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Author Topic: Class of 2020  (Read 67330 times)

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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #120 on: June 23, 2019, 09:25:39 pm »
hey guys what's up

im currently doing:

  • bio 3/4
  • chem 1/2
  • methods 1/2
  • eng lang 1/2
  • music performance 1/2
  • drama 1/2

the problem is, i want to drop drama but im not sure what to pick up.
should i pick up psych unit 2 or legal unit 2?
ive heard that psych is really easy, especially for bio students which is good but i know ill hate the class since there are a bunch of annoying people in it. I've also heard that legal is tough but i will have a better teacher and class.

i don't know what to do. help pls

I don't do psych at the moment so I wouldn't know about that but I've enjoyed doing legal this year. I will admit, it is a little challenging at the start because there is a specific structure to answering questions but once you get your head around that, it's pretty fun.  Personally, I like how legal contrasts with my other science-y subjects and allows to explore the laws of my country and understand the behind the scenes of how it works. I don't find the concepts difficult, it's just the style of writing but practice does make perfect. I think you would like it if you enjoy learning about how our legal system works which I think everyone should be educated about.
Also, I like how legal makes me enjoy watching the news because my teacher always mentions current cases.
Good luck deciding! (I'm going through a subject dilemma myself :()
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(finally get to do this!)


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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #121 on: July 10, 2019, 10:04:12 pm »
hey guys,

I'm in need of some opinions!

The subjects i'm currently doing are:
3/4 Phys Ed
1/2 English
1/2 General Maths
1/2 Accounting
1/2 Bus Man
1/2 Economics

I'm doing well in my subjects and i'm happy with how i'm going and i'm confident i'll do well in year 12. However, i'm interested in doing Uni Extension Accounting at either Monash or Deakin next year. So i've decided that after the completion of phys ed this year, the subjects i've decided to definitely do next year (if i get accepted into Uni Extension) are:
3/4 English because its compulsory.
3/4 General Maths because it's an easy subject that i'm confident i can get a 40+ ss in.
3/4 Accounting because i have to concurrently do it with Uni Extension.

My problem is that i'm not sure on completing either bus man or economics next year as they both have a heap of cons (in my opinion). With bus man, its really easy and its a subject that i'm sure i will do well in but it is sooooooooo boring. I feel unmotivated to complete any homework as well as study for sacs. As well as this, my cohort will be very strong and i'll need to dedicate a lot of my time into it to achieve a high score. With economics, it's the complete opposite of bus man where i love the subject. However, my teacher at school isn't really a great teacher and i feel as though your teacher contributes a heap to your success in a subject. I don't feel as though I could talk to my teacher next year because the usual answer i'd receive is a really bad one which doesn't really answer the question. However, with this subject, at my school there is only one class and our class is really tight and help each other every time.

Sorry for this long post but my course counselling is in around a month's time and time sure does fly when you're having fun.
2019: 1/2 English, 1/2 General Mathematics, 1/2 Accounting, 1/2 Business Management, 1/2 Economics, 3/4 Physical Education.

2020: Loading...


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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #122 on: July 10, 2019, 10:44:22 pm »
hey guys,

I'm in need of some opinions!

The subjects i'm currently doing are:
3/4 Phys Ed
1/2 English
1/2 General Maths
1/2 Accounting
1/2 Bus Man
1/2 Economics

I'm doing well in my subjects and i'm happy with how i'm going and i'm confident i'll do well in year 12. However, i'm interested in doing Uni Extension Accounting at either Monash or Deakin next year. So i've decided that after the completion of phys ed this year, the subjects i've decided to definitely do next year (if i get accepted into Uni Extension) are:
3/4 English because its compulsory.
3/4 General Maths because it's an easy subject that i'm confident i can get a 40+ ss in.
3/4 Accounting because i have to concurrently do it with Uni Extension.

My problem is that i'm not sure on completing either bus man or economics next year as they both have a heap of cons (in my opinion). With bus man, its really easy and its a subject that i'm sure i will do well in but it is sooooooooo boring. I feel unmotivated to complete any homework as well as study for sacs. As well as this, my cohort will be very strong and i'll need to dedicate a lot of my time into it to achieve a high score. With economics, it's the complete opposite of bus man where i love the subject. However, my teacher at school isn't really a great teacher and i feel as though your teacher contributes a heap to your success in a subject. I don't feel as though I could talk to my teacher next year because the usual answer i'd receive is a really bad one which doesn't really answer the question. However, with this subject, at my school there is only one class and our class is really tight and help each other every time.

Sorry for this long post but my course counselling is in around a month's time and time sure does fly when you're having fun.

It's great that you love yourself. If you love yourself to such an extent, you should love inspiring yourself. Why is your teacher not a great teacher? In VCE it is the responsibility of us students to supplement what may haven't been covered in depth. If its soooo boring and you don't need it as a Prereq than I suggest to consider dropping it unless the pathway you're aiming to take requires some foundational knowledge. Short-term suffering is lighter than the feeling of "what if" I did the subject.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2019, 11:22:38 pm by brothanathan »


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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #123 on: July 15, 2019, 05:41:31 pm »
hey guys,

I'm in need of some opinions!

The subjects i'm currently doing are:
3/4 Phys Ed
1/2 English
1/2 General Maths
1/2 Accounting
1/2 Bus Man
1/2 Economics

I'm doing well in my subjects and i'm happy with how i'm going and i'm confident i'll do well in year 12. However, i'm interested in doing Uni Extension Accounting at either Monash or Deakin next year. So i've decided that after the completion of phys ed this year, the subjects i've decided to definitely do next year (if i get accepted into Uni Extension) are:
3/4 English because its compulsory.
3/4 General Maths because it's an easy subject that i'm confident i can get a 40+ ss in.
3/4 Accounting because i have to concurrently do it with Uni Extension.

My problem is that i'm not sure on completing either bus man or economics next year as they both have a heap of cons (in my opinion). With bus man, its really easy and its a subject that i'm sure i will do well in but it is sooooooooo boring. I feel unmotivated to complete any homework as well as study for sacs. As well as this, my cohort will be very strong and i'll need to dedicate a lot of my time into it to achieve a high score. With economics, it's the complete opposite of bus man where i love the subject. However, my teacher at school isn't really a great teacher and i feel as though your teacher contributes a heap to your success in a subject. I don't feel as though I could talk to my teacher next year because the usual answer i'd receive is a really bad one which doesn't really answer the question. However, with this subject, at my school there is only one class and our class is really tight and help each other every time.

Sorry for this long post but my course counselling is in around a month's time and time sure does fly when you're having fun.

Difficult to comment too much (I'd definitely recommend speaking to any teachers at school you're comfortable discussing with), but from what you've said, I'd be going with Eco. If you love Economics and find Business really difficult to get motivated for, I think that's your answer.

Good luck - keep us updated! :)

Oxford comma, Garamond, Avett Brothers, Orla Gartland enthusiast.


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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #124 on: July 24, 2019, 11:52:18 am »
I don't know what subjects to do other then Further, English and Legal Studies.

I need to choose two more subjects but I don't know what to choose.
My school offers very few subjects and I'm not interested or am worried I'll hate them as I've never done them before.

They offer:
Bio (already done it)
Business (boring I hate it)
Food Studies (never done it)
HHD (never done it)
Literature (did it in year 10 and struggled)
Media (never done it)
Physics (never done it)
Legal Studies (already gonna do it)
Psych (doing 1/2 and the teacher doesnt teach (like every other teacher at my little rural school) every lesson since the start of the year its been "for today's lesson we will watch Edrolo")
VisCom (did it in year 9 and didnt really like it)
Studio Arts (haven't done art since year 8)

How did everyone else choose? Any advice would be awesome (because right now imma just be like fk it and do 4 subjects and get a shitty atar)
« Last Edit: July 24, 2019, 02:38:07 pm by JadeRhoden »
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

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Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #125 on: July 24, 2019, 01:07:27 pm »
I don't know what subjects to do other then Further, English and Legal Studies.

I need to choose two more subjects but I don't know what to choose.
My school offers very few subjects and I'm not interested or am worried I'll hate them as I've never done them before.

They offer:
Bio (already done it)
Business (boring I hate it)
Food Studies (never done it)
HHD (never done it)
Literature (did it in year 10 and struggled)
Media (never done it)
Physics (never done it)
Legal Studies (already gonna do it)
Psych (doing 1/2 and the teacher is completely retarded "for today's lesson we will watch Edrolo")
VisCom (did it in year 9 and didnt really like it)
Studio Arts (haven't done art since year 8)

How did everyone else choose? Any advice would be awesome (because right now imma just be like fk it and do 4 subjects and get a shitty atar)

Choosing your subjects depends on a lot of factors that generally follow a loose priority:

1. Subjects you enjoy. This is a obvious one but subjects that are boring for you, like Business in your case, will be incrediblly hard to do well in as you simply won't have the drive to do well in it.

2. Subjects that either complement your other subjects and/or complement your learning style. Some subjects go hand in hand with and have overlapping content; particularly Physics and higher mathematics (spesh or methods, but not further maths) or even Systems Engineering. Secondly, some subjects are quite similar in the learning style that may click for you. For instance, maths, physics, computing, etc require more abstract and logical application whereas Biology, Business, etc is more memory based with a lot more content to remember but broader application.

3. Subjects that have good support at your school and as a whole. The unfortunate reality is that some subjects won't be taught as well as it can be or you hope it to be, you have already seen this with your Psych class. This is not always a problem though, it depends on how supported the subject is as a whole. Smaller VCE subjects have significantly less resources to utilise outside of class which makes you more teacher dependant. ie. Computing has one book that has very vague and sometimes contradictory explainations so if your computing teacher is bad, you will have a difficult time. Maths however has a huge amount of resources outside the class so if your maths teacher isn't so great, you can seek outside resouces fairly easily.

4. Subjects that are assessed in a format you are confident with. Every subject will have a different way of assessing the content. English will have essays, Lote will have orals, Maths will have multiple choose and short answer test papers, etc. This is a smaller thing to consider compared to the other three I have mentioned but its still important, if you aren't good at essays avoid essay heavy subjects (English, History, etc.). If you aren't good at orals, avoid oral heavy subjects (Lote, English, etc.).

What to avoid:
1. Choosing subjects based on scaling. Generally speaking, the greater the scaling the more competitive the subject. This is not always the case but subjects like Chemistry and Specialist Maths are particularly hard because very high achievers the 99+ ATAR people are competiting in these subjects for better odds. In addition this, its just a bad idea to purely focus on scaling as at the end of the day, a few study score points from scaling pales compared to the many points you'll be losing if you choose a bad subject for you.

2. Choosing subjects that are generally considered the "easy" option: This is a little hard to recommend as these types of subjects are kinda hard to identify but i'll give an example. Further maths is "easy" if you have a solid grasp of mathematics, but the problem with this subject is because people of this mindset choose Further maths, it makes the top positions for the subject immensly hard to get. The margin for error is incrediblly high once you get upto the 45+ study score of Further maths. This is speaking from experience, I did Further Maths in my VCE and lost around 6 marks total on my SACS and got A+'s on my exams and ended up with a 43. In the higher levels a mark can cost a whole study score point. Im not sure if this is particular to further maths but its something to keep in mind. This is not an endorsement to deliberately choose methods or spesh to avoid this but if you have a solid grasp in a subject area, choose the hardest option as it has more room for error. Harder subjects in general have more breathing room so you don't have to stress about a mark here and there.

All this being said, it depends on your ATAR goal too. The hardest subjects are more fruitful, if only you are truely commited to them but as I said earlier, some subjects may be better for you depending on you personally.

This is a bit of a ramble but I hope it helps  ;D


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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #126 on: July 25, 2019, 04:40:46 pm »
I don't know what subjects to do other then Further, English and Legal Studies.

I need to choose two more subjects but I don't know what to choose.
My school offers very few subjects and I'm not interested or am worried I'll hate them as I've never done them before.

They offer:
Bio (already done it)
Business (boring I hate it)
Food Studies (never done it)
HHD (never done it)
Literature (did it in year 10 and struggled)
Media (never done it)
Physics (never done it)
Legal Studies (already gonna do it)
Psych (doing 1/2 and the teacher doesnt teach (like every other teacher at my little rural school) every lesson since the start of the year its been "for today's lesson we will watch Edrolo")
VisCom (did it in year 9 and didnt really like it)
Studio Arts (haven't done art since year 8)

How did everyone else choose? Any advice would be awesome (because right now imma just be like fk it and do 4 subjects and get a shitty atar)

So, to condense your list a little:

Business (boring I hate it)
Food Studies (never done it)
HHD (never done it)
Literature (did it in year 10 and struggled)
Media (never done it)
Physics (never done it)
Psych (doing 1/2 and the teacher doesnt teach (like every other teacher at my little rural school) every lesson since the start of the year its been "for today's lesson we will watch Edrolo")
VisCom (did it in year 9 and didnt really like it)
Studio Arts (haven't done art since year 8)

I'd remove Business if you hate it. HHD is a pretty popular option to pick up in Year 12, and personally I found the content interesting and applicable to everybody. With Psych, your teacher/their teaching style might be different in Year 12? And even if that's not the case, the classroom isn't the only way you can learn the content/do well.

Choosing your subjects depends on a lot of factors that generally follow a loose priority...

Great post. :)

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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #127 on: November 09, 2019, 10:12:09 pm »
hey guys,

I'm in need of some opinions!

The subjects i'm currently doing are:
3/4 Phys Ed
1/2 English
1/2 General Maths
1/2 Accounting
1/2 Bus Man
1/2 Economics

I'm doing well in my subjects and i'm happy with how i'm going and i'm confident i'll do well in year 12. However, i'm interested in doing Uni Extension Accounting at either Monash or Deakin next year. So i've decided that after the completion of phys ed this year, the subjects i've decided to definitely do next year (if i get accepted into Uni Extension) are:
3/4 English because its compulsory.
3/4 General Maths because it's an easy subject that i'm confident i can get a 40+ ss in.
3/4 Accounting because i have to concurrently do it with Uni Extension.

My problem is that i'm not sure on completing either bus man or economics next year as they both have a heap of cons (in my opinion). With bus man, its really easy and its a subject that i'm sure i will do well in but it is sooooooooo boring. I feel unmotivated to complete any homework as well as study for sacs. As well as this, my cohort will be very strong and i'll need to dedicate a lot of my time into it to achieve a high score. With economics, it's the complete opposite of bus man where i love the subject. However, my teacher at school isn't really a great teacher and i feel as though your teacher contributes a heap to your success in a subject. I don't feel as though I could talk to my teacher next year because the usual answer i'd receive is a really bad one which doesn't really answer the question. However, with this subject, at my school there is only one class and our class is really tight and help each other every time.

Sorry for this long post but my course counselling is in around a month's time and time sure does fly when you're having fun.

Hey there, I'm not sure if you've realised, but just to inform you that Monash is no longer offering uni extension programs from the end of this year, so you gotta have to do it either at Deakin or another uni (massive dang it about Monash, argh!)


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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #128 on: November 10, 2019, 05:18:56 pm »
Anyone doing 3/4 Theatre Studies next year???
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

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Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #129 on: December 12, 2019, 02:27:55 pm »
Hey guys I was wondering if you guys can give me any study tips. I have completed bio 3/4 in year 11 and i have gotten atrocious score of 27. I was very disappointed but I know i can't change anything but I was wondering if i can still get above 95 ATAR and if so how can i score 40+ for the rest of my subjects.
My subjects for 2020 are:
Maths Methods 3/4
English 3/4
Chemistry 3/4
Psychology 3/4
Legal Studies 3/4

please help me it would be much appreciated as I would love to get into medicine.


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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #130 on: December 14, 2019, 05:06:21 pm »
Hey guys I was wondering if you guys can give me any study tips. I have completed bio 3/4 in year 11 and i have gotten atrocious score of 27. I was very disappointed but I know i can't change anything but I was wondering if i can still get above 95 ATAR and if so how can i score 40+ for the rest of my subjects.
My subjects for 2020 are:
Maths Methods 3/4
English 3/4
Chemistry 3/4
Psychology 3/4
Legal Studies 3/4

please help me it would be much appreciated as I would love to get into medicine.

Hey Imaoissajoke,
I'm in the same boat as you, having also received a 27 in Biology in Year 11 but having 95+ ATAR aspirations and you can definitely score above 95 (even if you only had 4 subjects you could so it is definitely within reach), there are a heap of useful resources around the internet and ATARNotes specifically, send me a message and I'll send you my document with a bunch of links you might be interested in looking at
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP


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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #131 on: January 29, 2020, 11:08:59 pm »
To anyone starting school this week....I wish you all the best for the year ahead!! Don't forget to treat and take care of yourselves throughout the year  :D

You've got this!! Lets ACE this year together  ;)

Whats everyone looking forward too about Year 12?

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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #132 on: January 30, 2020, 08:00:35 am »
To anyone starting school this week....I wish you all the best for the year ahead!! Don't forget to treat and take care of yourselves throughout the year  :D

You've got this!! Lets ACE this year together  ;)

Whats everyone looking forward too about Year 12?

Graduation haha and smashing the exams this time.
2019/2020 - Psychology | Biology | Chemistry | Methods | Further | English
2021 - Science @ Melbourne University


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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #133 on: February 01, 2020, 06:45:01 pm »
To anyone starting school this week....I wish you all the best for the year ahead!! Don't forget to treat and take care of yourselves throughout the year  :D

You've got this!! Lets ACE this year together  ;)

Whats everyone looking forward too about Year 12?
Year 12 hoodies, the kitchen and legal studies!!
— VCE —
English 30, Further Maths 33, Biology 33, Legal Studies 27, Psychology 32

— University —
Bachelor of Nursing @ Monash
Bachelor of Counselling & Psychological Science @ ACAP

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Re: Class of 2020
« Reply #134 on: February 05, 2020, 02:07:06 pm »
Year 12 hoodies, the kitchen and legal studies!!

You get a kitchen?? :o