://www.uts.edu.au/current-students/support/upass/upass/sessions/register-sessions **

Maths and science centre
- Maths and science centre – This is where students can drop in and get help for mathematics and statistics subjects.
- It is free to use and is located at Building 4, level 3, room 331 (CB04.03.331).
- Runs from week 1 to the exam period.

Higher Education Language and Presentation Support (HELPS)
HELPS – provides English language and academic support to students.
Some services that they provide are:
- One to one assignment advice
- Academic skills workshop
- Writing support
- Practicing speaking skills
MEDICAL and other support

>>> MEDICAL, Financial and MENTAL SUPPORT + Disability Support
Medical service
- Provides medical services for students. They do women’s health issues, vaccinations and treat many illnesses.
- Cost: Bulk billing is available for students who have Medicare.

Psychology clinic
- This is a clinic for students that provides services to students.
- Location: Level 2, Building 7 at 67 Thomas Street Ultimo, NSW 2007
- Cost: $12.50 per student if you have a concession card.  $25 for full fee.

Counselling service
- Provides a confidential counselling service to help with a variety of problems.
- For: Current students.
- Cost: Free (up to 10 sessions)
- Location: UTS medical services office, just ask for the counsellor.

>>> Technical support
- ServiceConnect is the system that is used for IT support.
Knowledge base = where you can find information about various aspects of IT at UTS (from Emails to printing)
Requests = where you can submit issues with IT or your account (that you encounter on campus)
Community = Where you can ask questions… they usually go unanswered: P


IT support centre
This is where there are people on hand that can help you with any IT troubles. 
There are two on campus:
- Building 10 - Level 2, Room 212 (CB10.02.212)
- Building 5, Block C - Block C, Level 1, Room 41 (CM05C.01.41)

Accessibility Service
This service provides support for students that live with one or more mental and/or physical conditions + disabilities.
They help you via:
- Understanding your current situation (via an appointment)
- Providing individual and general access assistance based on your situation.
> Individual support services
- Note taking services are done for students who cannot take notes or cannot concentrate.  These notetakers usually are studying in the same degree (as the one you are doing). 
- Auslan Interpreters caption videos for you, four to six weeks in advance.
- Lecture records are done for those subjects, in which the lectures are not recorded automatically. They will then be provided for you.
- Scribes for tests and exams – Scribes write for you, as you verbalise your thoughts/answers in regard to the exam. 

>>> Financial Support
The Financial Assistance Service provides UTS students (whom have a financial crises) with:
- Interest Free loans
- Tax help
- PC and software
- Book Vouchers
- Equity Grants
Call: 02 9515 1177
Open days: Monday to Friday – 9:30am to 4:30pm

Food around campus
Near haymarket
- Near Haymarket

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Near Ultimo

- Near ultimo

Food on campus
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Student centre @ UTS
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The student centre is where students can get help with:
- General subject information
- Enrolment enquiries
- Academic caution issues
- Credit recognitions
- Graduation related items
- Travel concessions
- General things.

**The people serving you usually have been a student before or are a current student.**
There are two student centres. One in Building 10 and one in building 5 block C.
Part 3

UTS Careers Hub
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UTS Careers Hub is a service set up by UTS, where you can find jobs, ask questions about jobs, find professional networking events and join development opportunities.
There are a few tabs on the website
- Home – View everything in general/the things that are available.
- Job Opportunities – Search for jobs, Internships and Volunteer opportunities
- Resources – Workbooks for job seeking (Resume, Cover letter, Interview skills and others)
- Dashboard – view bookings, bookmarks and Consultation notes
- Events – View networking and professional development events for students
- Profile – Where you build a student profile for yourself (Not important)

My Student UTS
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My Student UTS is where people can make enquiries or write an E-request.

>Ask UTS Enquiries
Here, you can ask a question on enquire about an issue regarding anything from fees, to enrolment,  exams, ID cards, graduation or other.


E – Request is used for special considerations or certain subject related changes.
Special considerations –  As the name suggests, extensions for assessments, missing exams and if you are experiencing illness
Subject related changes – Enrolling in cross subject courses, changing your study plan (Changing major + other issues) AND withdrawing from a subject.
- It’s fairly simple =), just tick the right options.
- Requests take a few days to a week to process.

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- Blackboard online is where many tutors and lecturers have a forum, where people can ask for questions on assignments and lecture content.
- Subjects appear in Blackboard near the start of the semester.
-Treat forum posts as if it were employer and be polite.   Additionally, some lecturers and tutors will not answer you if you do NOT use a university email.

My Print UTS
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- This system is used to send jobs remotely, so that you can print them out at uni.
Read more about it on part 1, student printing.
One Stop Admin
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This is used to change student details, check offers, invoices, forms, overall marks and scholarships. The tabs are:
Personal – personal details + bank details
Applications – Used for internal transfers, diplomas in Languages and Research degrees.
Offers - Offers
Invoice – Your invoice for admin and uni fees.
Govt forms – Government forms that you have submitted (you shouldn’t need to touch this most of the time)
Subjects – Used for applying for subjects, withdrawing from subjects and leave of absences.
Exams – Shows your exam schedule
Results -Shows your uni marks (end) for the subjects that you did
Scholarships - view scholarships that you have successfully been offered (usually you don’t access this)

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- The UTS library is where you can make a booking for a study room/presentation practice and find academic articles.
- To make a booking, highlight the time that you want to book a room (2hrs max) using your mouse and a box will come up. Give it a name and then you’re done!
- In the “Articles” section of the website, you can change the search results by using the clickable items on the left.

Wayfinding UTS
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This was set up to help students find their way around the campus (as well as general things).
There are 3 symbols (going from left to right).
-   The first one opens the map
-   The second symbol allows you to search for things
-   The 3rd symbol shows events on campus

To search for things on campus, here are a few good keywords to put into here!

-   Toilet
-   Hall
-   Food
-   Pod
-   Learning
-   Centre
Image 1: Results after searching “toilets”
Image 2: What happens after you click on any toilet (or any item)

Click here for more information
Student Leadership programs
There are a few opportunities for students at UTS to develop leadership, communication and professional skills. These are:
- Student representation – Students can apply to represent their fellow colleagues. If you do want to represent a faculty, you must be prepared for meetings and readings.
- Peer network – These are the people in orange shirts. They help students transition to Uni and can be seen on level 4 at the front, near the Elevators. They do campus tours, run the orientation and answer questions.
- The Hatchery – This is where people learn how to be an entrepreneur.  Students learn how to turn an idea into a good business.
- BUiLD - Beyond UTS International Leadership Development – Students can learn how lead from the front, become a strong speaker and to develop skills professionally. There are international internships and local development events.
- UTS Shopfront – Enables students to get involved in community projects to help the local community.
- The Big Lift – The Big Lift is an organisation that takes UTS students on a bus trip through rural Australia. Community projects are done, skills are learnt and lifelong friendships are built.
- HELPS U: Connect Volunteer Program - Students can assist international students to develop confidence in English speaking skills, assist people on how to do assessments.
Fun stuff @ uts
Security and card access
- The FACULTY that you are in determines which areas you can access with your card (after hours+ some labs).
- If you are in the science and business faculty, you can use the card to access labs and rooms in that faculty.
- Take your ID card to the student centre in building 10, and they will give you the needed card access
[youtube] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XDArvk-p2h4&feature=youtu.bep[/youtube]
UTS Students Association
The UTS Students Association (UTSSA) is run by students. They run free services for students and provide a voice for students.
The free services provided are:
-   Bluebird Brekkie Bar
-   Student Legal Service
-   Peer tutoring
-   Student Advocacy & Academic support

>> Bluebird Brekkie Bar
This is a popup café that provides free, muesli, fruit, fresh sourdough, natural yoghurt along with avocado and spreads. Coffee and tea is also provided. Everything is free of cost .
>Opening times + location
Tuesday 8:30am - 11am, Haymarkets Moot Courtyard
Wednesday 8:30am - 11am, Tower Building Foyer

>> Student Legal Service
The Student Legal Service is provided for issues such as tenancy, consumer, contracts, motor traffic, criminal offences and areas.  It is run by a trusted solicitor with over 10 years of experience as a lawyer.
To make an appointment, call 02 9514 2484 or Email: [email protected] with the following details:
-   Name
-   Student ID
-   Legal issue
-   Type of documents relevant to your issue

Contact: 02 9514 2484
Location: UTS Tower Building 1, level 5, room 12
Opening hours:
Tuesday              10am - 4pm
Wednesday         10am - 4pm
Thursday             11am - 8pm

>> Peer tutoring
Most tutors charge $25 are paid at the end of the session.
To request for a peer tutor, you need to:
1. Be a UTS student
2. Complete the form and email it to  [email protected].
3. Someone will be in contact with you within a few days.

Tutors are not available for all subjects. Some subjects have a few tutors.

>> Student Advocacy & Academic Support
The student advocacy and academic support service provides free advice for things such as:
-   Appeals
-   Misconduct allegations
-   Querying assessment results
-   Special considerations
Call - (02) 9514 1155
visit UTS Tower Building - CB01.03.22
Case workers can help you appeal, give advice.


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Re: Ultimate Guide to Studying at UTS
« Reply #1 on: February 07, 2018, 05:27:20 pm »

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.

Yertle the Turtle

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Re: Ultimate Guide to Studying at UTS
« Reply #2 on: February 07, 2018, 05:39:26 pm »
This is brilliant, can someone please do this for RMIT and Monash???
Greatly deserves upvotes! Thanks E6P!
2017-2018: VCE
Methods | Specialist | Physics | Chemistry | English | Texts and Traditions

2019: B. Eng (Hons) | Monash
2019-?: Certificate III  in Bricklaying and Blocklaying

Have counted to 80